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WARNING: the contents of this design document are currently out of date. Recently, Hearth has done a radical change from the "everyone is trusted" policy described in this document to a capability-based security model. Please refer to #104 for more info surrounding this. Because of this, Hearth has grown a lot in complexity and core architecture, and this documentation has not been updated to reflect this yet.

Most of the ideas here are still relevant to Hearth's design, but please keep in mind that Hearth has undergone some fundamental restructuring since the specifics described here were written.

Thank you for your interest in Hearth, and stay posted for new documentation!


The name "Hearth" is meant to invoke the coziness of sharing a warm fireplace with loved ones. Hearth is based on a straight-forward client-server network architecture, with multiple peers connecting to a single persistent host. In Hearth, all peers on the network are assumed to be friendly, so any peer can perform any action on the world. This assumption sidesteps a massive amount of design dilemmas that have plagued virtual spaces for as long as they have existed.

In order to upgrade Hearth's design from a trustful private environment to a trustless public service, future systems will need to solve these dilemmas in order to prevent griefing. Hearth's goal is to explore implementations of shared execution and content workflow, not security or permissions systems.

Hearth is effectively two programs at once: a distributed scripting environment and a game engine. The scripting provides the metatextual rules of the environment and the game engine creates the spatial substrate of the world. The bridge between distributed execution logic and game engine logic is in the scripting API. Scripts perform high-level logic in the environment, but are also singularly responsible for loading and managing all of the spatial content.


Hearth operates over TCP socket connections. Although other real-time networking options like GameNetworkingSockets or QUIC have significantly better performance, TCP is being used because it doesn't require NAT traversal and it performs packet ordering and error checking without help from userspace.

Hearth spaces are password-protected. Hearth assumes that peers are friendly, but not that all network nodes with access to the server can become peers, or that man-in-the-middle attacks are impossible. When a connection to a Hearth server is made, the client and server execute a password-authenticated key-exchange (PAKE) protocol, then use the resulting session key to encrypt all future communication between them.

The specific PAKE method used is Facebook's OPAQUE protocol with Argon2 as the password hash derivation function. OPAQUE has been audited by NCC Group and Argon2 is well-established for password hashing and is highly popular. After exchanging session keys, ChaCha20 is directly applied to TCP communication. ChaCha20 is another well-established cryptography protocol.


Scripting in Hearth is done with WebAssembly. WebAssembly is extremely performant, simple, a compile target for lots of languages, and has especially good support in Rust, Hearth's main development language.

Hearth's execution model is inspired by BEAM, the virtual machine that the Erlang and Elixir programming languages run on. BEAM is a tried-and-true solution for creating resilient, fault-tolerant, hot-swappable systems, so many of Hearth's design choices follow BEAM's. Hearth scripts are ran as green thread "processes" that can spawn and kill other processes. Processes share data by sending messages back and forth from each other. A significant departure from BEAM is that because Hearth runs on multiple computers at once, processes can spawn other processes on different peers, which can be either another client or the server. Hearth's networking implementation will then transport messages sent from a process on one peer to another, and the server will relay client-to-client messages.

A working example of a BEAM-like WebAssembly runtime is Lunatic. Lunatic runs green Wasm threads on top of a Rust asynchronous runtime, which handles all of the cooperative multitasking and async IO. Lunatic also implements preemptive multitasking by timeslicing Wasm execution, then yielding to other green threads. Lunatic's operation is another large influence on Hearth's design, and Hearth may reference--or even directly use--Lunatic's code in its own codebase.


Processes may be registered in the runtime as a service. A service is simply a process that can be located using a string identifier. This way, other processes depending on the functionality provided by another process may consistently acquire access to that process, even if the process ID for the required process changes between instantiations, runtime executions, or peers.

Native Processes

Some processes are not WebAssembly scripts but are instead processes running in the runtime application. These native processes provide non-native processes with features that sandboxed WebAssembly scripts would not otherwise have access to. These include global space configuration, mouse and keyboard input on desktops, and more.


