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Cloud Data Quality Engine

beta build-test status Code style: black


CloudDQ is a cloud-native, declarative, and scalable Data Quality validation Command-Line Interface (CLI) application for Google BigQuery.

It takes as input Data Quality validation tests defined using a flexible and reusable YAML configurations language. For each Rule Binding definition in the YAML configs, CloudDQ creates a corresponding SQL view in your Data Warehouse. It then executes the view and collects the data quality validation outputs into a summary table for reporting and visualization.

CloudDQ currently supports in-place validation of BigQuery data.

Note: This project is currently in beta status and may still change in breaking ways.

Declarative Data Quality Configs

Rule Bindings

Rule Bindings: Defines a single Data Quality validation routine. Each value declared in entity_id, column_id, filter_id, and rule_id is a lookup key for the more detailed configurations that must be defined in their respective configurations files.

    entity_id: TEST_TABLE
    column_id: VALUE
    row_filter_id: DATA_TYPE_EMAIL
    incremental_time_filter_column_id: TS
      team: team-2

    entity_id: TEST_TABLE
    column_id: VALUE
    row_filter_id: DATA_TYPE_EMAIL
          column_names: "value"
      team: team-3

Each rule_binding must define the fields entity_id, column_id, row_filter_id, and rule_ids. entity_id refers to the table being validated, column_id refers to the column in the table to be validated, row_filter_id refers to a filter condition to select rows in-scope for validation, and rule_ids refers to the list of data quality validation rules to apply on the selected column and rows.

If incremental_time_filter_column_id is defined, CloudDQ will only validate rows with a timestamp higher than the last run timestamp on each run, otherwise it will validate all rows matching the row_filter_id on each run.

Under the metadata config, you may add any key-value pairs that will be added as a JSON on each DQ summary row output. For example, this can be the team responsible for a rule_binding, the table type (raw, curated, reference). The JSON allows custom aggregations and drilldowns over the summary data.

On each run, CloudDQ converts each rule_binding into a SQL script, create a corresponding view in BigQuery, and aggregate the validation results summary per rule_binding and rule for each CloudDQ run into a DQ Summary Statistics table in BigQuery. This table is called called dq_summary, and is automatically created by CloudDQ in the BigQuery dataset defined in the argument --gcp_bq_dataset_id.

You can then use any dashboarding solution such as Data Studio or Looker to visualize the DQ Summary Statistics table, or use the DQ Summary Statistics table for monitoring and alerting purposes.


Rules: Defines reusable sets of validation logic for data quality.

    rule_type: NOT_NULL

    rule_type: REGEX
      pattern: |-

    rule_type: CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR
      custom_sql_expr: |-
        LENGTH( $column ) <= 30

    rule_type: CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR
      custom_sql_expr: |-
        $column in (select distinct currency_code from `reference_data.currency_codes`)

        - column_names
      custom_sql_statement: |-
        select a.*
        from data a
        inner join (
          from data
          group by $column_names
          having count(*) > 1
        ) duplicates
        using ($column_names)

We will add more default rule types over time. For the time being, most data quality rule can be defined as SQL using either CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR or CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT. CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR will flag any row that custom_sql_expr evaluated to False as a failure. CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT will flag any value returned by the whole statement as failures.

CloudDQ will substitute the string $column with the YAML config value provided in the field column_id of each rule_binding CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT additionally supports custom parameterized variables in custom_sql_arguments that can be defined separately in each rule_binding.

When using CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT, the table data contains rows returned once all row_filters and incremental validation logic have been applied. We recommend simply selecting from data in CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT instead of trying to apply your own templating logic to define the target table for validation.


