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Releases: hemnstill/StandaloneTools


09 Jun 16:13
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pcre2grep version 10.44 2024-06-07


SHA-256: 9465f4139e00b2d48c0a59b6aa9c26e4afb7202ccaadf29a802088a5ad00e9ab pcre2grep


SHA-256: 7e3d8dd513f81509748b3cab2d258e862eb725565cc7e4f12370c67798323478 pcre2grep.exe


27 May 18:10
Choose a tag to compare


SHA-256: 04d981b83f07ad58867f3fc0608386bb693b4f7657617924d54d6dcfd24ab502 bsdtar
bsdtar 3.7.4 - libarchive 3.7.4 zlib/1.3.1 liblzma/5.4.5 libzstd/1.5.6


SHA-256: 9cef4a9419c5511566404886583eba12f882167c8eecb19d1d1d5fe92106c8f6 bsdtar.exe
bsdtar 3.7.4 - libarchive 3.7.4 zlib/1.3 liblzma/5.4.4 libzstd/1.5.6


27 May 17:43
Choose a tag to compare


7-Zip (z) 24.06 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2024 Igor Pavlov : 2024-05-26

SHA-256: c7e9bafc182937b782b4c32c13c12e7fc49e26a8da4293de06819c013f5d594f 7zz

7zz i

7-Zip (z) 24.06 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2024 Igor Pavlov : 2024-05-26
 64-bit locale=C.UTF-8 Threads:4 OPEN_MAX:1048576

   C...F..........c.a.m+..  7z       7z            7 z BC AF ' 1C
    ......................  APFS     apfs img      offset=32 N X S B 00
    ......................  APM      apm           E R
    ......................  Ar       ar a deb udeb lib ! < a r c h > 0A
    ......................  Arj      arj           ` EA
    K.....O.....X.........  Base64   b64           
    ......O...............  COFF     obj           
    ...F..................  Cab      cab           M S C F 00 00 00 00
    ......................  Chm      chm chi chq chw I T S F 03 00 00 00 ` 00 00 00
    ......................  Compound msi msp doc xls ppt D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1
    ....M.................  Cpio     cpio          0 7 0 7 0  ||  C7 q  ||  q C7
    ......................  CramFS   cramfs        offset=16 C o m p r e s s e d 20 R O M F S
    .....G..B.............  Dmg      dmg           k o l y 00 00 00 04 00 00 02 00
    .........E............  ELF      elf           � E L F
    ......................  Ext      ext ext2 ext3 ext4 img offset=1080 S EF
    ......................  FAT      fat img       offset=510 U AA
    ......................  FLV      flv           F L V 01
    ......................  GPT      gpt mbr       offset=512 E F I 20 P A R T 00 00 01 00
    ....M.................  HFS      hfs hfsx      offset=1024 B D  ||  H + 00 04  ||  H X 00 05
    ...F..................  Hxs      hxs hxi hxr hxq hxw lit I T O L I T L S 01 00 00 00 ( 00 00 00
    ......O...............  IHex     ihex          
    ......................  Iso      iso img       offset=32769 C D 0 0 1
    ......................  LP       lpimg img     offset=4096 g D l a 4 00 00 00
    ......................  Lzh      lzh lha       offset=2 - l h
    .......P..............  MBR      mbr           
