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Filename: anonymous-python-application-framework.txt

Title: APAF: Anonymous Python Application Framework

Author: Arturo Filastò, Michele Orrù

Created: 16 March 2012


Tor Hidden Services are underused compared to their potential, the goal of APAF is to provide an easy system to allow network related python application developers to build their software in a way that it runs as a Tor Hidden Service (Tor HS). The framework will allow developers to easily build .exe, .app, statically linked linux binaries that contain the python interpreter and the Tor daemon. This will allow the end user to easily start running that service on their machine, by simply downloading a package. This is similar to what is done with the Tor Browser Bundle (TBB).


One of the reasons for which Tor HS are not used that much is that there is no simple way for an application developer to ship their application with a Tor binary and automatically configure a Tor HS. This leads to users not being able to easily run Tor Hidden Services on their desktop machines limiting the diffusion of HSs.

An example use case is a person that wishes to run a temporary chat server on their home machine. With APAF an chat server developer could package such a python application and the end user will be able to run it by downloading a package and executing it.

Build System

The core component of APAF is it's build system. Application developers will specify a manifest file that details all of the application dependencies, what kind of priviledges are required for execution, description and all metadata associated with the application.

The primary focus of the build system will be Windows and Mac OS X. Build for linux distributions will be done with native tools (i.e. dpkg for Debian/Ubuntu, rpm for Red Hat, etc.).

APAF compiles all the dependencies for all the target systems. At bare mininum the dependencies that will be bundled with an APAF based application are:

  • the Python interpreter (cpython)

  • Tor

  • Python modules reqiured by system libraries (i.e. Twisted, zope.interface, etc.)

The build system must be configurable and extensible. It should allow easy bundling of third party applications such as p7zip, gpg, etc.

The output of the build process will be:

  • Win32: MyApplication.exe

  • OSX: (inside an Application.dmg container)

in future:

  • Linux: Deb build or statically linked binary

The buildsystem should download the latest release of Tor for the appropriate platform and extract the required files into the build structure, in order to be packaged within the application. Note: Another possibility is that it could build Tor from source for the desired target platforms, but this may require some additional effort.

XXX Determine what build system should be used. The two main options are Pyinstaller or py2exe+py2app.


PyInstaller is a program that converts (packages) Python programs into stand-alone executables, under Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris and AIX. Its main advantages over similar tools are that PyInstaller works with any version of Python since 2.2, it builds smaller executables thanks to transparent compression, it is fully multi-platform, and use the OS support to load the dynamic libraries, thus ensuring full compatibility.

Pro: XXX

Contra: XXX


py2exe is a Python Distutils extension which converts Python scripts into executable Windows programs, able to run without requiring a Python installation.

py2app is a Python setuptools command which will allow you to make standalone application bundles and plugins from Python scripts. py2app is similar in purpose and design to py2exe for Windows.


 - Appears to be used by a much bigger community of people and a lot of major
applications use it.


 - Does not build for Linux


What services that APAF expose to the network?

APAF will expose two kinds of service:

  1. The administration web application for the user
  2. The applications to be run as Tor Hidden Services

These two network services must only be listening on localhost and the administration interface should require authentication. The password for accessing the administration interface will be randomly generated at first boot and shown to the user. It can later be changed from the admin panel.

What happens when I start APAF?

When APAF starts the user running it is presented with a splash screen that displays the startup progress. The image in the splash screen should be customizable by the application developer.

Another option would be to start the system browser and point it to<APAF_port>/ and display the bootstrap process inside of the bundled web based UI.

At first launch the APAF UI will provice a wizard for bootstrapping the setup of the Tor Hidden Service.

By default APAF will come with a web application that is used for administering and checking on the status of the running Tor HS. It should provide functionality the following functionality:

  • Check the current status of the Tor HS
  • Start and stop the Hidden Service
  • Select from the list of bundled applications the ones to run
  • Test it's reachability from the Tor network (by doing a request over Tor to it's .onion address)
  • Configure Tor (User Interface to edit torrc)

Web Applications

One of the first applications that will be used as an example for APAF will be a simple python web application. The application will simply serve to the client static files. The basic scaffolding that this web application provides should allow developers to build their own web application based on this example.

APAF Utility library

APAF will provide a python library to allow the application developer to interact with the currently running APAF system. This allows a certain application to:

  • Understand what it's .onion address is
  • Check the current status of the running Tor daemon
  • Make TCP connections over Tor


Threat model

What security properties should APAF provide? What attacks (or classes of attacks) should APAF prevent or resist?

Tor Hidden Service disclosure

All of the security and anonymity properties of Tor Hidden Services must be preserved. It must not be possible to understand who is running a certain Tor Hidden Service and it must not be possible to determine that a certain Tor user is running a Tor Hidden Service remotely.

Inside of this evaluation we do not include attacks that are piggy backed on top of other attack vectors. This means for example that if an attacker uses an XSS to understand that a certain user is listening on a certain port therefore they are running APAF is not protected in this threat model.


The default applications shipped with APAF shall protect again remote unauthorized access even through other attack vectors. This means that it should not be possible to exploit an XSS to gain control over the running APAF system.

The application developer should also take care into protecting his application from fingerprintability. This means that, for example, the default HTTP server will atempt to behave and mimic the default HTTP server configured with Tor HS (Apache or thttpd).

Outbound connection Torification

The applications shipped by default with APAF must provide full torification of all outbound connection. The application developer is highly encouraged to torify all their outgoing traffic, but this will not be enforced by the application rather from their good sense.

Inbound traffic

The inbound traffic shall allow the user to set if they wish to expose their service also through dark net -> to -> internet service (i.e. tor2web in the case of HTTP).

Securization and sandboxing (for future)

APAF shall provide out of the box sandboxing for the running applications based on their operating system. It will use for example sandbox-exec on OSX, when available AppArmor or SeLinux and the windows equivalent of this. The running application will drop privilidged and run inside of a chrooted environment.


APAF must provide detailed documentation on:

  • how to setup the build environment (eventually on multiple operating systems)
  • how to customize your own enviroment for your own anonymous web application
  • any specific documentation on particular procedures and/or internal structure
  • user manual for running an AWAF built application