Filters: Defines how each Rule Binding can be filtered

    filter_sql_expr: |-

    filter_sql_expr: |-
      contact_type = 'email'


Entities: defines the target data tables as validation target.

    source_database: BIGQUERY
    table_name: contact_details
    dataset_name: <your_bigquery_dataset_id>
    project_name: <your_gcp_project_id>
        name: row_id
        data_type: STRING
        description: |-
          unique identifying id
        name: contact_type
        data_type: STRING
        description: |-
          contact detail type
        name: value
        data_type: STRING
        description: |-
          contact detail
        name: ts
        data_type: DATETIME
        description: |-
          updated timestamp

An example entity configurations is provided at configs/entities/test-data.yml. The data for the BigQuery table contact_details referred in this config can can be found in tests/data/contact_details.csv.

You can load this data into BigQuery using the bq load command (the bq CLI is installed as part of the gcloud SDK):

# Create a BigQuery Dataset in a region of your choice and load data
export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
# Fetch the example csv file
curl -LO
# Create BigQuery Dataset. Skip this step if `CLOUDDQ_BIGQUERY_DATASET` already exists
# Load sample data to the dataset
bq load --source_format=CSV --autodetect ${CLOUDDQ_BIGQUERY_DATASET}.contact_details contact_details.csv

Ensure you have sufficient IAM privileges to create BigQuery datasets and tables in your project.

If you are testing CloudDQ with the provided configs, ensure you update the <your_gcp_project_id> field with the GCP project ID and the <your_bigquery_dataset_id> field with the BigQuery dataset containing the contact_details table.

Usage Guide


CloudDQ is a Command-Line Interface (CLI) application. It takes as input YAML Data Quality configurations, generates and executes SQL code in BigQuery using provided connection configurations, and writes the resulting Data Quality summary statistics to a BigQuery table of your choice.

System Requirements

CloudDQ is currently only tested to run on Ubuntu/Debian linux distributions. It may not work properly on other OS such as MacOS, Windows/cygwin, or CentOS/Fedora/FreeBSD, etc...

For development or trying out CloudDQ, we recommend using either Cloud Shell or a Google Cloud Compute Engine VM with the Debian 11 OS distribution.

CloudDQ requires the command python3 to point to a Python Interterpreter version 3.8.x or 3.9.x. To install the correct Python version, please refer to the script scripts/ for an interactive installation or scripts/ for a non-interactive installation intended for automated build/test processes.

Using Pre-Built Executable

The simplest way to run CloudDQ is to use one of the pre-built executable provided in the Github releases page:

For example, from Cloud Shell, you can download the executable with the following commands:

export TARGET_OS="debian_11"  # can be either "debian_11" or "ubuntu_18"
export TARGET_PYTHON_INTERPRETER="3.9"  # can be either "3.8" or "3.9"
cd cloud-data-quality

You can then use the CLI by passing the zip into a Python interpreter:

python3 --help

This should show you the help text.

Example CLI commands

In the below examples, we will use the example YAML configs provided in this project.

The example commands will authenticate to GCP with your user's credentials via Application Default Credentials (ADC). Ensure you have a GCP Project and your user's GCP credentials have at minimum project-level IAM permission to run BigQuery jobs (roles/bigquery.jobUser) and to create new BigQuery datasets (roles/bigquery.dataEditor) in that project.

From either Cloud Shell or a Ubuntu/Debian machine, clone the CloudDQ project to get the sample config directory:

git clone -b "v${CLOUDDQ_RELEASE_VERSION}"

Then change directory to the git project and get the pre-built executable from Github:

export TARGET_OS="debian_11"  # can be either "debian_11" or "ubuntu_18"
export TARGET_PYTHON_INTERPRETER="3.9"  # can be either "3.8" or "3.9"
cd cloud-data-quality

Run the following command to authenticate to GCP using application-default credentials. The command will prompt you to login and provide a verification code back into the console.

gcloud auth application-default login

Then locate your GCP project ID and set it to a local variable for usage later. We will also configure gcloud to use this GCP Project ID.

export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT="<your_GCP_project_id>"
gcloud config set project ${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}

Now we'll create a new dataset with a custom name in a location of our choice and load some sample data into it:

# Create a BigQuery Dataset in a region of your choice and load data
export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
# Create BigQuery Dataset. Skip this step if `CLOUDDQ_BIGQUERY_DATASET` already exists
# Fetch the example csv file
curl -LO
# Load sample data to the dataset
bq load --source_format=CSV --autodetect ${CLOUDDQ_BIGQUERY_DATASET}.contact_details contact_details.csv

Before running CloudDQ, we need to edit the table configurations in configs/entities/test-data.yml to use our Project ID and BigQuery dataset ID.

export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
sed -i s/\<your_gcp_project_id\>/${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}/g configs/entities/test-data.yml
sed -i s/\<your_bigquery_dataset_id\>/${CLOUDDQ_BIGQUERY_DATASET}/g configs/entities/test-data.yml

Using the same Project ID, GCP Region, and BigQuery dataset ID as defined before, we will attempt to execute two Rule Bindings with the unique identifers T2_DQ_1_EMAIL and T3_DQ_1_EMAIL_DUPLICATE from the configs directory containing the complete YAML configurations:

export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
python3 \
    configs \
    --gcp_project_id="${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}" \
    --gcp_bq_dataset_id="${CLOUDDQ_BIGQUERY_DATASET}" \

By running this CLI command, CloudDQ will:

  1. validate that the YAML configs are valid, i.e. every Rule, Entity, and Row Filter referenced in each Rule Binding exists and there are no duplicated configuration ID. CloudDQ will attempt to parse all files with extensions yml and yaml discovered in a path and use the top-level keys (e.g. rules, rule_bindings, row_filters, entities) to determine the config type. Each configuration item must have a globally unique identifier in the config path.
  2. validate that the dataset --gcp_bq_dataset_id is located in the region --gcp_region_id
  3. generate BigQuery SQL code for each Rule Binding and validate that it is valid BigQuery SQL using BigQuery dry-run feature
  4. create a BigQuery view for each generated BigQuery SQL Rule Binding in the BigQuery dataset specified in --gcp_bq_dataset_id
  5. create a BigQuery job to execute all Rule Binding SQL views. The BigQuery jobs will be created in the GCP project specified in --gcp_project_id and GCP region specified in --gcp_region_id
  6. aggregate the validation outcomes and write the Data Quality summary results into a table called dq_summary in the BigQuery dataset specified in --gcp_bq_dataset_id

To execute all Rule Bindings discovered in the config directory, use ALL as the RULE_BINDING_IDS:

export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
python3 \
    ALL \
    configs \
    --gcp_project_id="${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}" \
    --gcp_bq_dataset_id="${CLOUDDQ_BIGQUERY_DATASET}" \

To see the resulting Data Quality validation summary statistics in the BigQuery table dq_summary, run:

export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
echo "select * from \`${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}\`.${CLOUDDQ_BIGQUERY_DATASET}.dq_summary" | bq query --location=${CLOUDDQ_BIGQUERY_REGION} --nouse_legacy_sql

To see the BigQuery SQL logic generated by CloudDQ for each Rule Binding, run:



CloudDQ supports the follow methods for authenticating to GCP:

  1. OAuth via locally discovered Application Default Credentials (ADC) if only the arguments --gcp_project_id, --gcp_bq_dataset_id, and --gcp_region_id are provided.
  2. Using an exported JSON service account key if the argument --gcp_service_account_key_path is provided.
  3. Service Account impersonation via a source credentials if the argument --gcp_impersonation_credentials is provided. The source credentials can be obtained from either --gcp_service_account_key_path or from the local ADC credentials.


CloudDQ is currently only tested to run on Ubuntu/Debian linux distributions. It may not work properly on other OS such as MacOS, Windows/cygwin, or CentOS/Fedora/FreeBSD, etc...

For development or trying out CloudDQ, we recommend using either Cloud Shell or a Google Cloud Compute Engine VM with the Debian 11 OS distribution.