    ....M....E............  MachO    macho         CE FA ED FE  ||  CF FA ED FE  ||  FE ED FA CE  ||  FE ED FA CF
    ......................  MsLZ     mslz          S Z D D 88 F0 ' 3 A
    ....M.................  Mub      mub           CA FE BA BE 00 00 00  ||  B9 FA F1 0E
    ......................  NTFS     ntfs img      offset=3 N T F S 20 20 20 20 00
    ...F.G................  Nsis     nsis          offset=4 EF BE AD DE N u l l s o f t I n s t
    .........E............  PE       exe dll sys   M Z
    ......................  Ppmd     pmd           8F AF AC 84
    ......................  QCOW     qcow qcow2 qcow2c Q F I FB 00 00 00
    ...F..................  Rar      rar r00       R a r ! 1A 07 00
    ...F..................  Rar5     rar r00       R a r ! 1A 07 01 00
    ......................  Rpm      rpm           ED AB EE DB
    K.....................  SWF      swf           F W S
    ....M.................  SWFc     swf (~.swf)   C W S  ||  Z W S
    ......................  Sparse   simg img      : FF & ED 01 00
    ......................  Split    001           
    ....M.................  SquashFS squashfs      h s q s  ||  s q s h  ||  s h s q  ||  q s h s
    .........E............  TE       te            V Z
    ...FM.................  UEFIc    scap          BD 86 f ; v 0D 0 @ B7 0E B5 Q 9E / C5 A0  ||  8B A6 < J # w FB H 80 = W 8C C1 FE C4 M  ||  B9 82 91 S B5 AB 91 C B6 9A E3 A9 C F7 / CC
    ...FM.................  UEFIf    uefif         offset=16 D9 T 93 z h 04 J D 81 CE 0B F6 17 D8 90 DF  ||  x E5 8C 8C = 8A 1C O 99 5 89 a 85 C3 - D3
    ....M.O...............  Udf      udf iso img   offset=32768 00 B E A 0 1 01 00  ||  01 C D 0 0 1
    ......................  VDI      vdi           offset=64 � 10 DA BE
    .....G................  VHD      vhd           c o n e c t i x 00 00
    ......................  VHDX     vhdx avhdx    v h d x f i l e
    ......................  VMDK     vmdk          K D M V
    ......................  Xar      xar pkg xip   x a r ! 00
    ......................  Z        z taz (.tar)  1F 9D
   CK.....................  bzip2    bz2 bzip2 tbz2 (.tar) tbz (.tar) B Z h
   CK.................m+..  gzip     gz gzip tgz (.tar) tpz (.tar) apk (.tar) 1F 8B 08
    K.....O...............  lzma     lzma          
    K.....................  lzma86   lzma86        
   C......O...LH......m+..  tar      tar ova       offset=257 u s t a r
   C.SN.......LH..c.a.m+..  wim      wim swm esd ppkg M S W I M 00 00 00
   CK.....................  xz       xz txz (.tar) FD 7 z X Z 00
   C...FMG........c.a.m+..  zip      zip z01 zipx jar xpi odt ods docx xlsx epub ipa apk appx P K 03 04  ||  P K 05 06  ||  P K 06 06  ||  P K 07 08 P K  ||  P K 0 0 P K
    K.....................  zstd     zst tzst (.tar) ( B5 / FD
   CK.....O.....XC........  Hash     sha256 sha512 sha224 sha384 sha1 sha md5 crc32 crc64 asc cksum 

