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update tests for rbc, add specs for helper funcs. works!
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Rahul Garg committed Apr 27, 2018
1 parent 54b1dea commit 1c03df1
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Showing 3 changed files with 52 additions and 87 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/hbbft_acs.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
init(SK, N, F, J) ->
%% instantiate all the RBCs
%% J=leader, I=Pid
RBCs = [{I, #rbc_state{rbc_data = hbbft_rbc:init(N, F, I, J)}} || I <- lists:seq(0, N-1)],
RBCs = [{I, #rbc_state{rbc_data = hbbft_rbc:init(N, F, J, I)}} || I <- lists:seq(0, N-1)],
%% instantiate all the BBAs
BBAs = [{I, #bba_state{bba_data = hbbft_bba:init(SK, N, F)}} || I <- lists:seq(0, N-1)],
#acs_data{n=N, f=F, j=J, rbc=maps:from_list(RBCs), bba=maps:from_list(BBAs)}.
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127 changes: 49 additions & 78 deletions src/hbbft_rbc.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,15 +12,12 @@
n :: pos_integer(),
f :: non_neg_integer(),
msg = undefined :: binary() | undefined,

num_echoes = #{} :: #{merkerl:hash() => [non_neg_integer()]},
num_readies = #{} :: #{merkerl:hash() => [non_neg_integer()]},
seen_val = false :: boolean(),
ready_sent = false :: boolean(),

%% roothash: #{sender: {size, shard}}
stripes = #{} :: #{merkerl:hash() => #{non_neg_integer() => {pos_integer(), binary()}}}


%% rbc protocol requires three message types: ECHO(h, bj, sj), VAL(h, bj, sj) and READY(h)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,26 +83,6 @@ handle_msg(Data, J, {echo, H, Bj, Sj}) ->
handle_msg(Data, J, {ready, H}) ->
ready(Data, J, H).

add_stripe(Data = #rbc_data{stripes=Stripes}, RootHash, Sender, Shard) ->
%% who sent these stripes
ValuesForRootHash = maps:get(RootHash, Stripes, #{}),
%% add the sender who sent the shard
NewMap = maps:put(Sender, Shard, ValuesForRootHash),
Data#rbc_data{stripes = maps:put(RootHash, NewMap, Stripes)}.

add_echo(Data = #rbc_data{num_echoes = Echoes}, RootHash, Sender) ->
EchoesForThisHash = maps:get(Roothash, Echoes, []),
Data#rbc_data{num_echoes = maps:put(Roothash, insert_once(Sender, EchoesForThisHash))}.

add_ready(Data = #rbc_data{num_readies = Readies}, RootHash, Sender) ->
ReadiesForThisHash = maps:get(Roothash, Readies, []),
Data#rbc_data{num_readies = maps:put(Roothash, insert_once(Sender, ReadiesForThisHash))}.

has_echo(Data = #rbc_data{num_echoes = Echoes}, Sender) ->
lists:any(fun(L) -> lists:member(Sender, L) end, maps:values(Echoes)).

has_ready(Data = #rbc_data{num_readies = Readies}, Sender) ->
lists:any(fun(L) -> lists:member(Sender, L) end, maps:values(Readies)).

%% Figure2. Bullet2
%% upon receiving VAL(h, bi , si) from PSender,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,19 +117,18 @@ echo(Data = #rbc_data{state=done}, J, _H, _Bj, _Sj) ->
echo(Data = #rbc_data{n=N, f=F}, J, H, Bj, Sj) ->

%% check if you've already seen an ECHO from the sender
case lists:member(J, Data#rbc_data.num_echoes) of
case has_echo(Data, J) of
true ->
%% already got an ECHO From J, discard
{Data, ok};
false ->
io:format("ECHO. Verifying merkle proof. RBC: ~p~n", [J]),
case merkerl:verify_proof(merkerl:hash_value(Sj), H, Bj) of
ok ->

%% valid branch
NewData = add_stripe(Data#rbc_data{num_echoes=insert_once(J, Data#rbc_data.num_echoes)}, H, J, Sj),

case length(NewData#rbc_data.num_echoes) >= (N - F) andalso maps:size(maps:get(H, NewData#rbc_data.stripes)) >= (N - 2*F) of
DataWithEchoes = add_echo(Data, H, J),
NewData = add_stripe(DataWithEchoes, H, J, Sj),
case length(maps:get(H, NewData#rbc_data.num_echoes, [])) >= (N - F) andalso maps:size(maps:get(H, NewData#rbc_data.stripes, [])) >= (N - 2*F) of
true ->
%% Figure2. Bullet4
%% upon receiving valid ECHO(h, ·, ·) messages from N − f distinct parties,
Expand All @@ -176,19 +152,54 @@ echo(Data = #rbc_data{n=N, f=F}, J, H, Bj, Sj) ->
ready(Data = #rbc_data{state=waiting, n=N, f=F}, J, H) ->
%% increment num_readies
io:format("READY. State=waiting. RBC: ~p~n", [J]),
NewData = Data#rbc_data{num_readies=insert_once(J, Data#rbc_data.num_readies)},
case length(NewData#rbc_data.num_readies) >= F + 1 andalso maps:size(maps:get(H, NewData#rbc_data.stripes)) >= (N - 2*F) of

