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298 lines (236 loc) · 7.36 KB

File metadata and controls

298 lines (236 loc) · 7.36 KB


Get started in 3 steps:

  1. CLI: Install hdlss CLI.
  2. Configuration: Create a configuration file and provision your service instance.
  3. Frontend: Include the client library in your frontend code.

Step 1: CLI

npm i -g hdlss

Step 2: Configuration

Create a configuration file named hdlss.config.js:

config = {
    projectId: '',
    appUrl: '',
    '/thumb': {
        load: '/thumbnail',

Ask to generate your CLI UUID, project token, and provision some resources for you:

hdlss init

(From the same folder.)

You now have a hdlss.token.js file that you should keep safe and treat like you would any service token with full permissions.

To update the configuration make changes to the config file and run:

hdlss apply

(These operations may take up to a few minutes to complete.)

Step 3: Frontend

Include the hdlss-browser-client library in your frontend project:

npm i hdlss-browser-client

Call the ready function in all (relevant) routes that should be renderable using

// ...
// route has finished rendering, capture screen now
// ...

You're good to go:

curl > thumb.png

Use Cases (Examples)

generating thumbnails for your users

Sample config:

config = {
    appUrl: '',
    '/thumb/$id/$width': {
        load: '/drawing/$id',
        output: {
            type: 'jpeg',
            maxWidth: 680,
        cache: '24h',

Sample curl:

curl > thumb-12345-320.jpeg

allowing your users to export pages as PDF or image

Sample config:

config = {
    appUrl: '',
    defaults: {load: '/drawing/$id'},
    '/export/pdf/$id': {
        output: {
            type: 'pdf',
            media: 'screen',
            landscape: true,
        cache: false,
    '/export/png/$id': {
        output: 'png',
        viewport: '4k',
        cache: false,

Sample curl:

curl > thumb-12345-320.jpeg

Gitops Support

Sample git hook script that will check if any hdlss.config.js file has changed and will run hdlss apply for each one:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -euo pipefail


hdlss_files=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r HEAD | { grep hdlss.config.js || true; })

[[ -n "$hdlss_files" ]] || exit 0

for f in "$hdlss_files"; do
    echo -n " config changed at $f, applying update... "
    token_file="$(dirname $f)/hdlss.token.js"
    [[ -f $token_file ]] || { echo "ERROR: token file not found at $token_file, cannot apply update!" >&2; exit 1; }
    curl -s -S --fail --data-binary @$f -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' -H "Authorization: $(cat $token_file | base64 -w0)" ${HDLSS_API}/v1/apply >/dev/null
    echo "OK"

Sample .gitlab-ci.yml to go with the above:

- hooks

  stage: hooks
  script: .ci/hooks/
  - master

Suggested dir layout in your gitops git repo, assuming single gitops repo for a single group of co-deployed/interdependent (micro-)services:

(repo root)
|- services
      |- hdlss.config.js
      |- hdlss.token.js

Configuration Options Reference

Spec for the configuration format

const routeOptions = {
    basicAuth: {username: 'string', password: 'string'},
    load: 'uriWithParams',
    viewport: 'dimensions',
    cache: 'bool|duration', // | means OR
    timeout: 'duration',
    output: {
        __defaultKey__: 'type', // this means if given output: 'png' it will transform into output:{type:'png'}
        type: 'pdf|png|jpeg', // these are literals, not types
        media: 'screen|print', // again both literals
        landscape: 'bool',
        maxWidth: 'uint',
        width: 'uint',
        height: 'uint',

module.exports = {
    spec: {
        appUrl: 'url!',
        customDomain: 'domain',
        environments: {
            '[string]': { // applies to all key-value pairs with a key type of string
                appUrl: 'urlWithParams',
                defaults: routeOptions,
        defaults: routeOptions,
        '[uriWithParams] route': { // applies to all key-value pairs with a key type of uriWithParams
        projectId: 'string',

Type notes


Any "number non-decimal-non-whitespace number" string, ignoring whitespace. Examples: 1024*768, 1024 x 768 Special named dimensions:

const named = {
    '8k': '7680 x 4320',
    '4k': '3840 x 2160',
    'hd': '1920 x 1080',
    '1080p': '1920 x 1080',
    '720p': '1280 x 720',

Parameter Handling

Any parameters (path or query) are passed to the app being rendered and can be retrieved by calling hdlss.getEnv(paramName).

Special Parameters

Parameter Function
width overrides configured output width
authToken replaced with cryptographically secure randomly chosen token in any output URLs; so if any routes require a user's personal token to render their content the token will not be leaked even if a user should copy-paste an image URL to share it with someone else; otherwise not treated specially

Advanced Configuration Example

config = {
    customDomain: '', // projectId defaults to (customDomain || appUrl)
    appUrl: '',
    environments: { // urls can be prefixed by environment name
        preview: {
            appUrl: '$branch', // path variables defined here are expected to be passed right after the environment name, e.g.
            defaults: {
                basicAuth: {username: 'myuser', password: 'mypass'}, // require http basic auth for all routes accessed through this environment
            // env-specific routes could be defined here
        // more envs can go here
    defaults: {
        load: '/print/$id',
        output: 'png',
        timeout: '60s', // increase from default 10s
    '/t/$width/$id/$authToken?': { // '?' means optional param
        cache: '30m', // cache for a short time
        output: {
            maxWidth: 700, // mostly to prevent anyone from messing with us and use up unnecessary compute
        load: '/print/$id?hideNonPrintSection=1', // url params available to app as expected
    '/export/png/$id/$authToken?': {
        cache: false, // always render freshly
        viewport: '4k',
    '/export/png/8k/$id/$authToken?': {
        cache: false,
        viewport: '8k',
    '/export/pdf/$id/$authToken?': {
        cache: false,
        viewport: '4k',
        output: {
            type: 'pdf',
            media: 'screen',
            landscape: true,

Known Issues

  • It may sometimes take up to 10 minutes or longer before a configuration update via hdlss apply has been processed.


  • Make any configured parameters overridable via URL path or query parameters
  • Zero-config mode
  • (Sub-)Domain validation
  • Not requiring client library inclusion and hdlss.ready() call when request is already validated through (sub-)domain