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4115 lines (1888 loc) · 94.1 KB
.. py:module:: ler.gw_source_population


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1


Package Contents


.. autoapisummary::



.. autoapisummary::


.. py:function:: interpolator_from_pickle(param_dict_given, directory, sub_directory, name, x, pdf_func=None, y=None, conditioned_y=None, dimension=1, category='pdf', create_new=False)

   Function to decide which interpolator to use.


       **param_dict_given** : `dict`
           dictionary of parameters.

       **directory** : `str`
           directory to store the interpolator.

       **sub_directory** : `str`
           sub-directory to store the interpolator.

       **name** : `str`
           name of the interpolator.

       **x** : `numpy.ndarray`
           x values.

       **pdf_func** : `function`
           function to calculate the pdf of x given y.

       **y** : `numpy.ndarray`
           y values.

       **conditioned_y** : `numpy.ndarray`
           conditioned y values.

       **dimension** : `int`
           dimension of the interpolator. Default is 1.

       **category** : `str`
           category of the function. Default is "pdf".

       **create_new** : `bool`
           if True, create a new interpolator. Default is False.


       **interpolator** : `function`
           interpolator function.

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: cubic_spline_interpolator(xnew, coefficients, x)

   Function to interpolate using cubic spline.


       **xnew** : `numpy.ndarray`
           new x values.

       **coefficients** : `numpy.ndarray`
           coefficients of the cubic spline.

       **x** : `numpy.ndarray`
           x values.


       **result** : `numpy.ndarray`
           interpolated values.

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: inverse_transform_sampler(size, cdf, x)

   Function to sample from the inverse transform method.


       **size** : `int`
           number of samples.

       **cdf** : `numpy.ndarray`
           cdf values.

       **x** : `numpy.ndarray`
           x values.


       **samples** : `numpy.ndarray`
           samples from the cdf.

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018(zs, R0=23.9 * 1e-09, b2=1.6, b3=2.0, b4=30)

   Function to compute the merger rate density (PopI/PopII). Reference: Oguri et al. (2018). The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


       **zs** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
           Source redshifts

       **R0** : `float`
           local merger rate density at low redshift
           default: 23.9*1e-9 Mpc^-3 yr^-1

       **b2** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 1.6

       **b3** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 2.0

       **b4** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 30


       **rate_density** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
           merger rate density

   .. rubric:: Examples

   >>> from ler.gw_source_population import merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018
   >>> rate_density = merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018(zs=0.1)

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: star_formation_rate_madau_dickinson2014(zs, af=2.7, bf=5.6, cf=2.9)

   Function to compute star formation rate as given in Eqn. 15 Madau & Dickinson (2014). The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


       **zs** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
           Source redshifts

       **af** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 2.7

       **bf** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 5.6

       **cf** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 2.9


       **rate_density** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
           merger rate density

   .. rubric:: Examples

   >>> from ler.gw_source_population import star_formation_rate_madau_dickinson2014
   >>> rate_density = star_formation_rate_madau_dickinson2014(zs=0.1)

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: merger_rate_density_bbh_popIII_ken2022(zs, n0=19.2 * 1e-09, aIII=0.66, bIII=0.3, zIII=11.6)

   Function to compute the unnormalized merger rate density (PopIII). Reference: Ng et al. 2022. The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


       **zs** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
           Source redshifts

       **n0** : `float`
           normalization constant
           default: 19.2*1e-9

       **aIII** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 0.66

       **bIII** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 0.3

       **zIII** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 11.6


       **rate_density** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
           merger rate density

   .. rubric:: Examples

   >>> from ler.gw_source_population import merger_rate_density_bbh_popIII_ken2022
   >>> rate_density = merger_rate_density_bbh_popIII_ken2022(zs=0.1)

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: merger_rate_density_bbh_primordial_ken2022(zs, cosmology=cosmo, n0=0.044 * 1e-09, t0=13.786885302009708)

   Function to compute the merger rate density (Primordial). Reference: Ng et al. 2022. The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


       **zs** : `float`
           Source redshifts

       **n0** : `float`
           normalization constant
           default: 0.044*1e-9

       **t0** : `float`
           Present age of the Universe in Gyr
           default: 13.786885302009708

       **param** : `dict`
           Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
           e.g. param = dict(t0=13.786885302009708)


       **rate_density** : `float`
           merger rate density

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:class:: CBCSourceRedshiftDistribution(z_min=0.001, z_max=10.0, event_type='BBH', merger_rate_density='merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018', merger_rate_density_param=None, cosmology=None, directory='./interpolator_pickle', create_new_interpolator=False)

   Bases: :py:obj:`object`

   Class to generate a population of source galaxies.
   This class is inherited by :class:`~ler.ler.CompactBinaryPopulation` and :class:`~ler.ler.LensGalaxyParameterDistribution` class.


       **z_min** : `float`
           Minimum redshift of the source population
           default: 0.

       **z_max** : `float`
           Maximum redshift of the source population
           default: 10.

       **event_type** : `str`
           Type of event to generate.
           e.g. 'BBH', 'BNS', 'NSBH'

       **cosmology** : `astropy.cosmology`
           Cosmology to use
           default: None/astropy.cosmology.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3)

       **merger_rate_density** : `str` or `function`
           Type of merger rate density function to use
           default: 'merger_rate_density_popI_II_oguri2018'
           for others see instance method in :class:`~ler.ler.merger_rate_density_model_list`

       **merger_rate_density_param** : `dict`
           Dictionary of merger rate density function parameters
           default: None/dict(R0=25 * 1e-9, b2=1.6, b3=2.0, b4=30)

       **directory** : `str`
           Directory to store the interpolator pickle files
           default: './interpolator_pickle'

       **create_new_interpolator** : `dict`
           Dictionary of interpolator creation parameters
           default: None/dict(redshift_distribution=dict(create_new=False, resolution=500), z_to_luminosity_distance=dict(create_new=False, resolution=500), differential_comoving_volume=dict(create_new=False, resolution=500))

   .. rubric:: Examples

   >>> from ler.gw_source_population import CBCSourceRedshiftDistribution
   >>> cbc = CBCSourceRedshiftDistribution(z_min=0.001, z_max=10, merger_rate_density="merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018")
   >>> cbc.merger_rate_density(zs=0.0001) # local merger rate density at low redshift

   Instance Attributes
   SourceGalaxyPopulationModel has the following instance attributes:

   | Atrributes                          | Type                             |
   |:attr:`~z_min`                       | `float`                          |
   |:attr:`~z_max`                       | `float`                          |
   |:attr:`~event_type`                  | `str`                            |
   |:attr:`~cosmo`                       | `astropy.cosmology`              |
   |:attr:`~merger_rate_density_param`   | `dict`                           |
   |:attr:`~normalization_pdf_z`         | `float`                          |
   |:attr:`~merger_rate_density_model_list`                                 |
   |                                     | List of available                |
   |                                     | merger rate density functions    |
   |                                     | and its parameters               |
   |:attr:`~sample_source_redshift`      | Function to sample source        |
   |                                     | redshifts (source frame)         |

