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Traveler - Onramp x iOS Engineer (Interview: Take Home Project)

Are you working remotely and forgetting to step outside and enjoy the nature around you? Or are you frequently searching online for the best places to visit while planning your next getaway? The Traveler application can help! With just a few clicks, Traveler will assist you in finding up to 50 top landmarks and outdoor destinations anywhere in the world.

Quick Note: It is recommended to view this repository in light mode for better readability.


Traveler is powered by Foursquare's Places API to search exclusively for landmarks and outdoor destinations. Using iOS frameworks Core Location and Map Kit, this application allows users to quickly find nearby destinations and view their location on a map. This application is built using Swift and UIKit.

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your Info.plist file:

  • API_KEY: Add Foursquare's Place's API Authentication API Key to your environment. Create a developer account with Foursquare to receive your API Key.


Landing Screen (Home)

By allowing access to the device's location, the user will be able to find the closest destination on the landing screen without making any searches. The user can also see the category, address, and distance in miles, as well as directions to the destination.

Search Screen

Users can search by typing into the search bar or by clicking on the "Use current location" button. The user can also click on recent searches to quickly repeat a search. The search bar also includes an auto completer to assist the user.

Result Screen

Users can view the results of their search on the result screen and update their search query or apply filters for a better searching experience. The results include a small image, name, and address.

Detail Screen

The detail screen includes swipeable oversized images, as well as the category, address, a map view, and a list of related places.

Design & User Flow

Landing Screen

Main   Scroll down   Landscape

  • The main landing screen includes a scroll view to display data with large fonts for readability and support for landscape mode.
  • A guide view (not visible) covers the top half of the device's screen to help position and size the circular image view properly for device orientation.
  • An image view tap gesture allows the user to go directly to the detail screen with animation to convey that this is a button.
  • A search button in the top navigation clearly communicates the transition to the search screen.
  • A distance label displays the distance in miles to the nearby recommended place.
  • MapKit is used to show directions to the nearby recommended place.

Search Screen

Main   Edit Recent Search   Auto Completer   Landscape

  • The UISearchBar is auto-focused as the first responder so the user can start searching as soon as the screen appears.
  • MKLocalSearchCompleter is configured to show only address results to assist the user in finding the best results.
  • The "Use current location" button allows for quick searches of nearby places without typing.
  • A recent search table view displays a list of search history and allows the user to delete recent searches with a swipe gesture.
  • The search result label is displayed instead of the result search when displaying a table view list of results from MKLocalSearchCompleter.
  • The user can press enter on the device keyboard or tap on a row in the table view to initiate a search.

Result Screen

Loading   Loaded   Landscape

  • As soon as a search is made, the result screen is displayed as a medium detent modal from the search screen, allowing the user to quickly make another search without going back to the previous screen.
  • To improve the user experience, the tableView rows are initially displayed with placeholder images and text while the actual data is being loaded.
  • The filter section at the top of the modal includes options to filter by "Open Now," set a search limit, and sort the results.
  • "Open Now" is a toggle button that filters the results to only show destinations that are currently open.
  • The search limit option is a dropdown menu button that allows the user to choose the maximum number of results to display.
  • The sort option is a dropdown menu button that allows the user to sort the results by "Relevance," "Rating" or "Distance."
  • The results table view displays a list of destinations with an image, name, and address.
  • A destination cell tap gesture through delegation pattern allows the user to go directly to the detail screen.

Detail Screen

Main   Related Places   Landscape

  • The detail screen includes swipeable oversized images implemented with collection view of the destination, as well as its category, address, and a map view.
  • A back button in the top left corner allows the user to go back to the previous screen.

Light/Dark Mode

  • The colors for the application are set using the system coloring, allowing users to view the application in a style that is consistent with their phone's setting. A global variable is used to easily manage and change overall color scheme.
  • For more information on the implementation and examples of the application in dark/light mode, see the ColorPalette section under Architecture and the Demo section.



