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Visual Studio Code Autohotkey Simple Support

A personal edition modified from vscode-autohotkey
And Microsoft lsp-simple

AutoHotKey language support for VS Code

What's New

  1. v2 CompatibleMode(expremental)
    • Allows some v2 syntax
  2. Support onHover
  3. Debugger runtime executable path overlap. For detail, see Feature
  4. Build-in Variable and Function(partly) hint.
    • Need documentions which is easy to be parsed by js/ts. If you find any, help please(Example).


  • Recursive descent parser is under alpha stage, if you want to use old one, you can go to here to download it
  • Experimental hint for where symbol is included on completion. ONLY work on global symbol.
  • Enumerate include
    • Documents must be explicitly included by #include
    • Notice #include DirName are not implemented now
  • If you need a debugger, just install any debug extension in market. As recommended options, AutoHotKey Debug by me or vscode-autohotkey-debug by zero-plusplus

Run This in Vim

For vim user, how to use this extension in vim.

  1. Install coc.nvim.
  2. Go to vscode markertplace to download the vsix file of this extension.
  3. Use 7-zip or other unzip software to unzip the vsix.
  4. Open coc-settings.json by :CocConfig. Add this configuration to your coc configuration file:
"languageserver": {
  "Autohotkey": {
    "module": "your-unzip-dir/extension/server/out/server.js",
    "args": ["--node-ipc"],
    "filetypes": ["autohotkey"],
    "trace.server": "off",
    "documentLanguage": "no"
  1. restart vim, and open an ahk file.
  2. Besides, coc.nvim may need a little configuration. Those can be find in the homepage of coc.nvim.


  • A better tmlanguage based highlight
  • Comment blocks
  • Snippets
  • Code Completion
  • Document symbol(class, method, variable, label, hotkey)
  • Goto Definition(only works for "code", file name is not supported for now)
  • Signature Helper (tooltip for method parameters)
  • Hover
  • Enumerate include documents
    • The documents must be explicitly included by #include
  • Folding region commnet
    • mark region start by ;[region]
    • mark region end by ;[endregion]
  • Debugger runtime executable path overlap.
    • When install with AutoHotKey Debug, AhkExecutable (runtime executable path) option in launch.json will be overlap with interpreter path setting of this extension, if AhkExecutable is left empty.
    • A typical situtation is that debug a file without any launch.json settings. Debug extension will start with runtime in interpreter path setting.
  // ......
  "AhkExecutable": "" //this will be overlap by interpreter path setting
  // .....


  1. Autohotkey Language Server: Document Language
    Language of documents of built-in variables and fucntions.
    Only Chinese documents of built-in variables(Option: CN) available now
  2. Autohotkey Language Server>Trace: Server
    Traces the communication between VS Code and the language server.


Language Status Bar

Run File

Code Completion

Signature Help

Format Document

Folding Region

Further Plan

  • Language server
  • Build-in Function hint
    • Build-in Variable hint(Need Docs)
    • Function hint(Need Docs)
  • Better syntax tree
  • Code formation
    • improvement needed
  • Enumerate include
    • Document cache improvement needed
  • Function debounce
  • Syntax analyze based parser
  • Enable documentation markdown


  1. vinnyjames
  2. stef-levesque
  3. denolfe
  4. Microsoft lsp-simple
  5. jonnyboyC et al. (kos-langeuage-sever)
  6. bitwiseman(js-beautify)
  7. 天黑请闭眼(modify js-beautify for ahk)
  8. CoffeeChaton (#18)