   Instance Methods
   SourceGalaxyPopulationModel has the following instance methods:

   | Methods                             | Type                             |
   |:attr:`~merger_rate_density`         | `function`                       |
   |:attr:`~z_to_luminosity_distance`    | `function`                       |
   |:attr:`~differential_comoving_volume`| `function`                       |
   |:meth:`~pdf_z`                       | Function to compute the pdf      |
   |                                     | p(z)                             |
   |:meth:`~merger_rate_density_src_frame`                                  |
   |                                     | Function to compute the merger   |
   |                                     | rate density (source frame)      |
   |:meth:`~create_lookup_table`         | Function to create a lookup      |
   |                                     | table for the differential       |
   |                                     | comoving volume and luminosity   |
   |                                     | distance wrt redshift            |
   |:meth:`~merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018`                      |
   |                                     | Function to compute the merger   |
   |                                     | rate density (PopI/PopII)        |
   |                                     | from Oguri et al. (2018)         |
   |:meth:`~star_formation_rate_madau_dickinson2014`                        |
   |                                     | Function to compute star         |
   |                                     | formation rate as given in       |
   |                                     | Eqn. 15 Madau & Dickinson (2014) |
   |:meth:`~merger_rate_density_bbh_popIII_ken2022`                         |
   |                                     | Function to compute the merger   |
   |                                     | rate density (PopIII)            |
   |:meth:`~merger_rate_density_bbh_primordial_ken2022`                     |
   |                                     | Function to compute the merger   |
   |                                     | rate density (Primordial)        |

       !! processed by numpydoc !!
   .. py:property:: sample_source_redshift

      Function to sample source redshifts (source frame) between z_min and z_max from the source galaxy population


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to generate


              Source redshifts

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: merger_rate_density

      Function to get the merger rate density function wrt redshift. The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


          **zs** : `float`
              1D array of floats
              Source redshifts


          **merger_rate_density** : `float`
              merger rate density in detector frame (Mpc^-3 yr^-1)

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import SourceGalaxyPopulationModel
      >>> cbc = SourceGalaxyPopulationModel()
      >>> merger_rate_density = cbc.merger_rate_density(zs=0.1)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: merger_rate_density_model_list

      Dictionary of available merger rate density functions and its parameters.

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: z_min


      Minimum redshift of the source population

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: z_max


      Maximum redshift of the source population

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: event_type


      Type of event to generate.

      e.g. 'BBH', 'BNS', 'NSBH'

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: cosmo


      Cosmology to use for the redshift distribution.

      e.g. Planck18, WMAP9, FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3) etc.

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: merger_rate_density_param


      Dictionary of merger rate density function input parameters

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: c_n_i


      c_n_i stands for 'create new interpolator'. Dictionary of interpolator creation parameters.

      e.g. dict(redshift_distribution=dict(create_new=False, resolution=500), z_to_luminosity_distance=dict(create_new=False, resolution=500), differential_comoving_volume=dict(create_new=False, resolution=500))

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: normalization_pdf_z


      Normalization constant of the pdf p(z)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: z_to_luminosity_distance


      Function to convert redshift to luminosity distance

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: differential_comoving_volume


      Function to calculate the differential comoving volume

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: pdf_z(zs, param=None)

      Function to compute the pdf p(z). The output is in source frame and is normalized.


          **zs** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Source redshifts

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. if the merger_rate_density is merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018
              param = dict(R0=23.9*1e-9, b2=1.6, b3=2.0, b4=30)


          **pdf** : `numpy.ndarray`
              1D array of floats
              pdf p(z)

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import SourceGalaxyPopulationModel
      >>> cbc = SourceGalaxyPopulationModel()
      >>> pdf = cbc.pdf_z(zs=0.1)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: merger_rate_density_src_frame(zs, param=None)

      Function to compute the merger rate density (source frame). The output is in source frame and is unnormalized.


          **zs** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Source redshifts

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. if the merger_rate_density is merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018
              param = dict(R0=23.9*1e-9, b2=1.6, b3=2.0, b4=30)


          **rate_density** : `numpy.ndarray`
              1D array of floats
              merger rate density (source frame) (Mpc^-3 yr^-1)

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import SourceGalaxyPopulationModel
      >>> cbc = SourceGalaxyPopulationModel()
      >>> rate_density = cbc.merger_rate_density_src_frame(zs=0.1)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018(zs, R0=23.9 * 1e-09, b2=1.6, b3=2.0, b4=30, param=None)

      Function to compute the merger rate density (PopI/PopII). Reference: Oguri et al. (2018). The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


          **zs** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
              Source redshifts

          **R0** : `float`
              local merger rate density at low redshift
              default: 23.9*1e-9 Mpc^-3 yr^-1

          **b2** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 1.6

          **b3** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 2.0

          **b4** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 30

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. param = dict(R0=23.9*1e-9, b2=1.6, b3=2.0, b4=30)
              default: None


          **rate_density** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
              merger rate density

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import SourceGalaxyPopulationModel
      >>> pop = SourceGalaxyPopulationModel(z_min=0.0, z_max=10, event_type = "BBH", merger_rate_density="merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018")
      >>> rate_density = pop.merger_rate_density(zs=0.1)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: star_formation_rate_madau_dickinson2014(zs, af=2.7, bf=5.6, cf=2.9, param=None)

      Function to compute star formation rate as given in Eqn. 15 Madau & Dickinson (2014). The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


          **zs** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
              Source redshifts

          **af** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 2.7

          **bf** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 5.6

          **cf** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 2.9

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. param = dict(af=2.7, bf=5.6, cf=2.9)
              default: None


          **rate_density** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
              merger rate density

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import SourceGalaxyPopulationModel
      >>> pop = SourceGalaxyPopulationModel(z_min=5., z_max=40., event_type = "BBH", merger_rate_density="star_formation_rate_madau_dickinson2014")
      >>> rate_density = pop.merger_rate_density(zs=10)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: merger_rate_density_bbh_popIII_ken2022(zs, n0=19.2 * 1e-09, aIII=0.66, bIII=0.3, zIII=11.6, param=None)

      Function to compute the unnormalized merger rate density (PopIII). Reference: Ng et al. 2022. The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


          **zs** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
              Source redshifts

          **n0** : `float`
              normalization constant
              default: 19.2*1e-9

          **aIII** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 0.66

          **bIII** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 0.3

          **zIII** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 11.6

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. param = dict(aIII=0.66, bIII=0.3, zIII=11.6)
              default: None


          **rate_density** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
              merger rate density

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import SourceGalaxyPopulationModel
      >>> pop = SourceGalaxyPopulationModel(z_min=5, z_max=40, event_type = "BBH", merger_rate_density="merger_rate_density_popIII_ken2022")
      >>> rate_density = pop.merger_rate_density(zs=10)
      >>> rate_density  # Mpc^-3 yr^-1

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: merger_rate_density_bbh_primordial_ken2022(zs, n0=0.044 * 1e-09, t0=13.786885302009708, param=None)

      Function to compute the merger rate density (Primordial). Reference: Ng et al. 2022. The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


          **zs** : `float`
              Source redshifts

          **n0** : `float`
              normalization constant
              default: 0.044*1e-9

          **t0** : `float`
              Present age of the Universe in Gyr
              default: 13.786885302009708

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. param = dict(t0=13.786885302009708)


          **rate_density** : `float`
              merger rate density

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import SourceGalaxyPopulationModel
      >>> pop = SourceGalaxyPopulationModel(z_min=5, z_max=40, event_type = "BBH", merger_rate_density="merger_rate_density_bbh_primordial_ken2022")
      >>> rate_density = pop.merger_rate_density(zs=10)
      >>> rate_density  # Mpc^-3 yr^-1

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: create_lookup_table(z_min, z_max, directory)

      Function to create a lookup table for the differential comoving volume
      and luminosity distance wrt redshift.