  • Service
    • UserService
      • Service/manager for user data model containing CRUD methods to manage User's properties.
      • Uses Singleton pattern with a shared property and a private initializer.
        • There will only ever be one instance of User class needed per application.
  • User
    • User
      • User data model with a set of RecentSearch, a set of LikedLocation, and a Coordinate.
    • RecentSearch
      • One-to-many relationship with User.
      • Includes title and subtitle property and conforms to Codable, Equatable, Hashable protocols to be used as a set by User.
    • LikedLocation
      • One-to-many relationship with User.
      • Typealias String to be used as a set by User.
  • Place
    • Response
      • Decodable data model for response from Places API.
    • Place
      • One-to-many relationship with Response.
      • Decodable data model that defines model for each place.
    • Image
      • Decodable data model for Image response from Places API.
      • The image URLs will be constructed from this data model as a string and placed inside the Place data model's imageUrls property.
        • The Places API requires a separate HTTP request for the images data. imageUrls in Place is not part of the actual response from the API.
      • Can be viewed as One-to-many Relationship with Place.
  • CoreLocation
    • LocationAnnotation
      • Data model for annotations to be placed on the map that conforms to MKAnnotation protocol.
    • Coordindate
      • One-to-one relationship with Place.
      • One-to-one relationship with User as lastLocation property.


  • Cell
    • SearchCell
      • Definesthe UI for Search Screen's tableView row.
      • Contains an update method is used by SearchViewController to update the data.
      • There are two update methods: one for RecentSearch to display recent searches, and another for MKLocalSearchCompletion to display search completer results.
    • ResultCell
      • Defines the UI for Result Screen's tableView row.
      • Contains an update method that is used by ResultViewController to update the data.
    • ImageCell
      • Defines the UI for Detail Screen's collectionView row.
      • Contains an Update method is used by DetailViewController's to update data
  • Extensions
    • UIImageViewExtension
      • Extends UIImageView with an loadFrom method that accepts url and a boolean for animation as arguments and loads the image.
    • UIButtonExtension
      • Extends UIButton with configureButton method that helps with configuring the button easily with one method.
    • UILabelExtension
      • Extends UILabel with configureLabel method for easy configuration.
    • UITextViewExtension
      • Extends UITextView with configureNonEditableTextView method for easy configuration.
  • ColorPalette
    • Extends UIColor with a MyColor struct with color properties used in the application.


  • HomeViewController
    • Subclass of UIViewController
    • Conforms to MKMapViewDelegate protocol and acts as a delegate for a MKMapView object to display a route to the destination from user's location.
    • Conforms to CLLocationManagerDelegate protocol and acts as a delegate for CLLocationManager object to receive updates about the location of the device.
    • Each view controller is organized as extensions for maintainability, readability, and scalability.
  • SearchViewController
    • Subclass of UIViewController
    • Conforms to UISearchBarDelegate protocol and acts a delegate for a UISearchBar object to receive the search query entered into the search bar.
    • Conforms to MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate protocol and acts as a delegate for a MKLocalSearchCompleter object that receives completions based on a search query.
    • Conforms to UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource protocols and acts as a delegate and datasource for the tableView to define the data to be displayed and receives events when user clicks on the row.
  • ResultViewController
    • Subclass of UIViewController
    • Conforms to UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSourceprotocols.
  • DetailViewController
    • Subclass of UIViewController
    • Conforms to UICollectionViewDelegate and UICollectionViewDataSourceprotocols.
  • Utility
    • HTTPRequest
      • A class that contains static methods buildRequest and makeRequest that are used in the view controllers to build the HTTP request and make the request.
      • The main use for this class is to avoid repetitive code. (D.R.Y.)


For better quality video and full demo, please checkout the links below.

Beyond MVP: Future Development Goals

  • Add support for multiple languages to increase the global appeal of the app.
  • Add a feature for users to plan and book activities and experiences, such as tours, hikes, and adventure sports
  • Integrate with other travel-related APIs, such as flight and hotel booking
  • Allow users to create and save custom travel itineraries
  • Add integration with social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, for users to share their travels with friends and followers
  • Implement a feature for users to receive personalized recommendations based on their past search and visit history
  • Add integration with weather apps, so users can plan their trips around the weather
  • Enable related places button to refresh the Detail screen with the selected location
  • Add a view for review section
  • Add a screen for liked locations and automatically organize them by city
  • Add a button to mark places as visited
  • Connect with iPhone's Map for user to quickly turn on navigation to selected destination


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