   4ED   303011B BCJ2
    EDF  3030103 BCJ
    EDF  3030205 PPC
    EDF  3030401 IA64
    EDF  3030501 ARM
    EDF  3030701 ARMT
    EDF  3030805 SPARC
    EDF        A ARM64
    EDF        B RISCV
    EDF    20302 Swap2
    EDF    20304 Swap4
    ED     40202 BZip2
    ED         0 Copy
    ED     40109 Deflate64
    ED     40108 Deflate
    EDF        3 Delta
    ED        21 LZMA2
    ED     30101 LZMA
    ED     30401 PPMD
     D     40301 Rar1
     D     40302 Rar2
     D     40303 Rar3
     D     40305 Rar5
    EDF  6F10701 7zAES
    EDF  6F00181 AES256CBC

      4        1 CRC32
     20      201 SHA1
     32        A SHA256
      8      211 XXH64
      8        4 CRC64
     32      202 BLAKE2sp


7-Zip (z) 24.06 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2024 Igor Pavlov : 2024-05-26

SHA-256: 69e40e5745dc2133a20de478a1d2e0022e29c5e022936e1a2687d974a50f9007 7zz.exe

7zz i

7-Zip (z) 24.06 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2024 Igor Pavlov : 2024-05-26

   C...F..........c.a.m+..  7z       7z            7 z BC AF ' 1C
    ......................  APFS     apfs img      offset=32 N X S B 00
    ......................  APM      apm           E R
    ......................  Ar       ar a deb udeb lib ! < a r c h > 0A
    ......................  Arj      arj           ` EA
    K.....O.....X.........  Base64   b64           
    ......O...............  COFF     obj           
    ...F..................  Cab      cab           M S C F 00 00 00 00
    ......................  Chm      chm chi chq chw I T S F 03 00 00 00 ` 00 00 00
    ......................  Compound msi msp doc xls ppt D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1
    ....M.................  Cpio     cpio          0 7 0 7 0  ||  C7 q  ||  q C7
    ......................  CramFS   cramfs        offset=16 C o m p r e s s e d 20 R O M F S
    .....G..B.............  Dmg      dmg           k o l y 00 00 00 04 00 00 02 00
    .........E............  ELF      elf           � E L F
    ......................  Ext      ext ext2 ext3 ext4 img offset=1080 S EF
    ......................  FAT      fat img       offset=510 U AA
    ......................  FLV      flv           F L V 01
    ......................  GPT      gpt mbr       offset=512 E F I 20 P A R T 00 00 01 00
    ....M.................  HFS      hfs hfsx      offset=1024 B D  ||  H + 00 04  ||  H X 00 05
    ...F..................  Hxs      hxs hxi hxr hxq hxw lit I T O L I T L S 01 00 00 00 ( 00 00 00
    ......O...............  IHex     ihex          
    ......................  Iso      iso img       offset=32769 C D 0 0 1
    ......................  LP       lpimg img     offset=4096 g D l a 4 00 00 00
    ......................  Lzh      lzh lha       offset=2 - l h
    .......P..............  MBR      mbr           
    ....M....E............  MachO    macho         CE FA ED FE  ||  CF FA ED FE  ||  FE ED FA CE  ||  FE ED FA CF
    ......................  MsLZ     mslz          S Z D D 88 F0 ' 3 A
    ....M.................  Mub      mub           CA FE BA BE 00 00 00  ||  B9 FA F1 0E
    ......................  NTFS     ntfs img      offset=3 N T F S 20 20 20 20 00
    ...F.G................  Nsis     nsis          offset=4 EF BE AD DE N u l l s o f t I n s t
    .........E............  PE       exe dll sys   M Z
    ......................  Ppmd     pmd           8F AF AC 84
    ......................  QCOW     qcow qcow2 qcow2c Q F I FB 00 00 00
    ...F..................  Rar      rar r00       R a r ! 1A 07 00
    ...F..................  Rar5     rar r00       R a r ! 1A 07 01 00
    ......................  Rpm      rpm           ED AB EE DB
    K.....................  SWF      swf           F W S
    ....M.................  SWFc     swf (~.swf)   C W S  ||  Z W S
    ......................  Sparse   simg img      : FF & ED 01 00
    ......................  Split    001           
    ....M.................  SquashFS squashfs      h s q s  ||  s q s h  ||  s h s q  ||  q s h s
    .........E............  TE       te            V Z
    ...FM.................  UEFIc    scap          BD 86 f ; v 0D 0 @ B7 0E B5 Q 9E / C5 A0  ||  8B A6 < J # w FB H 80 = W 8C C1 FE C4 M  ||  B9 82 91 S B5 AB 91 C B6 9A E3 A9 C F7 / CC
    ...FM.................  UEFIf    uefif         offset=16 D9 T 93 z h 04 J D 81 CE 0B F6 17 D8 90 DF  ||  x E5 8C 8C = 8A 1C O 99 5 89 a 85 C3 - D3
    ....M.O...............  Udf      udf iso img   offset=32768 00 B E A 0 1 01 00  ||  01 C D 0 0 1
    ......................  VDI      vdi           offset=64 � 10 DA BE
    .....G................  VHD      vhd           c o n e c t i x 00 00
    ......................  VHDX     vhdx avhdx    v h d x f i l e
    ......................  VMDK     vmdk          K D M V
    ......................  Xar      xar pkg xip   x a r ! 00
    ......................  Z        z taz (....
Read more


09 Apr 16:34
Choose a tag to compare


SHA-256: 96685660364180d19e663e8ad4fb5f3b2657009d882f5575a76971d572288cb7 bsdtar
bsdtar 3.7.3 - libarchive 3.7.3 zlib/1.3.1 liblzma/5.4.5 libzstd/1.5.6


SHA-256: bc9f56c515c4ef94b2b936c41ab848329cb1fba0938dc30ce490c1849e9cb585 bsdtar.exe
bsdtar 3.7.3 - libarchive 3.7.3 zlib/1.3 liblzma/5.4.4 libzstd/1.5.6


15 May 17:03
Choose a tag to compare


7-Zip (z) 24.05 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2024 Igor Pavlov : 2024-05-14

SHA-256: c2e845bfe287fe1711c05b586462b80bff3e3771cffe1e1e6d5b198503c27d0a 7zz

7zz i

7-Zip (z) 24.05 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2024 Igor Pavlov : 2024-05-14
 64-bit locale=C.UTF-8 Threads:4 OPEN_MAX:1048576