          **z_min** : `float`
              Minimum redshift of the source population

          **z_max** : `float`
              Maximum redshift of the source population


          **z_to_luminosity_distance** : `scipy.interpolate.interpolate`
              Function to convert redshift to luminosity distance

          **differential_comoving_volume** : `scipy.interpolate.interpolate`
              Function to calculate the differential comoving volume

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: interpolator_from_pickle(param_dict_given, directory, sub_directory, name, x, pdf_func=None, y=None, conditioned_y=None, dimension=1, category='pdf', create_new=False)

   Function to decide which interpolator to use.


       **param_dict_given** : `dict`
           dictionary of parameters.

       **directory** : `str`
           directory to store the interpolator.

       **sub_directory** : `str`
           sub-directory to store the interpolator.

       **name** : `str`
           name of the interpolator.

       **x** : `numpy.ndarray`
           x values.

       **pdf_func** : `function`
           function to calculate the pdf of x given y.

       **y** : `numpy.ndarray`
           y values.

       **conditioned_y** : `numpy.ndarray`
           conditioned y values.

       **dimension** : `int`
           dimension of the interpolator. Default is 1.

       **category** : `str`
           category of the function. Default is "pdf".

       **create_new** : `bool`
           if True, create a new interpolator. Default is False.


       **interpolator** : `function`
           interpolator function.

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: cubic_spline_interpolator(xnew, coefficients, x)

   Function to interpolate using cubic spline.


       **xnew** : `numpy.ndarray`
           new x values.

       **coefficients** : `numpy.ndarray`
           coefficients of the cubic spline.

       **x** : `numpy.ndarray`
           x values.


       **result** : `numpy.ndarray`
           interpolated values.

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:class:: CBCSourceRedshiftDistribution(z_min=0.001, z_max=10.0, event_type='BBH', merger_rate_density='merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018', merger_rate_density_param=None, cosmology=None, directory='./interpolator_pickle', create_new_interpolator=False)

   Bases: :py:obj:`object`

   Class to generate a population of source galaxies.
   This class is inherited by :class:`~ler.ler.CompactBinaryPopulation` and :class:`~ler.ler.LensGalaxyParameterDistribution` class.


       **z_min** : `float`
           Minimum redshift of the source population
           default: 0.

       **z_max** : `float`
           Maximum redshift of the source population
           default: 10.

       **event_type** : `str`
           Type of event to generate.
           e.g. 'BBH', 'BNS', 'NSBH'

       **cosmology** : `astropy.cosmology`
           Cosmology to use
           default: None/astropy.cosmology.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3)

       **merger_rate_density** : `str` or `function`
           Type of merger rate density function to use
           default: 'merger_rate_density_popI_II_oguri2018'
           for others see instance method in :class:`~ler.ler.merger_rate_density_model_list`

       **merger_rate_density_param** : `dict`
           Dictionary of merger rate density function parameters
           default: None/dict(R0=25 * 1e-9, b2=1.6, b3=2.0, b4=30)

       **directory** : `str`
           Directory to store the interpolator pickle files
           default: './interpolator_pickle'

       **create_new_interpolator** : `dict`
           Dictionary of interpolator creation parameters
           default: None/dict(redshift_distribution=dict(create_new=False, resolution=500), z_to_luminosity_distance=dict(create_new=False, resolution=500), differential_comoving_volume=dict(create_new=False, resolution=500))

   .. rubric:: Examples

   >>> from ler.gw_source_population import CBCSourceRedshiftDistribution
   >>> cbc = CBCSourceRedshiftDistribution(z_min=0.001, z_max=10, merger_rate_density="merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018")
   >>> cbc.merger_rate_density(zs=0.0001) # local merger rate density at low redshift

   Instance Attributes
   SourceGalaxyPopulationModel has the following instance attributes:

   | Atrributes                          | Type                             |
   |:attr:`~z_min`                       | `float`                          |
   |:attr:`~z_max`                       | `float`                          |
   |:attr:`~event_type`                  | `str`                            |
   |:attr:`~cosmo`                       | `astropy.cosmology`              |
   |:attr:`~merger_rate_density_param`   | `dict`                           |
   |:attr:`~normalization_pdf_z`         | `float`                          |
   |:attr:`~merger_rate_density_model_list`                                 |
   |                                     | List of available                |
   |                                     | merger rate density functions    |
   |                                     | and its parameters               |
   |:attr:`~sample_source_redshift`      | Function to sample source        |
   |                                     | redshifts (source frame)         |

   Instance Methods
   SourceGalaxyPopulationModel has the following instance methods:

   | Methods                             | Type                             |
   |:attr:`~merger_rate_density`         | `function`                       |
   |:attr:`~z_to_luminosity_distance`    | `function`                       |
   |:attr:`~differential_comoving_volume`| `function`                       |
   |:meth:`~pdf_z`                       | Function to compute the pdf      |
   |                                     | p(z)                             |
   |:meth:`~merger_rate_density_src_frame`                                  |
   |                                     | Function to compute the merger   |
   |                                     | rate density (source frame)      |
   |:meth:`~create_lookup_table`         | Function to create a lookup      |
   |                                     | table for the differential       |
   |                                     | comoving volume and luminosity   |
   |                                     | distance wrt redshift            |
   |:meth:`~merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018`                      |
   |                                     | Function to compute the merger   |
   |                                     | rate density (PopI/PopII)        |
   |                                     | from Oguri et al. (2018)         |
   |:meth:`~star_formation_rate_madau_dickinson2014`                        |
   |                                     | Function to compute star         |
   |                                     | formation rate as given in       |
   |                                     | Eqn. 15 Madau & Dickinson (2014) |
   |:meth:`~merger_rate_density_bbh_popIII_ken2022`                         |
   |                                     | Function to compute the merger   |
   |                                     | rate density (PopIII)            |
   |:meth:`~merger_rate_density_bbh_primordial_ken2022`                     |
   |                                     | Function to compute the merger   |
   |                                     | rate density (Primordial)        |

       !! processed by numpydoc !!
   .. py:property:: sample_source_redshift

      Function to sample source redshifts (source frame) between z_min and z_max from the source galaxy population


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to generate


              Source redshifts

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: merger_rate_density

      Function to get the merger rate density function wrt redshift. The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


          **zs** : `float`
              1D array of floats
              Source redshifts


          **merger_rate_density** : `float`
              merger rate density in detector frame (Mpc^-3 yr^-1)

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import SourceGalaxyPopulationModel
      >>> cbc = SourceGalaxyPopulationModel()
      >>> merger_rate_density = cbc.merger_rate_density(zs=0.1)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: merger_rate_density_model_list

      Dictionary of available merger rate density functions and its parameters.

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: z_min


      Minimum redshift of the source population

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: z_max


      Maximum redshift of the source population

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: event_type


      Type of event to generate.

      e.g. 'BBH', 'BNS', 'NSBH'

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: cosmo


      Cosmology to use for the redshift distribution.

      e.g. Planck18, WMAP9, FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3) etc.