To administrate the network, every peer in a Hearth network exposes an IPC interface on a Unix domain socket. This can be used to query running processes, retrieve properties of the other peers on the network, send and receive messages to processes, kill or restart misbehaving processes, and most importantly, load new WebAssembly modules into the environment. The expected content development loop in Hearth is to develop new scripts natively, then load and execute the compiled module into Hearth using IPC.



Lumps are multipurpose, hash-identified binary blobs that are exchanged on-demand over the Hearth network. To distribute lumps to other peers, Hearth first hashes each lump and uses that hash as an identifier to other peers. If a peer does not own a copy of a lump, it will not recognize the hash of that lump in its cache, and it will request the lump's data from another peer. Client peers request lump data from the server, and the server requests lump data from the client that has referenced the unrecognized ID.

Processes may both create their own lump in memory and read a foreign lump's data back into process memory. In this way, processes may procedurally generate runtime Hearth content into the space, load content data formats that the core Hearth runtime does not recognize, or pipeline lumps through multiple processes that each perform some transformation on them.

Processes may send and receive the hashed IDs of lumps to other processes via messages. When an ID is sent to a process on a remote peer, however, the remote runtime may not recognize that a lump's ID has been referenced. The result is that the remote process obtains an ID for a lump but no way to access its data. To remedy this, processes have a host call that explicitly transfers a lump's data to a remote peer. This way, processes can ensure that remote processes have access to lumps that are being transferred.

Note that lumps can be created by processes and that Wasm modules are loaded from lumps. As a consequence of this, Hearth processes may generate and load Wasm modules at runtime. This allows a WebAssembly compiler that can create new Hearth processes to be in of itself a Wasm Hearth process. A major field of research in Hearth's beta phase is to study the possibilities of a self-hosting Hearth environment using this technique.

Terminal Emulator

So far, only Hearth's network architecture, execution model, and content model have been described. These fulfill the first and second principles of Hearth's design philosophy, but not the third principle: the space itself must provide tooling to extend and modify itself. The easiest and simplest way to do this is to implement a virtual terminal emulator inside of the 3D space, as a floating window. This terminal emulator runs a native shell on the hosting user's computer, with full access to the filesystem, native programs, and the IPC interface for the Hearth process. The user can use the virtual terminal to edit Hearth scripts using an existing terminal text editor like Vim, Neovim, or Emacs, compile the script into a WebAssembly module, then load and execute that module, all without ever switching from Hearth to another application or shutting down Hearth itself.

The terminal emulator's text is rendered with multichannel signed distance field (MSDF) rendering. MSDF rendering is good for text in 3D space because each glyph can be drawn with high-quality antialiasing and texture filtering from a large variety of viewing angles.


Hearth runs outside of the browser as a native application. Linux is the only target platform to start with but Windows support will also be added during the alpha phase of development.



Hearth is written entirely in Rust, a memory-safe compiled language with powerful generics and parallelization. Choosing Rust eases developing a native runtime with rapid iteration and portability in mind without compromising on performance. Because Hearth uses WebAssembly, Rust can be used to write Hearth processes too. This monolanguage setup reduces development friction between guest and host code.

Hearth is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0. The AGPL is used for Hearth because it ensures that all peers on a network can view the source code of all other peers' runtimes. Hearth's philosophy affirms that there is no valid use of the Hearth runtime between unfriendly peers, and if a peer won't share their source code with you, they're not your friend.


The Tokio provides an asynchronous Rust runtime for async code, non-blocking IO over both TCP and Unix domain sockets, and a foundation for WebAssembly multitasking.

The protocols for both IPC and client-server communication are based on the Remoc crate, which implements transport-agnostic channels, binary blob transport, remote procedure calls (RPC), watchable data collections, and other networking constructs. This will save a lot of development time that would otherwise be spent writing networking primitives. Using Remoc makes it difficult to standardize a top-to-bottom protocol definition, and the assumption is being made that no programs other than Hearth or its forks will be using the protocol. The development time saved is more than worth the loss of interoperability.


Although Hearth's goal is to implement as much as possible inside of its processes, some system- or hardware-level interfacing is unavoidable. In order to make this interfacing modular and optional Hearth defines a plugin system for all non-essential components that all of its major subsystems are built on top of. This includes IPC, rendering, input handling, terminal management, and WebAssembly process execution itself.


