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LongFi Arduino

Build Status

This arduino library supports radio communication with Semtech compatible radios using the Helium LongFi Protocol.

Install Library with Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE:

  1. Sketch -> Include Libraries -> Manage Libraries
  2. Search for LongFi
  3. Install Latest version

Install Library with Git

  1. Clone this repo in the following directory:
    linux: /home/{user}/Arduino/libraries
    windows: Documents/Arduino/libraries
    mac os: Documents/Arduino/libraries

  2. Restart Arduino IDE

Example Sketches

Arduino IDE:
File -> Examples -> LongFi -> TransmitPacket
File -> Examples -> LongFi -> ButtonTransmit (Only supported on B-L072Z-LRWAN1 and Heltec ESP32 boards)

Board Support

B-L072Z-LRWAN1 - ST STM32L0 Discovery kit

Install board support package, find instructions here.

Arduino IDE:

  1. Select Tools -> Board: -> Discovery
  2. Select Tools -> Board part number: -> Discovery L072Z-LRWAN1

B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Product Page
B-L072Z-LRWAN1 User Manual

Catena 4610 - MCCI

Install board support package, find instructions here.

Arduino IDE:
Select Tools -> Board: -> MCCI Catena 4610.

Catena 4610 Product Page
Catena 4610 Pin Mapping Diagram

Feather M0 RFM96 - Adafruit

  1. Add Adafruit package index, instructions here.
  2. Install both Arduino and Adafruit SAMD board support, instructions here.
  3. (Windows Only) Install drivers, instructions here

Adafruit Feather M0 with RFM95 Product Page
Adafruit Feather M0 with RFM95 Datasheets & Files

Heltec ESP32 based LoRa boards

Install Heltec ESP32 board support package, instructions here here

Next, until this issue is resolved, follow these instructions to enable support for ldflags.

Arduino IDE: Select Tools -> Board: -> ESP32 Arduino

ESP32 Arduino is currently one of

  • Wireless_Stick
  • Wireless_Stick_Lite
  • WIFI_Lora_32
  • WIFI_LoRa_32_V2

Heltec Wireless Stick Lite Product Page
Heltec Wireless Stick Product Page
Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 (V2) Product Page

Programming(Upload Method):

B-L072Z-LRWAN1 - ST STM32L0 Discovery kit


Will use onboard ST-Link(Flasher/Debugger) to upload sketch.
Download and Install required utility from ST here.

Arduino IDE:
Select Tools -> Upload Method -> STM32CubeProgrammer(SWD)

Catena 4610 - MCCI


Arduino IDE:
Select Tools -> Upload Method -> DFU

To put the board in DFU mode, hold down the boot button while pressing and releasing the reset button.


Arduino IDE:
Select Tools -> Upload Method -> STLink

Requires an ST-Link debugger connected to SWCLK, SWDIO, Vref, and GND, refer to pin mapping diagram.

Heltec ESP32 based LoRa boards

No special instructions are needed, the defaults are fine.