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Seed Button - v0.3.0

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@ItsJonQ ItsJonQ released this 24 Jul 15:58


Update button colors with seed-color-scheme config πŸ–Œ

This allows for better flexibility in adjusting button colors. The user can now leverage the _color() mixin/function, without having to manually import config files + doing _deep-extend() (which was the previous work-around).

The color defines are flagged with default, and live under /configs/_color.scss.


Let's say, we want to override the default buttons base background, border, and text colors. You can now do this:

// Import the color scheme dependency
@import "pack/seed-color-scheme/_index";

// Use the _color() mixin, and pass in whatever key/values you wish to set
@include _color((
  button: (
    default: (
      background: (
        default: red,
      border: (
        default: red,
      text: (
        default: red,

// Add seed-button
@import "pack/seed-button/_index";

This update would have made this much easier to accomplish.

Dependency updates