Assets are specialized host-side objects that are loaded from lump data. Examples of assets are WebAssembly modules, 3D meshes, images, and other formatted media that's used by host-side plugins. To load a lump, each plugin may register asset loaders into the runtime on initialization. Each asset loader defines a function that takes a binary blob as input and returns an asset object. Then, the runtime's asset store returns a shared pointer to that new asset object. Assets are cached by lump ID in the asset store, and old, unused lumps are freed to conserve system memory usage. The primary purpose of the lump system is to provide native plugin authors with a reusable utility for loading serialized data and objects from lumps.


Scenes are rendered with rend3, a batteries-included rendering engine based on wgpu. rend3 includes PBR, lighting, a render graph, skybox rendering, frustum culling, rigged mesh skinning, tone mapping, and other handy renderer features that Hearth doesn't need to do itself. Additionally, rend3's frame graph allows us to easily extend the renderer with new features as needed.

Terminal Emulator

The terminal emulator is implemented with the help of the alacritty_terminal crate, which parses the output of native child processes and writes it into a display-ready grid of characters. Then, Hearth draws the characters onto 2D planes projected in 3D space using MSDF textures generated with the msdfgen crate. This rendering is a custom node in the rend3 frame graph with a custom shader.

  • TBD: can we load glyph outlines from a TTF file without building Freetype?
    • note: the ttf-parser crate looks like what we need)
  • TBD: UX for interacting with in-space terminals?



Loading Lumps

Logging From Wasm


Hearth provides a command-line interface (CLI) utility program to perform simple interactions with the daemon. This may be invoked with an interactive shell or by shell scripts. Scripts may chain together multiple invocations of the CLI to create more complex workflows. This allows Hearth users to repeatedly perform complex actions without needing to compile and spawn a new Hearth process or to compile and run a new native process.

The CLI program is named hearth-ctl and has multiple subcommands that each perform a different operation on the runtime. Hearth may add more subcommands as needed, but at the current time of writing it is known that they include:

  • load-lump: load a lump
  • list-processes: list processes
  • kill: kill a process
  • spawn: spawn a process
  • tail: tail a process's log
  • send: send a process a message

hearth-ctl follows POSIX-like conventions for user interaction. It returns reasonable exit codes according to the POSIX standard, and displays output to stdout in lightly- or un-formatted strings that can be easily processed by a shell script.

Exit codes are provided by the yacexits crate.


A more advanced alternative to hearth-ctl is hearth-console, a terminal user interface (TUI) utility program. hearth-console provides a long-running live view into the status of the connected Hearth daemon, and user-friendly controls (at least for users acclimated to GUIs) to administrate the Hearth runtime.

Features include, but are not limited to:

  • a live, htop-like process view displaying all processes and services (TODO: and their children?)
  • tabbed process logs to follow multiple process logs simultaneously
  • TODO: resource consumption?

hearth-console uses the tui crate as the base TUI framework.


Phase 0: Pre-Production

In phase 0, Hearth documents its purpose, proposes an implementation, decides on which libraries and resources to use in its development, and finds a handful of core developers who understand Hearth's goals and who are capable of meaningfully contributing in the long run.

  • write a design document
  • create a Discord server
  • create a GitHub repository
  • onboard 3-4 core developers who can contribute to Hearth long-term
  • design a project logo
  • set up continuous integration to check pull requests
  • write a describing contribution workflow
  • design a workspace structure
  • set up licensing headers and copyright information
  • finalize the rest of the phases of the roadmap
  • money?

Phase 1: Pre-Alpha

In phase 1, each subsystem of Hearth is developed, and the details of its design aspects are made concrete. The whole system has not yet been tied together, and low-level design decisions are considered in isolation of each other.

Hearth's core host-side components can generally be decoupled from each other into several different areas of development or subsystems:

  1. IPC, TUI, and CLI interfaces.
  2. Client-server networking.
  3. Process management.
  4. Virtual terminal emulator development.