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: merger_rate_density_param


      Dictionary of merger rate density function input parameters

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: c_n_i


      c_n_i stands for 'create new interpolator'. Dictionary of interpolator creation parameters.

      e.g. dict(redshift_distribution=dict(create_new=False, resolution=500), z_to_luminosity_distance=dict(create_new=False, resolution=500), differential_comoving_volume=dict(create_new=False, resolution=500))

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: normalization_pdf_z


      Normalization constant of the pdf p(z)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: z_to_luminosity_distance


      Function to convert redshift to luminosity distance

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: differential_comoving_volume


      Function to calculate the differential comoving volume

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: pdf_z(zs, param=None)

      Function to compute the pdf p(z). The output is in source frame and is normalized.


          **zs** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Source redshifts

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. if the merger_rate_density is merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018
              param = dict(R0=23.9*1e-9, b2=1.6, b3=2.0, b4=30)


          **pdf** : `numpy.ndarray`
              1D array of floats
              pdf p(z)

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import SourceGalaxyPopulationModel
      >>> cbc = SourceGalaxyPopulationModel()
      >>> pdf = cbc.pdf_z(zs=0.1)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: merger_rate_density_src_frame(zs, param=None)

      Function to compute the merger rate density (source frame). The output is in source frame and is unnormalized.


          **zs** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Source redshifts

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. if the merger_rate_density is merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018
              param = dict(R0=23.9*1e-9, b2=1.6, b3=2.0, b4=30)


          **rate_density** : `numpy.ndarray`
              1D array of floats
              merger rate density (source frame) (Mpc^-3 yr^-1)

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import SourceGalaxyPopulationModel
      >>> cbc = SourceGalaxyPopulationModel()
      >>> rate_density = cbc.merger_rate_density_src_frame(zs=0.1)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018(zs, R0=23.9 * 1e-09, b2=1.6, b3=2.0, b4=30, param=None)

      Function to compute the merger rate density (PopI/PopII). Reference: Oguri et al. (2018). The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


          **zs** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
              Source redshifts

          **R0** : `float`
              local merger rate density at low redshift
              default: 23.9*1e-9 Mpc^-3 yr^-1

          **b2** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 1.6

          **b3** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 2.0

          **b4** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 30

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. param = dict(R0=23.9*1e-9, b2=1.6, b3=2.0, b4=30)
              default: None


          **rate_density** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
              merger rate density

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import SourceGalaxyPopulationModel
      >>> pop = SourceGalaxyPopulationModel(z_min=0.0, z_max=10, event_type = "BBH", merger_rate_density="merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018")
      >>> rate_density = pop.merger_rate_density(zs=0.1)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: star_formation_rate_madau_dickinson2014(zs, af=2.7, bf=5.6, cf=2.9, param=None)

      Function to compute star formation rate as given in Eqn. 15 Madau & Dickinson (2014). The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


          **zs** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
              Source redshifts

          **af** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 2.7

          **bf** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 5.6

          **cf** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 2.9

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. param = dict(af=2.7, bf=5.6, cf=2.9)
              default: None


          **rate_density** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
              merger rate density

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import SourceGalaxyPopulationModel
      >>> pop = SourceGalaxyPopulationModel(z_min=5., z_max=40., event_type = "BBH", merger_rate_density="star_formation_rate_madau_dickinson2014")
      >>> rate_density = pop.merger_rate_density(zs=10)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: merger_rate_density_bbh_popIII_ken2022(zs, n0=19.2 * 1e-09, aIII=0.66, bIII=0.3, zIII=11.6, param=None)

      Function to compute the unnormalized merger rate density (PopIII). Reference: Ng et al. 2022. The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


          **zs** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
              Source redshifts

          **n0** : `float`
              normalization constant
              default: 19.2*1e-9

          **aIII** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 0.66

          **bIII** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 0.3

          **zIII** : `float`
              Fitting paramters
              default: 11.6

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. param = dict(aIII=0.66, bIII=0.3, zIII=11.6)
              default: None


          **rate_density** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
              merger rate density

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import SourceGalaxyPopulationModel
      >>> pop = SourceGalaxyPopulationModel(z_min=5, z_max=40, event_type = "BBH", merger_rate_density="merger_rate_density_popIII_ken2022")
      >>> rate_density = pop.merger_rate_density(zs=10)
      >>> rate_density  # Mpc^-3 yr^-1

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: merger_rate_density_bbh_primordial_ken2022(zs, n0=0.044 * 1e-09, t0=13.786885302009708, param=None)

      Function to compute the merger rate density (Primordial). Reference: Ng et al. 2022. The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


          **zs** : `float`
              Source redshifts

          **n0** : `float`
              normalization constant
              default: 0.044*1e-9

          **t0** : `float`
              Present age of the Universe in Gyr
              default: 13.786885302009708

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. param = dict(t0=13.786885302009708)


          **rate_density** : `float`
              merger rate density

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import SourceGalaxyPopulationModel
      >>> pop = SourceGalaxyPopulationModel(z_min=5, z_max=40, event_type = "BBH", merger_rate_density="merger_rate_density_bbh_primordial_ken2022")
      >>> rate_density = pop.merger_rate_density(zs=10)
      >>> rate_density  # Mpc^-3 yr^-1

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: create_lookup_table(z_min, z_max, directory)

      Function to create a lookup table for the differential comoving volume
      and luminosity distance wrt redshift.


          **z_min** : `float`
              Minimum redshift of the source population

          **z_max** : `float`
              Maximum redshift of the source population


          **z_to_luminosity_distance** : `scipy.interpolate.interpolate`
              Function to convert redshift to luminosity distance

          **differential_comoving_volume** : `scipy.interpolate.interpolate`
              Function to calculate the differential comoving volume

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: lognormal_distribution_2D(size, m_min=1.0, m_max=100.0, Mc=20.0, sigma=0.3, chunk_size=10000)

   Function to sample from a lognormal distribution in 2D space. Reference: Ng et al. 2022. This a helper function for popIII BBH and primordial BBH merger rate density distribution functions.


       **size** : `int`
           Number of samples to draw

       **m_min** : `float`
           Minimum mass
           default: 1.0

       **m_max** : `float`
           Maximum mass
           default: 100.0

       **Mc** : `float`
           Mass scale
           default: 20.0

       **sigma** : `float`
           width of the distribution
           default: 0.3

       **chunk_size** : `int`
           Number of samples to draw in each chunk
           default: 10000


       **m1_sample** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
           Mass of the primary

       **m2_sample** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
           Mass of the secondary

   .. rubric:: Examples

   >>> from ler.gw_source_population import lognormal_distribution_2D
   >>> m1_sample, m2_sample = lognormal_distribution_2D(size=1000)

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: inverse_transform_sampler_m1m2(size, inv_cdf, x)

   Function to sample from a distribution using inverse transform sampling. This is a helper function BNS Alsing mass distribution function.


