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545 lines (306 loc) · 17.1 KB
.. py:module:: ler.image_properties


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1


Package Contents


.. autoapisummary::



.. autoapisummary::


.. py:function:: solve_lens_equation(lens_parameters)

   Function to solve the lens equation (min_image = 2)


       **lens_parameters** : `list`
           a list of parameters
           lens_parameters[0] = min_images : minimum number of images
           lens_parameters[1] = e1 : ellipticity
           lens_parameters[2] = e2 : ellipticity
           lens_parameters[3] = gamma : power-law index
           lens_parameters[4] = gamma1 : shear
           lens_parameters[5] = gamma2 : shear
           lens_parameters[6] = zl : redshift of the lens
           lens_parameters[7] = zs : redshift of the source
           lens_parameters[8] = einstein_radius : Einstein radius
           lens_parameters[9] = iteration : iteration number
           lens_parameters[10:] = lens_model_list : numpy array of lens models


       **x_source** : `float`
           x position of the source in the source plane

       **y_source** : `float`
           y position of the source in the source plane

       **x0_image_position** : `float`
           x position of the images in the source plane

       **x1_image_position** : `float`
           y position of the images in the source plane

       **magnifications** : `float`
           magnification of the images

       **time_delays** : `float`
           time-delay of the images

       **nImages** : `int`
           number of images

       **determinant** : `float`
           determinant of the hessian matrix

       **trace** : `float`
           trace of the hessian matrix

       **iteration** : `int`
           iteration number

   .. rubric:: Examples

   >>> from ler.image_properties.multiprocessing_routine import solve_lens_equation
   >>> import numpy as np
   >>> from multiprocessing import Pool
   >>> # lens parameters input contains 12 parameters [e1, e2, gamma, gamma1, gamma2, zl, zs, einstein_radius, iteration, lens_model_list]
   >>> lens_parameters1 = np.array([2, 0.024069457093642648, -0.016002190961948142, 1.8945414936459974, 0.10117465203892329, 0.09600089396968613, 0.2503743800068136, 0.9418211055453296, 2.5055790287104725e-06, 0, 'EPL_NUMBA', 'SHEAR'], dtype=object)
   >>> lens_parameters2 = np.array([2, -0.04030088581646998, -0.01419438113690042, 2.0068239327017, 0.08482718989370612, -0.015393332086560785, 1.0952303138971118, 2.5534097159384417, 1.0125570159563301e-06, 1, 'EPL_NUMBA', 'SHEAR'], dtype=object)
   >>> input_arguments = np.vstack((lens_parameters1, lens_parameters2))
   >>> # solve the lens equation for each set of lens parameters
   >>> with Pool(2) as p:
   ...     result =, input_arguments)
   >>> # result is a list of tuples
   >>> # each tuple contains the output parameters of the function
   >>> # each output parameter contains x_source, y_source, x0_image_position, x1_image_position, magnifications, time_delays, nImages, determinant, trace, iteration
   >>> print(f"magnification of images with lens parameters 'lens_parameters1' is {result[0][6]}")
   magnification of images with lens parameters 'lens_parameters1' is [ 2.18973765 -1.27542831]

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: interpolator_from_pickle(param_dict_given, directory, sub_directory, name, x, pdf_func=None, y=None, conditioned_y=None, dimension=1, category='pdf', create_new=False)

   Function to decide which interpolator to use.


       **param_dict_given** : `dict`
           dictionary of parameters.

       **directory** : `str`
           directory to store the interpolator.

       **sub_directory** : `str`
           sub-directory to store the interpolator.

       **name** : `str`
           name of the interpolator.

       **x** : `numpy.ndarray`
           x values.

       **pdf_func** : `function`
           function to calculate the pdf of x given y.

       **y** : `numpy.ndarray`
           y values.

       **conditioned_y** : `numpy.ndarray`
           conditioned y values.

       **dimension** : `int`
           dimension of the interpolator. Default is 1.

       **category** : `str`
           category of the function. Default is "pdf".

       **create_new** : `bool`
           if True, create a new interpolator. Default is False.


       **interpolator** : `function`
           interpolator function.

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: cubic_spline_interpolator(xnew, coefficients, x)

   Function to interpolate using cubic spline.


       **xnew** : `numpy.ndarray`
           new x values.

       **coefficients** : `numpy.ndarray`
           coefficients of the cubic spline.

       **x** : `numpy.ndarray`
           x values.


       **result** : `numpy.ndarray`
           interpolated values.

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:class:: ImageProperties(npool=4, z_min=0.0, z_max=10, n_min_images=2, n_max_images=4, geocent_time_min=1126259462.4, geocent_time_max=1126259462.4 + 365 * 24 * 3600 * 20, lens_model_list=['EPL_NUMBA', 'SHEAR'], cosmology=None, spin_zero=True, spin_precession=False, directory='./interpolator_pickle', create_new_interpolator=False)

   Class to find the image properties of a lensed event. Image properties include image positions, magnifications, time delays, etc.


