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Weather_Bootstrapped v2

Weather Bootstrapped

Joomla 2 & 3 module for display of Yahoo weather forcast rss feed

  1. requires jquery
  2. Caches the feed rss to avoid excessive requests
  3. uses the default weather pics or you can supply your own
  4. doesn't need the bootstrap framework - the module can load the parts it needs
  5. carousel display or single weather with optional 5 day forecast
  6. weather.css file to enable fine tuning of display or override bootstrap defaults


  1. cache time (in minutes) is configurable, does not need Joomla cache to be enabled

  2. gets main weather pictures from and small weather pictures from these can be changed on module administration screen so you can use your own or another source

  3. Choose whether to load bootstrap.min.js, carousel.css and conflict.js conflict.js disables the mootools-more slideFX because it conflicts with the bootstrap carousel.

  4. You have the option to choose another css file from the modules resources folder - you will almost certainly need to tweak weather.css. Use the less files in the resources/less folder to generate your css