   C...F..........c.a.m+..  7z       7z            7 z BC AF ' 1C
    ......................  APFS     apfs img      offset=32 N X S B 00
    ......................  APM      apm           E R
    ......................  Ar       ar a deb udeb lib ! < a r c h > 0A
    ......................  Arj      arj           ` EA
    K.....O.....X.........  Base64   b64           
    ......O...............  COFF     obj           
    ...F..................  Cab      cab           M S C F 00 00 00 00
    ......................  Chm      chm chi chq chw I T S F 03 00 00 00 ` 00 00 00
    ......................  Compound msi msp doc xls ppt D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1
    ....M.................  Cpio     cpio          0 7 0 7 0  ||  C7 q  ||  q C7
    ......................  CramFS   cramfs        offset=16 C o m p r e s s e d 20 R O M F S
    .....G..B.............  Dmg      dmg           k o l y 00 00 00 04 00 00 02 00
    .........E............  ELF      elf           � E L F
    ......................  Ext      ext ext2 ext3 ext4 img offset=1080 S EF
    ......................  FAT      fat img       offset=510 U AA
    ......................  FLV      flv           F L V 01
    ......................  GPT      gpt mbr       offset=512 E F I 20 P A R T 00 00 01 00
    ....M.................  HFS      hfs hfsx      offset=1024 B D  ||  H + 00 04  ||  H X 00 05
    ...F..................  Hxs      hxs hxi hxr hxq hxw lit I T O L I T L S 01 00 00 00 ( 00 00 00
    ......O...............  IHex     ihex          
    ......................  Iso      iso img       offset=32769 C D 0 0 1
    ......................  LP       lpimg img     offset=4096 g D l a 4 00 00 00
    ......................  Lzh      lzh lha       offset=2 - l h
    .......P..............  MBR      mbr           
    ....M....E............  MachO    macho         CE FA ED FE  ||  CF FA ED FE  ||  FE ED FA CE  ||  FE ED FA CF
    ......................  MsLZ     mslz          S Z D D 88 F0 ' 3 A
    ....M.................  Mub      mub           CA FE BA BE 00 00 00  ||  B9 FA F1 0E
    ......................  NTFS     ntfs img      offset=3 N T F S 20 20 20 20 00
    ...F.G................  Nsis     nsis          offset=4 EF BE AD DE N u l l s o f t I n s t
    .........E............  PE       exe dll sys   M Z
    ......................  Ppmd     pmd           8F AF AC 84
    ......................  QCOW     qcow qcow2 qcow2c Q F I FB 00 00 00
    ...F..................  Rar      rar r00       R a r ! 1A 07 00
    ...F..................  Rar5     rar r00       R a r ! 1A 07 01 00
    ......................  Rpm      rpm           ED AB EE DB
    K.....................  SWF      swf           F W S
    ....M.................  SWFc     swf (~.swf)   C W S  ||  Z W S
    ......................  Sparse   simg img      : FF & ED 01 00
    ......................  Split    001           
    ....M.................  SquashFS squashfs      h s q s  ||  s q s h  ||  s h s q  ||  q s h s
    .........E............  TE       te            V Z
    ...FM.................  UEFIc    scap          BD 86 f ; v 0D 0 @ B7 0E B5 Q 9E / C5 A0  ||  8B A6 < J # w FB H 80 = W 8C C1 FE C4 M  ||  B9 82 91 S B5 AB 91 C B6 9A E3 A9 C F7 / CC
    ...FM.................  UEFIf    uefif         offset=16 D9 T 93 z h 04 J D 81 CE 0B F6 17 D8 90 DF  ||  x E5 8C 8C = 8A 1C O 99 5 89 a 85 C3 - D3
    ....M.O...............  Udf      udf iso img   offset=32768 00 B E A 0 1 01 00  ||  01 C D 0 0 1
    ......................  VDI      vdi           offset=64 � 10 DA BE
    .....G................  VHD      vhd           c o n e c t i x 00 00
    ......................  VHDX     vhdx avhdx    v h d x f i l e
    ......................  VMDK     vmdk          K D M V
    ......................  Xar      xar pkg xip   x a r ! 00
    ......................  Z        z taz (.tar)  1F 9D
   CK.....................  bzip2    bz2 bzip2 tbz2 (.tar) tbz (.tar) B Z h
   CK.................m+..  gzip     gz gzip tgz (.tar) tpz (.tar) apk (.tar) 1F 8B 08
    K.....O...............  lzma     lzma          
    K.....................  lzma86   lzma86        
   C......O...LH......m+..  tar      tar ova       offset=257 u s t a r
   C.SN.......LH..c.a.m+..  wim      wim swm esd ppkg M S W I M 00 00 00
   CK.....................  xz       xz txz (.tar) FD 7 z X Z 00
   C...FMG........c.a.m+..  zip      zip z01 zipx jar xpi odt ods docx xlsx epub ipa apk appx P K 03 04  ||  P K 05 06  ||  P K 06 06  ||  P K 07 08 P K  ||  P K 0 0 P K
    K.....................  zstd     zst tzst (.tar) ( B5 / FD
   CK.....O.....XC........  Hash     sha256 sha512 sha224 sha384 sha1 sha md5 crc32 crc64 asc cksum 

   4ED   303011B BCJ2
    EDF  3030103 BCJ
    EDF  3030205 PPC
    EDF  3030401 IA64
    EDF  3030501 ARM
    EDF  3030701 ARMT
    EDF  3030805 SPARC
    EDF        A ARM64
    EDF        B RISCV
    EDF    20302 Swap2
    EDF    20304 Swap4
    ED     40202 BZip2
    ED         0 Copy
    ED     40109 Deflate64
    ED     40108 Deflate
    EDF        3 Delta
    ED        21 LZMA2
    ED     30101 LZMA
    ED     30401 PPMD
     D     40301 Rar1
     D     40302 Rar2
     D     40303 Rar3
     D     40305 Rar5
    EDF  6F10701 7zAES
    EDF  6F00181 AES256CBC

      4        1 CRC32
     20      201 SHA1
     32        A SHA256
      8      211 XXH64
      8        4 CRC64
     32      202 BLAKE2sp


7-Zip (z) 24.05 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2024 Igor Pavlov : 2024-05-14

SHA-256: cc0fb0dd0fe756bf977e0a28590e28f0bcb80bf7fc9269658e4de749ba1dd613 7zz.exe

7zz i

7-Zip (z) 24.05 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2024 Igor Pavlov : 2024-05-14