       **npool** : `int`
           number of processes to use
           default: 4

       **z_min** : `float`
           minimum redshift to consider
           default: 0.0

       **z_max** : `float`
           maximum redshift to consider
           default: 10.0

       **n_min_images** : `int`
           minimum number of images to consider
           default: 2

       **n_max_images** : `int`
           maximum number of images to consider
           default: 4

       **geocent_time_min** : `float`
           minimum geocent time to consider
           default: 1126259462.4 , which is the GPS time of the first GW detection

       **geocent_time_max** : `float`
           maximum geocent time to consider
           default: 1126259462.4+365*24*3600*100 , which is the GPS time of the first GW detection + 100 years. Some time delays can be very large.

       **lens_model_list** : `list`
           list of lens models
           default: ['EPL_NUMBA', 'SHEAR']

       **cosmology** : `astropy.cosmology`
           default: None/astropy.cosmology.LambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Ode0=0.7)

       **spin_zero** : `bool`
           whether to assume spin zero or not
           default: True

       **spin_precession** : `bool`
           whether to assume spin precession or not
           default: False

       **directory** : `str`
           directory to save the interpolator pickle files
           default: "./interpolator_pickle"

       **create_new_interpolator** : `dict`
           dictionary to create new interpolator pickle files
           default: dict(Dl_to_z=dict(create_new=False, resolution=500))

   .. rubric:: Examples

   >>> from ler.image_properties import ImageProperties
   >>> image_properties = ImageProperties()
   >>> lens_parameters = dict(zs=2.0, zl=0.5, gamma1=0.0, gamma2=0.0, e1=0.0, e2=0.0, gamma=2.0, theta_E=1.0)
   >>> lens_parameters = image_properties.image_properties(lens_parameters)
   >>> print(lens_parameters.keys())

   Instance Attributes
   ImageProperties has the following instance attributes:

   | Atrributes                          | Type                             |
   |:attr:`npool`                        | `int`                            |
   |:attr:`z_min`                        | `float`                          |
   |:attr:`z_max`                        | `float`                          |
   |:attr:`n_min_images`                 | `int`                            |
   |:attr:`n_max_images`                 | `int`                            |
   |:attr:`geocent_time_min`             | `float`                          |
   |:attr:`geocent_time_max`             | `float`                          |
   |:attr:`lens_model_list`              | `list`                           |
   |:attr:`cosmo`                        | `astropy.cosmology`              |
   |:attr:`spin_zero`                    | `bool`                           |
   |:attr:`spin_precession`              | `bool`                           |
   |:attr:`directory`                    | `str`                            |
   |:attr:`create_new_interpolator`      | `dict`                           |

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   .. py:method:: image_properties(lens_parameters)

      Function to get the image properties e.g. image positions, magnifications, time delays, etc.


          **lens_parameters** : `dict`
              dictionary of lens parameters
              e.g. lens_parameters.keys() = ['zs', 'zl', 'gamma1', 'gamma2', 'e1', 'e2', 'gamma', 'theta_E']


          **lens_parameters** : `dict`
              dictionary of lens parameters and image properties
              e.g. lens_parameters contains the following keys:

              lens related=>['zs': source redshift, 'zl': lens redshift, 'gamma1': shear component in the x-direction, 'gamma2': shear component in the y-direction, 'e1': ellipticity component in the x-direction, 'e2': ellipticity component in the y-direction, 'gamma': spectral index of the mass density distribution, 'theta_E': einstein radius in radian]

              source related=>['mass_1': mass in detector frame (mass1>mass2), 'mass_2': mass in detector frame, 'mass_1_source':mass in source frame, 'mass_2_source':mass source frame, 'luminosity_distance': luminosity distance, 'theta_jn': inclination angle, 'psi': polarization angle, 'phase': coalesence phase, 'geocent_time': coalensence GPS time at geocenter, 'ra': right ascension, 'dec': declination, 'a_1': spin magnitude of the more massive black hole, 'a2': spin magnitude of the less massive black hole, 'tilt_1': tilt angle of the more massive black hole, 'tilt_2': tilt angle of the less massive black hole, 'phi_12': azimuthal angle between the two spins, 'phi_jl': azimuthal angle between the total angular momentum and the orbital angular momentum]

              image related=>['x_source': source position in the x-direction, 'y_source': source position in the y-direction, 'x0_image_position': image position in the x-direction, 'x1_image_position': image position in the y-direction, 'magnifications': magnifications, 'time_delays': time delays, 'n_images': number of images formed, 'determinant': determinants, 'trace': traces, 'iteration': to keep track of the iteration number

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

   .. py:method:: get_lensed_snrs(lensed_param, list_of_detectors=None, snr_calculator=None, pdet_calculator=None)

      Function to calculate the signal to noise ratio for each image in each event.


