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Tools and Apps

helium-support edited this page Mar 13, 2022 · 3 revisions
  • PuTTY - Useful for connecting through SSH or Serial connections for most hotspots
  • PortChecker - Validate you have sucessfully opened port 44158 on your router
  • Helium Miner Log Analyzer Great tool for analyzing your logs
    • Example Output:
    Using logs in folder /home/pi/hnt/miner/log/ 
    General Witnesses Overview
    Total witnesses                   =   263
    Succesfully delivered             =   225 (85.55%)
    Failed                            =    38 (14.45%)
    ├── Max retry    =   38 (14.45%)
    └── Crash/reboot =    0     (0%)
    Max Retry Failure Reasons
    Timeout                           =    29 (11.03%)
    Not Found                         =     1  (0.38%)
    Other challenger issues           =     8  (3.04%)
    Not Relayed                       =   244 (92.78%)
    Relayed                           =    19  (7.22%)
    Unknown Relay Status              =     0     (0%)