   C...F..........c.a.m+..  7z       7z            7 z BC AF ' 1C
    ......................  APFS     apfs img      offset=32 N X S B 00
    ......................  APM      apm           E R
    ......................  Ar       ar a deb udeb lib ! < a r c h > 0A
    ......................  Arj      arj           ` EA
    K.....O.....X.........  Base64   b64           
    ......O...............  COFF     obj           
    ...F..................  Cab      cab           M S C F 00 00 00 00
    ......................  Chm      chm chi chq chw I T S F 03 00 00 00 ` 00 00 00
    ......................  Compound msi msp doc xls ppt D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1
    ....M.................  Cpio     cpio          0 7 0 7 0  ||  C7 q  ||  q C7
    ......................  CramFS   cramfs        offset=16 C o m p r e s s e d 20 R O M F S
    .....G..B.............  Dmg      dmg           k o l y 00 00 00 04 00 00 02 00
    .........E............  ELF      elf           � E L F
    ......................  Ext      ext ext2 ext3 ext4 img offset=1080 S EF
    ......................  FAT      fat img       offset=510 U AA
    ......................  FLV      flv           F L V 01
    ......................  GPT      gpt mbr       offset=512 E F I 20 P A R T 00 00 01 00
    ....M.................  HFS      hfs hfsx      offset=1024 B D  ||  H + 00 04  ||  H X 00 05
    ...F..................  Hxs      hxs hxi hxr hxq hxw lit I T O L I T L S 01 00 00 00 ( 00 00 00
    ......O...............  IHex     ihex          
    ......................  Iso      iso img       offset=32769 C D 0 0 1
    ......................  LP       lpimg img     offset=4096 g D l a 4 00 00 00
    ......................  Lzh      lzh lha       offset=2 - l h
    .......P..............  MBR      mbr           
    ....M....E............  MachO    macho         CE FA ED FE  ||  CF FA ED FE  ||  FE ED FA CE  ||  FE ED FA CF
    ......................  MsLZ     mslz          S Z D D 88 F0 ' 3 A
    ....M.................  Mub      mub           CA FE BA BE 00 00 00  ||  B9 FA F1 0E
    ......................  NTFS     ntfs img      offset=3 N T F S 20 20 20 20 00
    ...F.G................  Nsis     nsis          offset=4 EF BE AD DE N u l l s o f t I n s t
    .........E............  PE       exe dll sys   M Z
    ......................  Ppmd     pmd           8F AF AC 84
    ......................  QCOW     qcow qcow2 qcow2c Q F I FB 00 00 00
    ...F..................  Rar      rar r00       R a r ! 1A 07 00
    ...F..................  Rar5     rar r00       R a r ! 1A 07 01 00
    ......................  Rpm      rpm           ED AB EE DB
    K.....................  SWF      swf           F W S
    ....M.................  SWFc     swf (~.swf)   C W S  ||  Z W S
    ......................  Sparse   simg img      : FF & ED 01 00
    ......................  Split    001           
    ....M.................  SquashFS squashfs      h s q s  ||  s q s h  ||  s h s q  ||  q s h s
    .........E............  TE       te            V Z
    ...FM.................  UEFIc    scap          BD 86 f ; v 0D 0 @ B7 0E B5 Q 9E / C5 A0  ||  8B A6 < J # w FB H 80 = W 8C C1 FE C4 M  ||  B9 82 91 S B5 AB 91 C B6 9A E3 A9 C F7 / CC
    ...FM.................  UEFIf    uefif         offset=16 D9 T 93 z h 04 J D 81 CE 0B F6 17 D8 90 DF  ||  x E5 8C 8C = 8A 1C O 99 5 89 a 85 C3 - D3
    ....M.O...............  Udf      udf iso img   offset=32768 00 B E A 0 1 01 00  ||  01 C D 0 0 1
    ......................  VDI      vdi           offset=64 � 10 DA BE
    .....G................  VHD      vhd           c o n e c t i x 00 00
    ......................  VHDX     vhdx avhdx    v h d x f i l e
    ......................  VMDK     vmdk          K D M V
    ......................  Xar      xar pkg xip   x a r ! 00
    ......................  Z        z taz (....
Read more


01 Apr 17:38
Choose a tag to compare


./mysql Ver 8.3.0 for Linux on x86_64 (Source distribution)

