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Alan Heanue edited this page Apr 23, 2017 · 2 revisions


Here are some of the limitations that I had during my time developing this project, I had issues with trying to learn the basic syntax of ruby as well as create a web application. Here are some of the limitations.

  • Time, I found that time was against me trying to do some research and looking for answers I probably ran out of time to finish my app to where I needed

  • Version support I was a long time researching the what ruby and rails versions to download I found a lot of older packages and gems were not compatible with the newer versions. Also, some gems not working at all with ruby 5.

  • Rails Support I was writing with the latest version of ruby on rails and found very little help on the newer version even its own documentation was not very helpful. A lot of gems were older so I found that rails 4 was still the main version being used online.

  • OS support Rails does not work well with windows as I found most of the time trying to configure a server or platform for rails. Firstly, Git bash was great but didn’t run most of my project so I downloaded a rails console environment which was great, but soon discovered that some gems needed other software to run properly. This was difficult to configure paths and get them to read each other. I started reading that Linux was the Os’ to write rails apps with so I decided to finish my project in a Linux Environment

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