       **size** : `int`
           Number of samples to draw

       **inv_cdf** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
           Inverse cumulative distribution function

       **x** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
           array of mass values for which the inverse cumulative distribution function is computed


       **m1** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
           Mass of the primary

       **m2** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
           Mass of the secondary

   .. rubric:: Examples

   >>> from ler.gw_source_population import inverse_transform_sampler_m1m2
   >>> m1, m2 = inverse_transform_sampler_m1m2(size=1000, inv_cdf=inv_cdf, x=x)

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:class:: CBCSourceParameterDistribution(z_min=0.0, z_max=10.0, event_type='BBH', source_priors=None, source_priors_params=None, cosmology=None, spin_zero=True, spin_precession=False, directory='./interpolator_pickle', create_new_interpolator=False)

   Bases: :py:obj:`ler.gw_source_population.cbc_source_redshift_distribution.CBCSourceRedshiftDistribution`

   Class to generate a population of compact binaries. It helps sample all the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of compact binaries. This daughter class inherits from :class:`~ler.ler.CBCSourceRedshiftDistribution` class.


       **z_min** : `float`
           Minimum redshift of the source population
           default: 0.001

       **z_max** : `float`
           Maximum redshift of the source population
           default: 10.

       **event_type** : `str`
           Type of event to generate.
           e.g. 'BBH', 'BNS', 'NSBH'

       **source_priors, source_priors_params** : `dict`, `dict`
           Dictionary of prior sampler functions and its input parameters.
           Check for available priors and corresponding input parameters by running,
           >>> from ler.gw_source_population import CBCSourceParameterDistribution
           >>> cbc = CompactBinaryPopulation()
           >>> cbc.available_gw_prior_list_and_its_params()
           # To check the current chosen priors and its parameters, run,
           >>> print("default priors=",cbc.gw_param_samplers)
           >>> print("default priors's parameters=",cbc.gw_param_samplers_params)

       **cosmology** : `astropy.cosmology`
           Cosmology to use
           default: None/astropy.cosmology.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3)

       **spin_zero** : `bool`
           If True, spin parameters are completely ignore in the sampling.
           default: True

       **spin_precession** : `bool`
           If spin_zero=True and spin_precession=True, spin parameters are sampled for precessing binaries.
           if spin_zero=True and spin_precession=False, spin parameters are sampled for aligned/anti-aligned spin binaries.
           default: False

       **directory** : `str`
           Directory to store the interpolator pickle files
           default: './interpolator_pickle'

       **create_new_interpolator** : `dict`
           Dictionary of boolean values and resolution to create new interpolator.
           default: dict(redshift_distribution=dict(create_new=False, resolution=500), z_to_luminosity_distance=dict(create_new=False, resolution=500), differential_comoving_volume=dict(create_new=False, resolution=500))

   .. rubric:: Examples

   >>> from ler.gw_source_population import CBCSourceParameterDistribution
   >>> cbc = CBCSourceParameterDistribution()
   >>> params = cbc.sample_gw_parameters(size=1000)
   >>> print("sampled parameters=",list(params.keys()))

   Instance Attributes
   CompactBinaryPopulation has the following instance attributes:

   | Atrributes                          | Type                             |
   |:attr:`~z_min`                       | `float`                          |
   |:attr:`~z_max`                       | `float`                          |
   |:attr:`~event_type`                  | `str`                            |
   |:attr:`~source_priors`               | `dict`                           |
   |:attr:`~source_priors_params`        | `dict`                           |
   |:attr:`~cosmo`                       | `astropy.cosmology`              |
   |:attr:`~spin_zero`                   | `bool`                           |
   |:attr:`~spin_precession`             | `bool`                           |
   |:attr:`~directory`                   | `str`                            |
   |:attr:`~create_new_interpolator`     | `dict`                           |
   |:attr:`~available_gw_prior_list_and_its_params`                            |
   |                                     | `dict`                           |
   |:attr:`~gw_param_samplers`           | `dict`                           |
   |:attr:`~gw_param_samplers_params`    | `dict`                           |
   |:attr:`~sampler_names`               | `dict`                           |

   Instance Methods
   CompactBinaryPopulation has the following instance methods:

   | Methods                             | Type                             |
   |:meth:`~source_priors_categorization`                                   |
   |                                     | Function to categorize the event |
   |                                     | priors and its parameters        |
   |:meth:`~lookup_table_luminosity_distance`                               |
   |                                     | Function to create a lookup      |
   |                                     | table for converting redshift    |
   |                                     | to luminosity distance           |
   |:meth:`~sample_gw_parameters`        | Function to sample all the       |
   |                                     | intrinsic and extrinsic          |
   |                                     | parameters of compact binaries   |
   |:meth:`~sample_source_frame_masses`  | Function to sample source mass1  |
   |                                     | and mass2                        |
   |:meth:`~sample_geocent_time`         | Function to sample geocent time  |
   |:meth:`~sample_zs`                   | Function to sample source        |
   |                                     | redshift                         |
   |:meth:`~sample_ra`                   | Function to sample right         |
   |                                     | ascension (sky position)         |
   |:meth:`~sample_dec`                  | Function to sample declination   |
   |                                     | (sky position)                   |
   |:meth:`~sample_phase`                | Function to sample coalescence   |
   |                                     | phase                            |
   |:meth:`~sample_psi`                  | Function to sample polarization  |
   |                                     | angle                            |
   |:meth:`~sample_theta_jn`             | Function to sample inclination   |
   |                                     | angle                            |
   |:meth:`~sample_a1`                   | Function to sample spin1         |
   |                                     | magnitude                        |
   |:meth:`~sample_a2`                   | Function to sample spin2         |
   |                                     | magnitude                        |
   |:meth:`~sample_tilt_1`               | Function to sample tilt1 angle   |
   |:meth:`~sample_tilt_2`               | Function to sample tilt2 angle   |
   |:meth:`~sample_phi_12`               | Function to sample phi12 angle   |
   |:meth:`~sample_phi_jl`               | Function to sample phi_jl angle  |
   |:meth:`~binary_masses_BBH_popI_II_powerlaw_gaussian`                    |
   |                                     | Function to sample source mass1  |
   |                                     | and mass2 with PowerLaw+PEAK     |
   |                                     | model                            |
   |:meth:`~binary_masses_BBH_popIII_lognormal`                             |
   |                                     | Function to sample source mass1  |
   |                                     | and mass2 with popIII orgin from |
   |                                     | lognormal distribution. Refer to |
   |                                     | Ng et al. 2022. Eqn. 1 and 4     |
   |:meth:`~binary_masses_BBH_primordial_lognormal`                         |
   |                                     | Function to sample source mass1  |
   |                                     | and mass2 with primordial orgin  |
   |                                     | from lognormal distribution.     |
   |                                     | Refer to Ng et al. 2022. Eqn. 1  |
   |                                     | and 4                            |
   |:meth:`~binary_masses_BNS_gwcosmo`                                      |
   |                                     | Function to sample source mass1  |
   |                                     | and mass2 from powerlaw          |
   |                                     | distribution.                    |
   |:meth:`~binary_masses_BNS_bimodal`   | Function to sample source mass1  |
   |                                     | and mass2 from bimodal           |
   |                                     | distribution. Refer to           |
   |                                     | Will M. Farr et al. 2020 Eqn. 6  |
   |:meth:`~constant_values_n_size`      | Function to return array of      |
   |                                     | constant values of size n        |
   |:meth:`~sampler_uniform`             | Function to sample from uniform  |
   |                                     | distribution                     |

       !! processed by numpydoc !!
   .. py:property:: available_gw_prior_list_and_its_params

      Dictionary with list all the available priors and it's corresponding parameters. This is an immutable instance attribute.