sha256sum ./*
e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855  ./
bde386825c1cbfd8c1e995871bc53c8a93c44b6ca86d1db1e0ec732cbef1d6f5  ./mysql
31060b6b5e2205b9faa2876a6d39b291d7dc64999c5a6002555f175a30cbfda9  ./mysql_config_editor
e44337654141e6b38fb05be8b3960f8ef88809341807ee949a3d3c2fef774248  ./mysql_migrate_keyring
9a341f45a2124e4a3da1b85c22647a114bb996a186863f745bcfa7f4e600415a  ./mysql_secure_installation
1be1bf280e121bbeb63bb96d8e4b72d6429ceee73467a78b7e8a0d40d2f833e1  ./mysql_ssl_rsa_setup
9831bb7cda4299f14a288e64087f930cd7acafb1f32f6c8f625ac06986c10e64  ./mysqladmin
e55f6b6facc8d666f998a41becc539a8fdc45fd61d3c9c6d4951ef57d458c826  ./mysqlbinlog
ada4b258f442aca300113c79ccfbba3c50a510f806903fd161d31d07597f188f  ./mysqlcheck
f22ff7522e3157e6df22dfd5726b2064a75ba05f37bbab6895782263804b806d  ./mysqldump
be75c401d0b22b9ca516a2ff4f3b416064ca6c868268040ad5897d9854ddb24d  ./mysqlimport
697f2b670f9c056e2284da56a453e994cd9c024d7e515cc07b2ce528527a5287  ./mysqlpump
34e93394fd0fdf1f0870f38f6a7c714006d721510914bbce967c883d21e74468  ./mysqlshow
45df36c4dbda3894a17b438dcb9f8ac4f443688fb37c59154cb51451e0cff8a5  ./mysqlslap


./mysql Ver 8.3.0 for Linux on x86_64 (Source distribution)

ldd mysql (0x00007ffd197c8000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fc520b14000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fc520ae2000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fc51fbd4000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fc520ac2000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fc51f9ab000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fc51f8c4000)
	/lib64/ (0x00007fc520b2d000)
sha256sum ./*
e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855  ./
51eba60c057efff93e7e068a9f7bad5ec9b623a98774b53875151c92172a6ed4  ./mysql
62322f703da6ba6affecb3dd83ec84d81c998a5e01f71adf1c32bd00be4e74bb  ./mysql_config_editor
5c9a543a16a5d0cfba841e4f66981a9119aca0c1c72e95f6b158c8f177d4d19c  ./mysql_migrate_keyring
6be4468e010300d3db8075122a38a28de96bb4e9db73d5de32e258ef658b0828  ./mysql_secure_installation
bcfce2bcecfe2fab031a510afb33eeb374ad1b69e58a7b38c92d24c3085883c3  ./mysql_ssl_rsa_setup
7a1957327b3e7b50d3af8addc30ad8de8e4d03438eef0f52f4e9d5340827ae02  ./mysqladmin
94cda9dd2ee995186ef35ea7aba22774fc65f6a8912fa2786fa8293b4a3d6339  ./mysqlbinlog
09f084120a7dee6f66827dd16c6fc5539b1127ef9d8654da36b091faf178c778  ./mysqlcheck
e9ba6c6b5fd96f94696f49ecbaa786c35b4df9eddd77cf302951c1e9a0cb8823  ./mysqldump
adfb486191f736cacfb09478f1b7d40a28b453391e1d5167996340cab4eac891  ./mysqlimport
f662a70660b3b2bb6c1671d7f05b3bb6dc203ce189fdb96287ecca1b2dd61ed3  ./mysqlpump
e4da61393513aa4efe0ea82c8731e19d8e1a36f3b564479e880077cc4b2595da  ./mysqlshow
9e4dd64a008ffa72a1d6d189752a1c513428777a82c07f8097251f43fd329857  ./mysqlslap


./mysql Ver 8.3.0 for Win64 on x86_64 (Source distribution)

sha256sum ./*
e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855  ./
66e99ac7d37e5fe03f161a8af5013c634823c74599d7d7f35dc5b21ab6273669  ./libcrypto-3-x64.dll
0beaff0b10968647d852f660a2c010e40a1cfa8d3edeaaf39e8fb0c14dd66cb5  ./libcrypto-3-x64.pdb
fca2b35d76e9a7fb73b93b86049cdfc883d4a5dd681bef97948d776f03881b60  ./libmysql.dll
e0059716c948c46a016019a67e8680754a0df38aac4438621f8de669a062b575  ./libssl-3-x64.dll
12d5025790c6d5af1641919c78080a6be9bc91f251d9fdeb97979934ea2aef64  ./libssl-3-x64.pdb
01674aa23e9b3622f1c24d01c2dd83d9556b823195aab3d40456d623901383d7  ./mysql.exe
dbf70266ec7f674aab30a328b9fd339e0749e3bb5e50ae3ff0cd4f00ab7e6019  ./mysql_config_editor.exe
d1e3f70d1e1dd06b79f7a68477947fd77288adaa773bb8994ac5f52c5b2af53b  ./mysql_migrate_keyring.exe
3ddef9be23819a2e12e469652e4b935d1ce34f5c5a9f0f3cd1032afe81ddce21  ./mysql_secure_installation.exe
f1a05ca2c38d8d94bfbb7709df8ee340f0cec13b9c5460142d31c61cc12db186  ./mysql_ssl_rsa_setup.exe
7b70670237257a3fee202c443c797d5fb13e664e7d247841984a9965da6ee6dd  ./mysqladmin.exe
fb04d48be98b6afcf066063d9b54219930e2b9bae3615392cc46ef06a222629c  ./mysqlbinlog.exe
6fd08f42d9a44cc28976f9c1672cb549257ec84b1b4e03d585a97a6f18fb4545  ./mysqlcheck.exe
83a69efa3620fc824c16b611bef24629056dabbc12b7d88c5aad507c0c3e3f73  ./mysqldump.exe
bec1479bbba370b678e50e1249c356d6456d191c97cfa82154e4e0124edaa17e  ./mysqlimport.exe
0aafa8bad666ae922cab71b6fab2973eb6ea7f1c5d39f60634503d6d4ebf26f9  ./mysqlpump.exe
259c5a9b4fe89560db1c6a9c5d3cb433322b921a1a49eaf5f69bece43b843ee0  ./mysqlshow.exe
0da59e5913a151367db58e686f59173efc7c251114698a7c3295e14332dd96c5  ./mysqlslap.exe