%% check if you've already seen this ready
case has_ready(Data, J) of
true ->
check_completion(NewData, H);
{Data, ok};
false ->
%% waiting
{NewData, ok}
NewData = add_ready(Data, H, J),
case length(maps:get(H, NewData#rbc_data.num_readies, [])) >= F + 1 andalso maps:size(maps:get(H, NewData#rbc_data.stripes, [])) >= (N - 2*F) of
true ->
check_completion(NewData, H);
false ->
%% waiting
{NewData, ok}

ready(Data, J, _H) ->
io:format("Ignoring result from ~p in state ~p~n", [J, Data#rbc_data.state]),
{Data, ok}.

%% helper functions
-spec add_stripe(rbc_data(), merkerl:hash(), non_neg_integer(), binary()) -> rbc_data().
add_stripe(Data = #rbc_data{stripes=Stripes}, RootHash, Sender, Shard) ->
%% who sent these stripes
ValuesForRootHash = maps:get(RootHash, Stripes, #{}),
%% add the sender who sent the shard
NewMap = maps:put(Sender, Shard, ValuesForRootHash),
Data#rbc_data{stripes = maps:put(RootHash, NewMap, Stripes)}.

-spec add_echo(rbc_data(), merkerl:hash(), non_neg_integer()) -> rbc_data().
add_echo(Data = #rbc_data{num_echoes = Echoes}, RootHash, Sender) ->
EchoesForThisHash = maps:get(RootHash, Echoes, []),
Data#rbc_data{num_echoes = maps:put(RootHash, insert_once(Sender, EchoesForThisHash), Echoes)}.

-spec add_ready(rbc_data(), merkerl:hash(), non_neg_integer()) -> rbc_data().
add_ready(Data = #rbc_data{num_readies = Readies}, RootHash, Sender) ->
ReadiesForThisHash = maps:get(RootHash, Readies, []),
Data#rbc_data{num_readies = maps:put(RootHash, insert_once(Sender, ReadiesForThisHash), Readies)}.

-spec has_echo(rbc_data(), non_neg_integer()) -> boolean().
has_echo(_Data = #rbc_data{num_echoes = Echoes}, Sender) ->
lists:any(fun(L) -> lists:member(Sender, L) end, maps:values(Echoes)).

-spec has_ready(rbc_data(), non_neg_integer()) -> boolean().
has_ready(_Data = #rbc_data{num_readies = Readies}, Sender) ->
lists:any(fun(L) -> lists:member(Sender, L) end, maps:values(Readies)).

%% helper to check whether rbc protocol has completed
-spec check_completion(rbc_data(), merkerl:hash()) -> {rbc_data(), ok | {result, binary()} | hbbft_utils:multicast(ready_msg()) | {result, aborted}}.
check_completion(Data = #rbc_data{n=N, f=F}, H) ->
Expand All @@ -201,8 +212,7 @@ check_completion(Data = #rbc_data{n=N, f=F}, H) ->
M = N - 2*F, %% Note: M = Threshold (specified in RBC protocol)
K = 2*F,

ShardsWithSize = maps:values(maps:get(H, Data#rbc_data.stripes)),
io:format("ShardsWithSize: ~p~n", [ShardsWithSize]),
ShardsWithSize = maps:values(maps:get(H, Data#rbc_data.stripes, [])),
{_, Shards} = lists:unzip(ShardsWithSize),
case leo_erasure:decode({K, M}, Shards, element(1, hd(ShardsWithSize))) of
{ok, Msg} ->
Expand All @@ -221,7 +231,7 @@ check_completion(Data = #rbc_data{n=N, f=F}, H) ->
%% Figure2. Bullet6
%% check if we have enough readies and enough echoes
%% N-2F echoes and 2F + 1 readies
case length(Data#rbc_data.num_echoes) >= M andalso length(Data#rbc_data.num_readies) >= (2*F + 1) of
case length(maps:get(H, Data#rbc_data.num_echoes, [])) >= M andalso length(maps:get(H, Data#rbc_data.num_readies, [])) >= (2*F + 1) of
true ->
%% decode V. Done
{Data#rbc_data{state=done}, {result, Msg}};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,47 +282,6 @@ init_test() ->
?assert(lists:all(fun({result, {_, Res}}) -> Res == Msg end, ConvergedResultsList)),