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import CBCSourceParameterDistribution
      >>> cbc = CompactBinaryPopulation()
      >>> priors = cbc.available_gw_prior_list_and_its_params
      >>> priors.keys()  # type of priors
      dict_keys(['merger_rate_density', 'source_frame_masses', 'spin', 'geocent_time', 'ra', 'phase', 'psi', 'theta_jn'])
      >>> priors['source_frame_masses'].keys()  # type of source_frame_masses priors
      dict_keys(['binary_masses_BBH_popI_II_powerlaw_gaussian', 'binary_masses_BBH_popIII_lognormal', 'binary_masses_BBH_primordial_lognormal', 'binary_masses_BNS_gwcosmo', 'binary_masses_BNS_bimodal'])
      >>> priors['source_frame_masses']['binary_masses_BBH_popI_II_powerlaw_gaussian'].keys()  # parameters of binary_masses_BBH_popI_II_powerlaw_gaussian
      dict_keys(['mminbh', 'mmaxbh', 'alpha', 'mu_g', 'sigma_g', 'lambda_peak', 'delta_m', 'beta'])

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: sample_zs

      Function to sample redshifts with the initialized prior.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw


          **zs** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of redshifts

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: sample_source_frame_masses

      Function to sample source frame masses (mass1_source, mass2_source) with the initialized prior.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw


          **mass_1_source** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of mass1 in source frame

          **mass_2_source** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of mass2 in source frame

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: sample_geocent_time

      Function to sample geocent time with the initialized prior.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw


          **geocent_time** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of geocent_time or time of coalescence

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: sample_ra

      Function to sample right ascension of sky position with the initialized prior.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw


          **ra** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of right ascension of sky position

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: sample_dec

      Function to sample declination of sky position with the initialized prior.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw


          **dec** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of declination of sky position

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: sample_phase

      Function to sample coalescence phase with the initialized prior.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw


          **phase** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of coalescence phase

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: sample_psi

      Function to sample polarization angle with the initialized prior.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw


          **psi** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of polarization angle

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: sample_theta_jn

      Function to sample theta_jn with the initialized prior.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw


          **theta_jn** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of theta_jn

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: sample_a_1

      Function to sample spin magnitude of the compact binaries (body1) with the initialized prior.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw


          **a_1** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of spin magnitude of the compact binaries (body1)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: sample_a_2

      Function to sample spin magnitude of the compact binaries (body2) with the initialized prior.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw


          **a_2** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of spin magnitude of the compact binaries (body2)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: sample_tilt_1

      Function to sample tilt angle of the compact binaries (body1) with the initialized prior.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw


          **tilt_1** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of tilt angle of the compact binaries (body1)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: sample_tilt_2

      Function to sample tilt angle of the compact binaries (body2) with the initialized prior.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw


          **tilt_2** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of tilt angle of the compact binaries (body2)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: sample_phi_12

      Function to sample azimuthal angle between the two spins with the initialized prior.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw


          **phi_12** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of azimuthal angle between the two spins

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:property:: sample_phi_jl

      Function to sample azimuthal angle between the total angular momentum and the orbital angular momentum with the initialized prior.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw


          **phi_jl** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of azimuthal angle between the total angular momentum and the orbital angular momentum

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: z_min


      Minimum redshift of the source population

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: z_max


      Maximum redshift of the source population

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: event_type


      Type of event to generate.

      e.g. 'BBH', 'BNS', 'NSBH'

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: source_priors


      Dictionary of prior sampler functions.

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: source_priors_params


      Dictionary of prior sampler functions' input parameters.

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: cosmo


      Cosmology to use.

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:attribute:: spin_zero


      If True, spin prior is set to zero.

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: lookup_table_luminosity_distance(z_min, z_max, directory)

      Function to create a lookup table for the differential comoving volume
      and luminosity distance wrt redshift.


          **z_min** : `float`
              Minimum redshift of the source population

          **z_max** : `float`
              Maximum redshift of the source population


          **z_to_luminosity_distance** : `scipy.interpolate.interpolate`
              Function to convert redshift to luminosity distance

          **differential_comoving_volume** : `scipy.interpolate.interpolate`
              Function to calculate the differential comoving volume

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: sample_gw_parameters(size=1000, param=None)

      Function to sample BBH/BNS/NSBH intrinsic and extrinsics parameters.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw


          **gw_parameters** : `dict`
              Dictionary of sampled parameters
              gw_parameters.keys() = ['mass_1', 'mass_2', 'mass_1_source', 'mass_2_source', 'zs', 'luminosity_distance', 'theta_jn', 'psi', 'phase', 'geocent_time', 'ra', 'dec', 'a_1', 'a_2', 'tilt_1', 'tilt_2', 'phi_12', 'phi_jl']

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import CBCSourceParameterDistribution
      >>> cbc = CBCSourceParameterDistribution()
      >>> params = cbc.sample_gw_parameters(size=1000)
      >>> print("sampled parameters=",list(params.keys()))

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: binary_masses_BBH_popI_II_powerlaw_gaussian(size, mminbh=4.98, mmaxbh=112.5, alpha=3.78, mu_g=32.27, sigma_g=3.88, lambda_peak=0.03, delta_m=4.8, beta=0.81, get_attribute=False, param=None)

      Function to sample source mass1 and mass2 with PowerLaw+PEAK model


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw

          **mminbh** : `float`
              Minimum mass of the black hole (Msun)
              default: 4.98

          **mmaxbh** : `float`
              Maximum mass of the black hole (Msun)
              default: 86.22

          **alpha** : `float`
              Spectral index for the powerlaw of the primary mass distribution
              default: 2.63

          **mu_g** : `float`
              Mean of the Gaussian component in the primary mass distribution
              default: 33.07

          **sigma_g** : `float`
              Width of the Gaussian component in the primary mass distribution
              default: 5.69

          **lambda_peak** : `float`
              Fraction of the model in the Gaussian component
              default: 0.10

          **delta_m** : `float`
              Range of mass tapering on the lower end of the mass distribution
              default: 4.82

          **beta** : `float`
              Spectral index for the powerlaw of the mass ratio distribution

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. param = dict(mminbh=4.98, mmaxbh=86.22, alpha=2.63, mu_g=33.07, sigma_g=5.69, lambda_peak=0.10, delta_m=4.82, beta=1.26)


          **mass_1_source** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of mass1 in source frame (Msun)

          **mass_2_source** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of mass2 in source frame (Msun)

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import CBCSourceParameterDistribution
      >>> cbc = CBCSourceParameterDistribution()
      >>> m1_src, m2_src = cbc.binary_masses_BBH_popI_II_powerlaw_gaussian(size=1000)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: binary_masses_BBH_popIII_lognormal(size, m_min=5.0, m_max=150.0, Mc=30.0, sigma=0.3, chunk_size=10000, get_attribute=False, param=None)

      Function to sample source mass1 and mass2 with pop III origin. Refer to Eqn. 1 and 4 of Ng et al. 2022