29 Mar 10:00
Choose a tag to compare


redis-cli 7.2.4

sha256sum ./*
e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855  ./
145daca2637db62feb48e6ed3c47bc13c02249e9e4b73abd67f82039be13b1cc  ./redis-benchmark
1dc05a5b1d46d8aeb666acd4da02b45f4055608914cf4d0a9a167eacf6290285  ./redis-check-aof
1dc05a5b1d46d8aeb666acd4da02b45f4055608914cf4d0a9a167eacf6290285  ./redis-check-rdb
c82f28921d358ae757945783c9dd1863fa4f9d7a147927a8682b1651c90b8109  ./redis-cli
1dc05a5b1d46d8aeb666acd4da02b45f4055608914cf4d0a9a167eacf6290285  ./redis-sentinel
1dc05a5b1d46d8aeb666acd4da02b45f4055608914cf4d0a9a167eacf6290285  ./redis-server


redis-cli 7.2.4

sha256sum ./*
e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 *./
a66f6ea83028c50a836c7231f24d2ab66157b6bb7b6390a137befa327cae3ea2 *./msys-2.0.dll
1ebe9b0f8c617d7cc54d5ef5bce1840fdc9c05acb2e3936bdd4d524623350df8 *./msys-crypto-3.dll
4e86b81217d4ae7b14df2c3297af65a8923c28ae0e1d0a226ff30c9018e3e82b *./msys-ssl-3.dll
d2a52d41de9a75502929932fff22bb57b34c3eac83da3e7098eff17d260299cc *./redis-benchmark.exe
f4d80ffd411aaab4c979c0c3808806c563e61050f8505d9a02e02009eaccd82b *./redis-check-aof.exe
f4d80ffd411aaab4c979c0c3808806c563e61050f8505d9a02e02009eaccd82b *./redis-check-rdb.exe
a7715631342b6a464a64e761de8cb2a686cf87177ff1d6aeddeb4c543e2ed6bf *./redis-cli.exe
f4d80ffd411aaab4c979c0c3808806c563e61050f8505d9a02e02009eaccd82b *./redis-sentinel.exe
f4d80ffd411aaab4c979c0c3808806c563e61050f8505d9a02e02009eaccd82b *./redis-server.exe


28 Mar 12:50
Choose a tag to compare

*** Zstandard CLI (64-bit) v1.5.6, by Yann Collet ***


SHA-256: b418c0e6f6fc5e6fcdd0a7a3353689818de6f0ccaca0682da0c3021de4a4217a zstd

zlib-static-1.3.1-r0 webpage:


SHA-256: 00700bff3a03c4883c1566016d06b842fded6f45180a76a8e90a061ba7374068 *zstd


28 Mar 12:24
Choose a tag to compare


Python 3.12.2 (main, Feb 25 2024, 04:51:45) [Clang 14.0.3 ]
pip 24.0 from /__w/StandaloneTools/StandaloneTools/python/.tmp/python/install/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pip (python 3.12)


Python 3.12.2 (main, Feb 25 2024, 04:35:53) [Clang 17.0.6 ]
pip 24.0 from /__w/StandaloneTools/StandaloneTools/python/.tmp/python/install/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pip (python 3.12)


Python 3.12.2 (main, Feb 25 2024, 03:42:18) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
pip 24.0 from D:\a\StandaloneTools\StandaloneTools\python.tmp\python\install\Lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.12)


