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Website to rate Cars ?


This is an app to rate Cars you like or dont like and share your experience of the Car with other Users.

User Stories

  • 404: As a user I get to see a 404 page with a feedback message if I try to reach a page that does not exist so that I know it's my fault.
  • Homepage: As a User the Homepage displays images of rated cars by other users and a list of rated cars.
  • Signup: As an anonymous user I can sign up on the platform so that I can start creating and ratings.
  • Login: As a user I can login to the platform so that I can access my profile and start creating and managing ratings.
  • Logout: As a logged in user I can logout from the platform so no one else can use it.
  • Profile Page: As a logged in user I can visit my profile page so that I can access the edit page and see the list of ratings I have created.
  • Add Ratings: As a logged in user I can access the add tournament page so that I can create a new tournament.
  • Edit Ratings: As a logged in user I can access the edit ratings page so that I can edit the rating I created.
  • All Cars: As a user I can list all the cars and filter them.
  • One Car: As a user I can see the average ratings of one car.
  • One Rating: As a user I can see one specific rating and all the details that the other user added to the rating.


  • Add admin Page
  • Make page more secure

Client / Frontend

React Router Routes (React App)

Path Component Permissions Behavior
/login LoginPage anon only <AnonRoute> Login form, navigates to home page after login.
/signup SignupPage anon only <AnonRoute> Signup form, navigates to home page after signup.
/ HomePage public <Route> Home page.
/user ProfilePage user only <isLoggedIn> User and player profile for the current user.
/user/edit EditProfilePage user only <isLoggedIn> Edit user profile form.
/user/:id EditOneRatingPage user only <isLoggedIn> Edit one rating by user
/newrating CreateRatingtPage user only <isLoggedIn> Create a new rating.
/allcars RatingListPage user only <isLoggedIn> All cars list.
/car/:carId CarRatingsPage user only <isLoggedIn> All the ratings of one car
/rating/:id OneRatingPage user only <isLoggedIn> One rating of one car



  • LoginPage
  • SignupPage
  • HomePage
  • ProfilePage
  • EditProfilePage
  • EditRatingPage
  • CreateRatingPage
  • RatingListPage
  • OneCarRatingPage
  • OneRatingPage


  • Navbar


  • Auth Service

    • auth.service.js
      • .login(user)
      • .signup(user)
      • .logout()
      • .verify()
  • File Service

    • file.service.js
      • .uploadImage()

External API Endpoints

Cars by brand


  • Darkblue #1f3075
  • Lightblue #c9dfec
  • Grey #343f5c
  • Orange #ec5e04
  • White #ffffff

Server / Backend


User model

const userSchema = new Schema({
  email: { type: String, unique: true, required: true }, 
  password: { type: String, required: true }, 
  name: { type: String, required: true }, 
  role: { type: String, enum: ["admin", "user"], default: "user" }, 
  image: { type: String, default: "" }, 
  ratings: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Rating" }], 

Car model

const carSchema = new Schema({
  brand: { type: String, required: true }, 
  model: { type: String, required: true }, 
  image: [{ type: String }], 
  ratings: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Rating" }], 

Rating model

const ratingSchema = new Schema({
  user: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User" },
  carId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Car" },
  title: { type: String, required: true },
  description: { type: String, required: true },
  totalScore: { type: Number },
  ratings: {
    weekend: {
      style: { type: Number, required: true },
      acceleration: { type: Number, required: true },
      handling: { type: Number, required: true },
      funfactor: { type: Number, required: true },
      coolfactor: { type: Number, required: true },
      totalweekend: { type: Number },
    daily: {
      features: { type: Number, required: true },
      comfort: { type: Number, required: true },
      quality: { type: Number, required: true },
      practicality: { type: Number, required: true },
      value: { type: Number, required: true },
      totaldaily: { type: Number },

API Endpoints (backend routes)

HTTP Method URL Request Body Success status Error Status Description
POST /auth/signup {email, password, name} 201 404 Checks if fields not empty (422) and user not exists (409), then create user with encrypted password, and store user in session
POST /auth/login {email, password} 200 401 Checks if fields not empty (422), if user exists (404), and if password matches (404), then stores user in session
POST /auth/verify token 204 400 Logs out the user
GET /api/cars 400 Show all cars
GET /api/onecar/:id Show specific car
GET /api/rating/:ratingID { name, img, players } 201 400 Show rating
PUT /api/rating/:ratingID { name, img, players } 200 400 edit rating
GET /api/newrating 201 400 show create new rating
POST /api/newrating create new rating
DELETE /api/delete/:ratingID { name, img, tournamentId } 200 404 delete rating
GET /api/user { name, img } 201 400 show user page
GET /api/user/edit 200 400 show edit user page
PUT /api/user/edit 201 400 edit user page
DELETE /api/user/delete delete user
GET /api/rating/edit/:ratingID {player1,player2,winner,img} show edit rating page
PUT /api/rating/edit/:ratingID {winner,score} edit rating
DELETE /api/rating/delete/:ratingID delete rating



Client repository Link

Server repository Link

Deployed App Link


Slides Link - The url to your public presentation slides


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


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