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw

          **m_min** : `float`
              Minimum mass of the black hole (popIII) (Msun)
              default: 10.

          **m_max** : `float`
              Maximum mass of the black hole (popIII) (Msun)
              default: 100.

          **Mc** : `float`
              Mass scale; the distribution is centered around Mc
              default: 30.0

          **sigma** : `float`
              Width of the distribution
              default: 0.3

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. param = dict(m_min=10., m_max=100., Mc=30.0, sigma=0.3)


          **mass_1_source** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of mass1 in source frame (Msun)

          **mass_2_source** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of mass2 in source frame (Msun)

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import CBCSourceParameterDistribution
      >>> cbc = CBCSourceParameterDistribution()
      >>> m1_src, m2_src = cbc.binary_masses_BBH_popIII_lognormal(size=1000)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: binary_masses_BBH_primordial_lognormal(size, m_min=1.0, m_max=100.0, Mc=20.0, sigma=0.3, chunk_size=10000, get_attribute=False, param=None)

      Function to sample source mass1 and mass2 with primordial origin. Refer to Eqn. 1 and 4 of Ng et al. 2022


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw

          **m_min** : `float`
              Minimum mass of the black hole (primordial) (Msun)
              default: 10.

          **m_max** : `float`
              Maximum mass of the black hole (primordial) (Msun)
              default: 100.

          **Mc, sigma** : `float`
              Fitting parameters
              default: Mc=30.0, sigma=0.3

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. param = dict(m_min=10., m_max=100., Mc=30.0, sigma=0.3)


          **mass_1_source** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of mass1 in source frame (Msun)

          **mass_2_source** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of mass2 in source frame (Msun)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: binary_masses_BNS_gwcosmo(size, mminns=1.0, mmaxns=3.0, alphans=0.0, get_attribute=False, param=None)

      Function to calculate source mass1 and mass2 of BNS from powerlaw distribution (gwcosmo)


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw

          **mminns** : `float`
              Minimum mass of the BNS (Msun)
              default: 1.0

          **mmaxns** : `float`
              Maximum mass of the BNS (Msun)
              default: 3.0

          **alphans** : `float`
              Power law index
              default: 0.0


          **mass_1_source** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of mass1 in source frame (Msun)

          **mass_2_source** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of mass2 in source frame (Msun)

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import CBCSourceParameterDistribution
      >>> cbc = CBCSourceParameterDistribution()
      >>> m1_src, m2_src = cbc.binary_masses_BNS_gwcosmo(size=1000)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: binary_masses_NSBH_broken_powerlaw(size, mminbh=26, mmaxbh=125, alpha_1=6.75, alpha_2=6.75, b=0.5, delta_m=5, mminns=1.0, mmaxns=3.0, alphans=0.0, get_attribute=False, param=None)

      Function to calculate source mass1 and mass2 of NSBH from powerlaw distribution (gwcosmo). Parameters are mminbh=26,mmaxbh=125,alpha_1=6.75,alpha_2=6.75,b=0.5,delta_m=5,mminns=1.0,mmaxns=3.0,alphans=0.0.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw

          **mminbh** : `float`
              Minimum mass of the black hole (Msun)
              default: 26

          **mmaxbh** : `float`
              Maximum mass of the black hole (Msun)
              default: 125

          **alpha_1** : `float`
              Power law index for the primary mass distribution
              default: 6.75

          **alpha_2** : `float`
              Power law index for the secondary mass distribution
              default: 6.75

          **b** : `float`
              Break point of the power law
              default: 0.5

          **delta_m** : `float`
              Range of mass tapering on
              default: 5

          **mminns** : `float`
              Minimum mass of the neutron star (Msun)
              default: 1.0

          **mmaxns** : `float`
              Maximum mass of the neutron star (Msun)
              default: 3.0

          **alphans** : `float`
              Power law index for the neutron star mass distribution
              default: 0.0

          **get_attribute** : `bool`
              If True, return a sampler function with size as the only input where parameters are fixed to the given values.

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.


          **mass_1_source** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of mass1 in source frame (Msun)

          **mass_2_source** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of mass2 in source frame (Msun)

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import CBCSourceParameterDistribution
      >>> cbc = CBCSourceParameterDistribution()
      >>> m1_src, m2_src = cbc.binary_masses_NSBH_broken_powerlaw(size=1000)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: binary_masses_uniform(size, m_min=1.0, m_max=3.0, get_attribute=False, param=None)

      Function to sample source mass1 and mass2 from uniform distribution.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw

          **m_min** : `float`
              Minimum mass of the BNS
              default: 1.0

          **m_max** : `float`
              Maximum mass of the BNS
              default: 3.0

          **get_attribute** : `bool`
              If True, return a sampler function with size as the only input where parameters are fixed to the given values.

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. param = dict(m_min=1.0, m_max=3.0)


          **mass_1_source** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of mass1 in source frame (Msun)

          **mass_2_source** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of mass2 in source frame (Msun)

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import CBCSourceParameterDistribution
      >>> cbc = CBCSourceParameterDistribution()
      >>> m1_src, m2_src = cbc.binary_masses_uniform(size=1000)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: binary_masses_BNS_bimodal(size, w=0.643, muL=1.352, sigmaL=0.08, muR=1.88, sigmaR=0.3, mmin=1.0, mmax=2.3, resolution=500, create_new=False, get_attribute=False, param=None)

      Function to sample source mass1 and mass2 from bimodal distribution. Refer to Will M. Farr et al. 2020 Eqn. 6, .


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw

          **w** : `float`
              Weight of the left peak
              default: 0.643

          **muL** : `float`
              Mean of the left peak
              default: 1.352

          **sigmaL** : `float`
              Width of the left peak
              default: 0.08

          **muR** : `float`
              Mean of the right peak
              default: 1.88

          **sigmaR** : `float`
              Width of the right peak
              default: 0.3

          **mmin** : `float`
              Minimum mass of the BNS
              default: 1.0

          **mmax** : `float`
              Maximum mass of the BNS
              default: 2.3

          **resolution** : `int`
              Number of points to sample
              default: 500

          **create_new** : `bool`
              If True, create new interpolator
              default: False

          **get_attribute** : `bool`
              If True, return a sampler function with size as the only input where parameters are fixed to the given values.

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. param = dict(w=0.643, muL=1.352, sigmaL=0.08, muR=1.88, sigmaR=0.3, mmin=1.0, mmax=2.3, resolution=500)


          **mass_1_source** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of mass1 in source frame (Msun)

          **mass_2_source** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of mass2 in source frame (Msun)

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import CBCSourceParameterDistribution
      >>> cbc = CBCSourceParameterDistribution()
      >>> m1_src, m2_src = cbc.binary_masses_BNS_bimodal(size=1000)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: constant_values_n_size(size=100, value=0.0, get_attribute=False, param=None)

      Function to sample constant values of size n.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw

          **value** : `float`
              Constant value
              default: 0.0

          **get_attribute** : `bool`
              If True, return the njitted sampler function with size as the only input where parameters are fixed to the given values.

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
              e.g. param = dict(value=0.0)


          **values** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of constant values

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import CBCSourceParameterDistribution
      >>> cbc = CBCSourceParameterDistribution()
      >>> value = cbc.constant_values_n_size(size=1000)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: sampler_uniform(size, min_=0, max_=np.pi, get_attribute=False, param=None)

      Function to sample values from uniform distribution.


