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FireAwayH edited this page Aug 21, 2018 · 7 revisions

The formal work by martinsbaiodis only support to store data into CouchDB & local storage by Chrome. But there are 2 problems:

  1. When the data scale becomes large, Chrome will crash and you have a risk of loosing data.

  2. Sometimes we need our data be stored into MySQL database or in a relational format*.


  1. A MySQL server which support JSON data type. (MySQL V5.7+)

  2. A server running this ArrestDB which have access to the MySQL server.

  3. Create a table which will store the data.

CREATE TABLE `sitemap` (
  `sitemapid` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `content` longtext,
  `data` json DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  1. Setup Web Scraper Plus in Option page.

   4.1 Right click the icon and left click Option

   4.2 Setup as the image below and then click Save

Setting MySQL Database

   4.3 Refresh the page and make sure the setting is updated

  1. Now your Sitemaps/data scraped will be stored into your MySQL database


When you have everything being setted up. All your data will be stored into MySQL database, no further operation needed.

Use cases:

If you are a MySQL user or your company use MySQL only. There are many reasons for you not to store your data into CouchDB or local storage of Chrome like:

  1. Permission control for a new database

  2. Security settings for a new database

  3. Data transfer between two databases

  4. Learning costs

and much more

This feature will eliminate the panic and let you focus on your core task.

*If you need to transform the data structure, you may need to use Data Filter and Custom Columns together

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