%% incriminate_leader_test() ->
%% %% can we find out if the leader is sending bad messages and incriminate that leader?
%% N = 5,
%% F = 1,
%% %% the leader will input this bad msg
%% BadMsg = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(512),
%% S0 = hbbft_rbc:init(N, F, 0, 0), %% leader
%% S1 = hbbft_rbc:init(N, F, 1, 0),
%% S2 = hbbft_rbc:init(N, F, 2, 0),
%% S3 = hbbft_rbc:init(N, F, 3, 0),
%% S4 = hbbft_rbc:init(N, F, 4, 0),
%% %% these are the badmsgstosend from the leader
%% {NewS0, {send, BadMsgsToSend}} = hbbft_rbc:input(S0, BadMsg),
%% %% this is the good message everyone wants
%% GoodMsg = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(512),
%% M = N - 2*F,
%% K = 2*F,
%% {ok, Shards} = leo_erasure:encode({K, M}, GoodMsg),
%% GoodMsgSize = byte_size(GoodMsg),
%% ShardsWithSize = [{GoodMsgSize, Shard} || Shard <- Shards],
%% Merkle = merkerl:new(ShardsWithSize, fun merkerl:hash_value/1),
%% MerkleRootHash = merkerl:root_hash(Merkle),
%% BranchesForShards = [merkerl:gen_proof(Hash, Merkle) || {Hash, _} <- merkerl:leaves(Merkle)],
%% %% these are the good messages to send to everyone
%% GoodMsgsToSend = [ {unicast, J, {val, MerkleRootHash, lists:nth(J+1, BranchesForShards), lists:nth(J+1, ShardsWithSize)}} || J <- lists:seq(0, N-1)],
%% [ First | _ ] = GoodMsgsToSend,
%% [ _, Second , Third, Fourth, Fifth ] = BadMsgsToSend,
%% NewMsgsToSend = [First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth],
%% %% ====================================================
%% States = [NewS0, S1, S2, S3, S4],
%% StatesWithId = lists:zip(lists:seq(0, length(States) - 1), States),
%% {_, ConvergedResults} = hbbft_test_utils:do_send_outer(?MODULE, [{0, {send, NewMsgsToSend}}], StatesWithId, sets:new()),
%% ConvergedResultsList = sets:to_list(ConvergedResults),
%% io:format("ConvergedResults: ~p~n", [ConvergedResultsList]),
%% ?assert(lists:all(fun({result, {_, Res}}) -> Res == aborted end, ConvergedResultsList)),
%% %% everyone should abort
%% ?assertEqual(5, sets:size(ConvergedResults)),
%% ok.
send_incorrect_msg_test() ->
N = 5,
F = 1,
Expand All @@ -324,6 +293,8 @@ send_incorrect_msg_test() ->
S4 = hbbft_rbc:init(N, F, 4, 0),
{NewS0, {send, MsgsToSend}} = hbbft_rbc:input(S0, Msg),

{unicast, _, {val, MerkleRootHash, _, _}} = hd(MsgsToSend),

%% ====================================================
%% screw up 3 val messages in the MsgsToSend
%% TODO: something better but this works for now
Expand All @@ -334,7 +305,6 @@ send_incorrect_msg_test() ->
MsgSize = byte_size(BadMsg),
ShardsWithSize = [{MsgSize, Shard} || Shard <- Shards],
Merkle = merkerl:new(ShardsWithSize, fun merkerl:hash_value/1),
MerkleRootHash = merkerl:root_hash(Merkle),
BranchesForShards = [merkerl:gen_proof(Hash, Merkle) || {Hash, _} <- merkerl:leaves(Merkle)],
BadMsgsToSend = [ {unicast, J, {val, MerkleRootHash, lists:nth(J+1, BranchesForShards), lists:nth(J+1, ShardsWithSize)}} || J <- lists:seq(0, N-1)],
[ First, Second | _ ] = MsgsToSend,
Expand All @@ -348,6 +318,7 @@ send_incorrect_msg_test() ->
ConvergedResultsList = sets:to_list(ConvergedResults),
io:format("ConvergedResults: ~p~n", [ConvergedResultsList]),
?assert(lists:all(fun({result, {_, Res}}) -> Res == aborted end, ConvergedResultsList)),
?assertEqual(0, sets:size(ConvergedResults)),

incorrect_leader_test() ->
Expand Down
10 changes: 2 additions & 8 deletions test/rbc_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ simple_test(_Config) ->
N = 5,
F = (N div 3),
Msg = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(512),
Leader = 0,
Leader = rand:uniform(N) - 1,
Workers = [element(2, rbc_worker:start_link(N, F, Id, Leader)) || Id <- lists:seq(0, N-1)],

%% the first guy is the leader
ok = rbc_worker:input(Msg, hd(Workers)),
ok = rbc_worker:input(Msg, lists:nth(Leader+1, Workers)),

wait_until(fun() ->
lists:all(fun(E) ->
Expand All @@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ simple_test(_Config) ->
Msg = hd(ConvergedResults),

%% random_n(N, List) ->
%% lists:sublist(shuffle(List), N).
%% shuffle(List) ->
%% [X || {_,X} <- lists:sort([{rand:uniform(), N} || N <- List])].

wait_until(Fun) ->
wait_until(Fun, 40, 100).

Expand Down

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