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw

          **start_time** : `float`
              Start time of the uniform distribution
              default: 1238166018

          **end_time** : `float`
              End time of the uniform distribution
              default: 1238166018 + 31536000

          **get_attribute** : `bool`
              If True, return the njitted sampler function with size as the only input where parameters are fixed to the given values.

          **param** : `dict`
              Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.


          **values** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of uniformly distributed values in the range of [min_, max_]

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import CBCSourceParameterDistribution
      >>> cbc = CBCSourceParameterDistribution()
      >>> value = cbc.sampler_uniform(size=1000)

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: sampler_cosine(size, get_attribute=False, param=None)

      Function to sample from sine distribution at the limit of [-np.pi/2, np.pi/2]


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw

          **get_attribute** : `bool`
              If True, return the njitted sampler function with size as the only input where parameters are fixed to the given values.

          **param** : None
              This parameter is not used. It is only here to make the function signature consistent with other samplers.


          **sine** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of values in the range of [-np.pi/2, np.pi/2]

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: sampler_sine(size, get_attribute=False, param=None)

      Function to sample from sine distribution at the limit of [0, np.pi]


          **size** : `int`
              Number of samples to draw

          **get_attribute** : `bool`
              If True, return the njitted sampler function with size as the only input where parameters are fixed to the given values.

          **param** : None
              This parameter is not used. It is only here to make the function signature consistent with other samplers.


          **sine** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
              Array of values in the range of [0, np.pi]

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: source_priors_categorization(event_type, source_priors, event_prior_params)

      Function to categorize the event priors and its parameters.


          **event_type** : `str`
              Type of event to generate.
              e.g. 'BBH', 'BNS', 'BBH_popIII', 'BBH_primordial', 'NSBH'

          **source_priors** : `dict`
              Dictionary of prior sampler functions for each parameter

          **event_prior_params** : `dict`
              Dictionary of sampler parameters for each GW parameter


          **source_priors_** : `dict`
              Dictionary of prior sampler functions for each parameter

          **event_prior_params_** : `dict`
              Dictionary of sampler parameters for each parameter

          **sampler_names_** : `dict`
              Dictionary of sampler names with description

      .. rubric:: Examples

      >>> from ler.gw_source_population import CBCSourceParameterDistribution
      >>> cbc = CBCSourceParameterDistribution()
      >>> source_priors, event_prior_params, sampler_names = cbc.source_priors_categorization(event_type='BBH', source_priors=None, event_prior_params=None)
      >>> print(source_priors.keys())
      >>> print(event_prior_params.keys())
      >>> print(sampler_names.keys())

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: inverse_transform_sampler(size, cdf, x)

   Function to sample from the inverse transform method.


       **size** : `int`
           number of samples.

       **cdf** : `numpy.ndarray`
           cdf values.

       **x** : `numpy.ndarray`
           x values.


       **samples** : `numpy.ndarray`
           samples from the cdf.

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018(zs, R0=23.9 * 1e-09, b2=1.6, b3=2.0, b4=30)

   Function to compute the merger rate density (PopI/PopII). Reference: Oguri et al. (2018). The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


       **zs** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
           Source redshifts

       **R0** : `float`
           local merger rate density at low redshift
           default: 23.9*1e-9 Mpc^-3 yr^-1

       **b2** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 1.6

       **b3** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 2.0

       **b4** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 30


       **rate_density** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
           merger rate density

   .. rubric:: Examples

   >>> from ler.gw_source_population import merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018
   >>> rate_density = merger_rate_density_bbh_popI_II_oguri2018(zs=0.1)

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: merger_rate_density_bbh_popIII_ken2022(zs, n0=19.2 * 1e-09, aIII=0.66, bIII=0.3, zIII=11.6)

   Function to compute the unnormalized merger rate density (PopIII). Reference: Ng et al. 2022. The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


       **zs** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
           Source redshifts

       **n0** : `float`
           normalization constant
           default: 19.2*1e-9

       **aIII** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 0.66

       **bIII** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 0.3

       **zIII** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 11.6


       **rate_density** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
           merger rate density

   .. rubric:: Examples

   >>> from ler.gw_source_population import merger_rate_density_bbh_popIII_ken2022
   >>> rate_density = merger_rate_density_bbh_popIII_ken2022(zs=0.1)

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: star_formation_rate_madau_dickinson2014(zs, af=2.7, bf=5.6, cf=2.9)

   Function to compute star formation rate as given in Eqn. 15 Madau & Dickinson (2014). The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


       **zs** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
           Source redshifts

       **af** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 2.7

       **bf** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 5.6

       **cf** : `float`
           Fitting paramters
           default: 2.9


       **rate_density** : `float` or `numpy.ndarray` (nD array of floats)
           merger rate density

   .. rubric:: Examples

   >>> from ler.gw_source_population import star_formation_rate_madau_dickinson2014
   >>> rate_density = star_formation_rate_madau_dickinson2014(zs=0.1)

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: merger_rate_density_bbh_primordial_ken2022(zs, cosmology=cosmo, n0=0.044 * 1e-09, t0=13.786885302009708)

   Function to compute the merger rate density (Primordial). Reference: Ng et al. 2022. The output is in detector frame and is unnormalized.


       **zs** : `float`
           Source redshifts

       **n0** : `float`
           normalization constant
           default: 0.044*1e-9

       **t0** : `float`
           Present age of the Universe in Gyr
           default: 13.786885302009708

       **param** : `dict`
           Allows to pass in above parameters as dict.
           e.g. param = dict(t0=13.786885302009708)


       **rate_density** : `float`
           merger rate density

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: lognormal_distribution_2D(size, m_min=1.0, m_max=100.0, Mc=20.0, sigma=0.3, chunk_size=10000)

   Function to sample from a lognormal distribution in 2D space. Reference: Ng et al. 2022. This a helper function for popIII BBH and primordial BBH merger rate density distribution functions.


       **size** : `int`
           Number of samples to draw

       **m_min** : `float`
           Minimum mass
           default: 1.0

       **m_max** : `float`
           Maximum mass
           default: 100.0

       **Mc** : `float`
           Mass scale
           default: 20.0

       **sigma** : `float`
           width of the distribution
           default: 0.3

       **chunk_size** : `int`
           Number of samples to draw in each chunk
           default: 10000


       **m1_sample** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
           Mass of the primary

       **m2_sample** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
           Mass of the secondary

   .. rubric:: Examples

   >>> from ler.gw_source_population import lognormal_distribution_2D
   >>> m1_sample, m2_sample = lognormal_distribution_2D(size=1000)

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: inverse_transform_sampler_m1m2(size, inv_cdf, x)

   Function to sample from a distribution using inverse transform sampling. This is a helper function BNS Alsing mass distribution function.


       **size** : `int`
           Number of samples to draw

       **inv_cdf** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
           Inverse cumulative distribution function

       **x** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
           array of mass values for which the inverse cumulative distribution function is computed


       **m1** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
           Mass of the primary

       **m2** : `numpy.ndarray` (1D array of floats)
           Mass of the secondary

   .. rubric:: Examples

   >>> from ler.gw_source_population import inverse_transform_sampler_m1m2
   >>> m1, m2 = inverse_transform_sampler_m1m2(size=1000, inv_cdf=inv_cdf, x=x)

       !! processed by numpydoc !!