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Matt Hellige edited this page Sep 5, 2021 · 3 revisions

Release process

Cutting a release and pushing artifacts to Maven is driven by the GitHub release tagging process and GitHub Actions release build.

Release tags should be formatted v1.2.3. When a release is tagged, the GitHub Actions build will be kicked off and will push artifacts through Sonatype to Maven Central. It takes a few minutes after the build completes for artifacts to appear in Maven, the whole thing should be finished in about ten minutes.

Following a release, the only manual step to prepare for the next development cycle is:

$ mvn -q versions:set -DnewVersion=1.2.4-SNAPSHOT
$ git commit -am "Update to version 1.2.4-SNAPSHOT"
$ git push origin master

Alternatively, you can just change the version in pom.xml by hand. SNAPSHOT builds in Maven need have no relationship with release build numbers, so it really doesn't matter too much what the new version number is: it can always be reconsidered when cutting the next release. Of course this version bump process could be automated, but it's rare enough that it doesn't necessarily seem worth it, and it's usually not entirely obvious what the next release number is likely to be anyway.

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