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File metadata and controls

125 lines (84 loc) · 5.35 KB


This package within the monorepo is the heart of the web application and is responsible for many key pieces of functionality:

  • Polling for and generating new blockchain assets
  • Orchestrating payments and their statuses
  • User wallet management and on-chain asset transferring
  • Dispatching email notifications
  • Consuming and disseminating CMS data
  • Providing a REST API interface for the frontend (web package)
  • And more!

While the api is responsible for many complex operations, its architecture is clean and relatively straightforward. It is built on Fastify, runs on a Postgres database using Objection as an ORM, leverages Typebox for validation and Swagger generation, and runs a number of routine in-memory background tasks using Toad Scheduler as well as providing API endpoints for the frontend.

Get started

Install all dependencies from the root of the monorepo:

npm install

In the api service, you'll want to ensure that you've configured your .env file and set up a database. Make sure you've created a Postgres databases that matches what's set in the DATABASE_URL key in your .env file.

If you're not using the default DATABASE_SCHEMA=public in your .env file, then you'll need to make sure to create the schema you choose:


Finally, apply migrations:

npm run db:latest

Per the .env, you'll also need to be connected to an Algorand node, whether in development or production.

Creating a local Algorand Sandbox account

For local development, the Algorand Sandbox is handy docker instance that makes interfacing with the blockchain simple from your local machine. It will also create an account that can be funded with fake Algos using the Testnet Dispenser.

To create an account:

./sandbox up
  • Then create an account:
./sandbox goal account new
  • This will output Created new account with address <ADDRESS>
  • Take that <ADDRESS> and input
./sandbox goal account export -a <ADDRESS>
  • Use the outputted mnemonic within the .env file within this project.

Once everything is configured, you can start everything in development/watch mode:

npm run dev

To build:

npm run build

Folder structure

locales/ # Interpolated i18n translation files used for email notifications
  [locale]/ # e.g. en-US
    emails.json # Grouping of translatable JSON
scripts/ # Utilities (e.g. create algorand account)
src/ # Main source code
  api/ # Root setup for the api server
  configuration/ # Environment configurations
  lib/ # Third-party service adapters
  migrations/ # Database migrations
  models/ # Knex database entity models
  modules/ # API service layer (routes, handlers, db interactions)
  plugins/ # Helpful api plugins
  seeds/ # Database seeding scripts
  shared/ # Shared service utilties
  tasks/ # Routine in-memory task configurations
  utils/ # Handy utilities used throughout app
test/ # Test environment configurations
... # various dot files and configuration for the project

General conventions

The server is configured in ./packages/api/src/api/build-app.ts and bootstrapped in ./packages/api/src/index.ts. The latter file connects the server to the database and kicks off routine in-memory tasks.

Public API

Routes are also registered during this configuration stage and requests to those routes are intercepted by the corresponding controllers in the ./packages/api/src/modules directory. These controllers call services where database interactions take place.


In addition to the information stored in the api database, the CMS is also leveraged to provide the frontend with pertinent data. The CMS data holds "templates", which are content/imagery oriented representations of an NFT. The api layer will fetch these templates from the database and use them to either mint NFTs, or just to associate already-minted NFTs (or packs of NFTs) with the corresponding content.

CMS implementation details can be found in ./packages/api/src/lib/directus-adapter.ts.


Emails are scheduled and dispatched to the appropriate users when certain asynchronous actions occur (e.g. assets are transferred, and auction is won, etc.). These leverage Sendgrid (see ./packages/api/src/lib/sendgrid-adapter.ts for more implementation details), but the adapter can be subbed out in favor of another email distributor with minimal effort.


Toad Scheduler is used to run routine in-memory tasks at set intervals. A list of scheduled tasks can be found in ./packages/api/src/tasks/index.ts.


Any updates to database models should be accompanied by a database migrations (see existing migrations in ./packages/api/src/migrations for inspiration). Each migration must include a downward migration in case a rollback is needed. Additionally, the package.json contains other migration scripts (up, down, rollback, and latest) in case they're needed.