From a Ubuntu/Debian machine, install the above dependencies by running the following script:

git clone
source scripts/

Building CloudDQ requires the command python3 to point to a Python Interterpreter version 3.8.x or 3.9.x. To install the correct Python version, please refer to the script scripts/ for an interactive installation or scripts/ for a non-interactive installation intended for automated build/test processes.

Building a self-contained executable from source

After installing all dependencies and building it, you can clone the latest version of the code and build it by running the following commands:

git clone
cd cloud-data-quality
make build

We provide a Makefile with common development steps such as make build to create the artifact, make test to run tests, and make lint to apply linting over the project code.

The make build command will fetch bazel and build the project into a self-contained Python zip executable called located in the current path.

You can then run the resulting zip artifact by passing it into the same Python interpreter version used to build the executable (this will show the help text):

python3 --help

This step will take a few minutes to complete. Once completed for the first time, the artifacts will be cached and subsequent builds will be much faster.

The executable Python zip is not cross-platform compatible. You will need to build the executable separately for each of your target platforms. e.g. an artifact built using a machine running Ubuntu-18 and Python version 3.9.x will not work when transfered to another machine with Ubuntu-18 and Python version 3.8.x or another machine with Debian-11 and Python version 3.9.x.

To speed up builds, you may want to update the bazel cache in .bazelrc to a GCS bucket you have access to.

build --remote_cache=<your_gcs_bucket_name>

Running the CLI from source without building

You may prefer to run the CLI directly without first building a zip executable. In which case, you can run bazelisk run to execute the main CLI.

First install Bazelisk into a local path:

make bin/bazelisk

Then run the CloudDQ CLI using bazelisk run and pass in the CLI arguments after the --:

export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
bin/bazelisk run //clouddq:clouddq -- \
  T2_DQ_1_EMAIL \
  $(pwd)/configs \
  --gcp_project_id="${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}" \
  --gcp_bq_dataset_id="${CLOUDDQ_BIGQUERY_DATASET}" \

Note that bazel run execute the code in a sandbox, therefore non-absolute paths will be relative to the sandbox path not the current path. Ensure you are passing absolute paths to the command line arguments, e.g. pass in $(pwd)/configs instead of 'configs'.

Run tests and linting

To run all tests:

make test

For integration testing, you must first set the environment variables outlined in before running make test. For example:

# Manually edit `` to use your project configurations.
source && make test

To run a particular test:

make test test_templates

By default, running integration tests with Dataplex are skipped. To enable these tests, ensure the correct environments are set and run:

make build  # create the relevant zip artifacts to be used in tests
make test -- --run-dataplex

To apply linting:

make lint

To run build and tests on clean OS images, install cloud-build-local and run:

./ && ./scripts/  2>&1 | tee build.log

This will set the environment variables required for the run and pipe the run logs to a file called build.log.

This will run as your gcloud ADC credentials. If you are running on a GCE VM, ensure the Compute Engine service account has the access scope to use all GCP APIs.

To run cloud-build-local in dry-run mode:

bash scripts/ --dry-run


1. Cannot find shared library dependencies on system

If running make build fails due to missing shared library dependencies (e.g. _ctypes or libssl), try running the below steps to install them, then clear the bazel cache with make clean and retry.


source scripts/

2. Wrong glibc version

If you encounter the following error when running the executable Python zip on a different machine to the one you used to build your zip artifact:

/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.xx' not found

This suggests that the glibc version on your target machine is incompatible with the version on your build machine. Resolve this by rebuilding the zip on machine with identical glibc version (usually this means the same OS version) as on your target machine, or vice versa.

Feedback / Questions

For any feedback or questions, please feel free to get in touch at clouddq at


CloudDQ is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0. This is not an official Google product.


Data Quality Engine for BigQuery







No packages published


  • Python 83.0%
  • Shell 12.1%
  • Starlark 4.3%
  • Makefile 0.6%