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Rupert Nash edited this page Jul 6, 2018 · 5 revisions

Documenting a clean install on macOS Sierra with Anaconda and Homebrew.

Install Xcode from the App Store and run it once to accept the license.

Install Homebrew

Install Conda

Install main code dependencies:

brew tap homebrew/science
brew install wget
brew install cmake
brew install open-mpi
brew install boost --c++11
brew install tinyxml
brew install ctemplate
brew install cppunit
brew install parmetis
brew install fabric

(WIP) Install setup tool dependencies

brew install cgal --c++11

VMTK can now be installed via Anaconda!

conda create -n $foo -c vmtk itk vtk vmtk cython swig pyyaml wxpython
. activate $foo

You can then install hemeTools and setuptool into this environment either for production or development

For dev:

cd $HEMELB/Tools
pip install -e .
cd $HEMELB/Tools/setuptool
cmake .
pip install -e .

Note the cmake is needed to configure setup.cfg

For production omit the -e flags

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