          **snr_calculator** : `function`
              snr function, as describe in the :class:`~ler.rates.GWRATES` class.

          **list_of_detectors** : `list`
              list of detectors
              e.g. ['H1', 'L1', 'V1']

          **lensed_param** : `dict`
              dictionary containing the both already lensed source paramters and image parameters.
              e.g. lensed_param.keys() = ['mass_1', 'mass_2', 'zs', 'luminosity_distance', 'theta_jn', 'psi', 'phi', 'ra', 'dec', 'geocent_time', 'phase', 'a_1', 'a2', 'tilt_1', 'tilt_2', 'phi_12', 'phi_jl', 'magnifications', 'time_delays']

          **n_max_images** : `int`
              maximum number of images to consider
              default: 4


          **snrs** : `dict`
              signal to noise ratio for each image in each event.
              (dictionary containing 'H1', 'L1', ..., and 'optimal_snr_net', which is the network snr, for each image as an array with dimensions (number_of_lensed_events,n_max_images) )

          !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: axis_ratio_rayleigh(sigma, q_min=0.2, q_max=1.0)

   Function to sample axis ratio from rayleigh distribution with given velocity dispersion.


       **sigma** : `float: array`
           velocity dispersion of the lens galaxy


       **q** : `float: array`
           axis ratio of the lens galaxy

       !! processed by numpydoc !!

.. py:function:: solve_lens_equation(lens_parameters)

   Function to solve the lens equation (min_image = 2)


       **lens_parameters** : `list`
           a list of parameters
           lens_parameters[0] = min_images : minimum number of images
           lens_parameters[1] = e1 : ellipticity
           lens_parameters[2] = e2 : ellipticity
           lens_parameters[3] = gamma : power-law index
           lens_parameters[4] = gamma1 : shear
           lens_parameters[5] = gamma2 : shear
           lens_parameters[6] = zl : redshift of the lens
           lens_parameters[7] = zs : redshift of the source
           lens_parameters[8] = einstein_radius : Einstein radius
           lens_parameters[9] = iteration : iteration number
           lens_parameters[10:] = lens_model_list : numpy array of lens models


       **x_source** : `float`
           x position of the source in the source plane

       **y_source** : `float`
           y position of the source in the source plane

       **x0_image_position** : `float`
           x position of the images in the source plane

       **x1_image_position** : `float`
           y position of the images in the source plane

       **magnifications** : `float`
           magnification of the images

       **time_delays** : `float`
           time-delay of the images

       **nImages** : `int`
           number of images

       **determinant** : `float`
           determinant of the hessian matrix

       **trace** : `float`
           trace of the hessian matrix

       **iteration** : `int`
           iteration number

   .. rubric:: Examples

   >>> from ler.image_properties.multiprocessing_routine import solve_lens_equation
   >>> import numpy as np
   >>> from multiprocessing import Pool
   >>> # lens parameters input contains 12 parameters [e1, e2, gamma, gamma1, gamma2, zl, zs, einstein_radius, iteration, lens_model_list]
   >>> lens_parameters1 = np.array([2, 0.024069457093642648, -0.016002190961948142, 1.8945414936459974, 0.10117465203892329, 0.09600089396968613, 0.2503743800068136, 0.9418211055453296, 2.5055790287104725e-06, 0, 'EPL_NUMBA', 'SHEAR'], dtype=object)
   >>> lens_parameters2 = np.array([2, -0.04030088581646998, -0.01419438113690042, 2.0068239327017, 0.08482718989370612, -0.015393332086560785, 1.0952303138971118, 2.5534097159384417, 1.0125570159563301e-06, 1, 'EPL_NUMBA', 'SHEAR'], dtype=object)
   >>> input_arguments = np.vstack((lens_parameters1, lens_parameters2))
   >>> # solve the lens equation for each set of lens parameters
   >>> with Pool(2) as p:
   ...     result =, input_arguments)
   >>> # result is a list of tuples
   >>> # each tuple contains the output parameters of the function
   >>> # each output parameter contains x_source, y_source, x0_image_position, x1_image_position, magnifications, time_delays, nImages, determinant, trace, iteration
   >>> print(f"magnification of images with lens parameters 'lens_parameters1' is {result[0][6]}")
   magnification of images with lens parameters 'lens_parameters1' is [ 2.18973765 -1.27542831]

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