Because these different areas are independent, the goal is to work on each of these areas in parallel. During this point of development, it's important that multiple developers work in coordination with each other in order to progress to alpha as quickly as possible. Mock interfaces and placeholder data where functioning inter-component code would otherwise go are used to develop each component separately.

  • implement password authentication and stream encryption
  • create a standalone, usable, rend3-based 3D terminal emulator
  • design an inter-subsystem plugin interface
  • create a process store capable of sending messages between local processes
  • implement process linking
  • create a lump store data structure
  • create an asset loading system
  • design initial RPC network interfaces
  • write mock RPC endpoints for testing subsystems in isolation
  • implement IPC using Unix domain sockets (Unix only)
  • complete hearth-ctl
  • define guest-to-host WebAssembly APIs for logging, lump loading, and message transmission
  • create a native service for spawning WebAssembly processes
  • integrate rend3 and winit into hearth-client
  • use WebSockets (optionally over TLS) for networking

Phase 2: Alpha

In phase 2, Hearth begins to come together as a whole. Each subsystem is hooked into the others, and the developers work together to synthesize their work into a single functioning application. Although at this point in development network servers are started up for testing, the protocols between subsystems are highly unstable, so long-lived, self-sustaining virtual spaces are still unfeasible.

  • write a unit test suite for Wasm guests written in Rust
  • implement an asset reaper for unused assets
  • implement message-sending between processes on different peers
  • implement a process supervision tree in hearth-guest
  • asynchronous MSDF glyph loading for large fonts
  • support IPC on Windows using an appropriate alternative to Unix domain sockets
  • complete the WebAssembly host call APIs
  • complete hearth-console
  • add asset loaders for rend3 meshes, 2D textures, cube textures, and materials
  • integrate alacritty_terminal with Tokio's child process API
  • create native services for rend3 meshes, lights, and skeletons
  • create native services for pancake mode input handling
  • create native services for rend3 configuration like skyboxes, global lighting, and camera setup
  • create native services for virtual terminal management
  • create a server blocklist and allowlist system

Phase 3: Beta

In phase 3, Hearth's protocols and system interfaces are mature and relatively stable, so a long-lived development space is created. In this space, developers work together on exploring the capabilities of Hearth processes, and implement practical applications in Hearth using Hearth's fundamental toolkit. If oversights or missing features are found in Hearth's interfaces, they are addressed as fit. However, because the fundamentals of Hearth's implementation are complete, changes to interfaces are infrequent and often non-breaking.

A major focus of this phase is to refine the design principles of writing Hearth processes through rapid iteration, collaboration, and peer review. This makes phase 3 the most difficult phase to complete, as Hearth's goal during this step is to explore uncharted design territory in a unique execution environment.

Here are some ideas for subjects of exploration that Hearth may explore in beta:

  • Database
    • data backup
    • process-to-host integration with database APIs
    • persistent world storage
  • Physics
    • avatar movement and input handling systems
    • guest-side physics engines (using Rapier)
    • avatar skeletal animation
    • inverse kinematics
  • Models
    • OBJ loading
    • FBX loading
    • glTF loading
  • Audio
    • audio compression
    • spatial audio
    • voice chat
  • Editing
    • collaborative world editing
    • live mesh editing
    • live interior design and virtual architecture tooling
  • Languages/Scripting
    • WASI-based text editors for non-native script authoring
    • Wasm compilers in Hearth for non-native script development
    • guest APIs for more WebAssembly languages (i.e. C/C++, AssemblyScript, Grain)
    • non-Wasm process scripting runtimes (i.e. Lua, Mono, Javascript, Lisp, Python)
    • Create a block-based Scratch-like scripting language
  • Miscellaneous
    • in-space virtual cameras for external applications to record the space through

These topics may be further explored post-beta. They mainly serve the purpose of guiding Hearth's developers towards supporting an aligned set of expected usecases and to fuel curiosity into Hearth's potential.

Phase 4: Release

  • publish Hearth on the AUR
  • publish Hearth's crates to the AUR
  • evaluate Hearth's design and brainstorm future improvements to found problems
  • create a launcher for Hearth server and client
  • create comprehensive documentation on usage
  • create a web page for promoting and reusing community contributions