28 Mar 12:41
Choose a tag to compare


Poetry - Package Management for Python

Version: 1.8.2
Poetry-Core Version: 1.9.0

Poetry is a dependency manager tracking local dependencies of your projects and libraries.
See for more information.
Python 3.12.2 (main, Feb 25 2024, 04:35:53) [Clang 17.0.6 ]

poetry self show
build                1.1.1     A simple, correct Python build frontend
cachecontrol         0.14.0    httplib2 caching for requests
certifi              2024.2.2  Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bu...
cffi                 1.16.0    Foreign Function Interface for Python callin...
charset-normalizer   3.3.2     The Real First Universal Charset Detector. O...
cleo                 2.1.0     Cleo allows you to create beautiful and test...
crashtest            0.4.1     Manage Python errors with ease
cryptography         42.0.5    cryptography is a package which provides cry...
distlib              0.3.8     Distribution utilities
dulwich              0.21.7    Python Git Library
fastjsonschema       2.19.1    Fastest Python implementation of JSON schema
filelock             3.13.3    A platform independent file lock.
idna                 3.6       Internationalized Domain Names in Applicatio...
installer            0.7.0     A library for installing Python wheels.
jaraco-classes       3.3.1     Utility functions for Python class constructs
jeepney              0.8.0     Low-level, pure Python DBus protocol wrapper.
keyring              24.3.1    Store and access your passwords safely.
more-itertools       10.2.0    More routines for operating on iterables, be...
msgpack              1.0.8     MessagePack serializer
packaging            24.0      Core utilities for Python packages
pexpect              4.9.0     Pexpect allows easy control of interactive c...
pkginfo              1.10.0    Query metadata from sdists / bdists / instal...
platformdirs         4.2.0     A small Python package for determining appro...
poetry               1.8.2     Python dependency management and packaging m...
poetry-core          1.9.0     Poetry PEP 517 Build Backend
poetry-plugin-export 1.7.1     Poetry plugin to export the dependencies to ...
poetry-plugin-sort   0.2.1     Poetry plugin to sort the dependencies alpha...
ptyprocess           0.7.0     Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal
pycparser            2.21      C parser in Python
pyproject-hooks      1.0.0     Wrappers to call pyproject.toml-based build ...
rapidfuzz            3.7.0     rapid fuzzy string matching
requests             2.31.0    Python HTTP for Humans.
requests-toolbelt    1.0.0     A utility belt for advanced users of python-...
secretstorage        3.3.3     Python bindings to Secret Se...
shellingham          1.5.4     Tool to Detect Surrounding Shell
tomlkit              0.12.4    Style preserving TOML library
trove-classifiers    2024.3.25 Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI (py...
urllib3              2.2.1     HTTP library with thread-safe connection poo...
virtualenv           20.25.1   Virtual Python Environment builder
poetry self show plugins

  - poetry-plugin-sort (0.2.1) Poetry plugin to sort the dependencies alphabetically
      1 application plugin

        - poetry (>=1.2.0,<2.0.0)

  - poetry-plugin-export (1.7.1) Poetry plugin to export the dependencies to various formats
      1 application plugin

        - poetry (>=1.8.0,<2.0.0)
        - poetry-core (>=1.7.0,<2.0.0)


Poetry - Package Management for Python

Version: 1.8.2
Poetry-Core Version: 1.9.0

Poetry is a dependency manager tracking local dependencies of your projects and libraries.
See for more information.
Python 3.12.2 (main, Feb 25 2024, 03:42:18) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]

poetry self show
build                1.1.1     A simple, correct Python build frontend
cachecontrol         0.14.0    httplib2 caching for requests
certifi              2024.2.2  Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bu...
charset-normalizer   3.3.2     The Real First Universal Charset Detector. O...
cleo                 2.1.0     Cleo allows you to create beautiful and test...
colorama             0.4.6     Cross-platform colored terminal text.
crashtest            0.4.1     Manage Python errors with ease
distlib              0.3.8     Distribution utilities
dulwich              0.21.7    Python Git Library
fastjsonschema       2.19.1    Fastest Python implementation of JSON schema
filelock             3.13.3    A platform independent file lock.
idna                 3.6       Internationalized Domain Names in Applicatio...
installer            0.7.0     A library for installing Python wheels.
jaraco-classes       3.3.1     Utility functions for Python class constructs
keyring              24.3.1    Store and access your passwords safely.
more-itertools       10.2.0    More routines for operating on iterables, be...
msgpack              1.0.8     MessagePack serializer
packaging            24.0      Core utilities for Python packages
pexpect              4.9.0     Pexpect allows easy control of interactive c...
pkginfo              1.10.0    Query metadata from sdists / bdists / instal...
platformdirs         4.2.0     A small Python package for determining appro...
poetry               1.8.2     Python dependency management and packaging m...
poetry-core          1.9.0     Poetry PEP 517 Build Backend
poetry-plugin-export 1.7.1     Poetry plugin to export the dependencies to ...
poetry-plugin-sort   0.2.1     Poetry plugin to sort the dependencies alpha...
ptyprocess           0.7.0     Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal
pyproject-hooks      1.0.0     Wrappers to call pyproject.toml-based build ...
pywin32-ctypes       0.2.2     A (partial) reimplementation of pywin32 usin...
rapidfuzz            3.7.0     rapid fuzzy string matching
requests             2.31.0    Python HTTP for Humans.
requests-toolbelt    1.0.0     A utility belt for advanced users of python-...
shellingham          1.5.4     Tool to Detect Surrounding Shell
tomlkit              0.12.4    Style preserving TOML library
trove-classifiers    2024.3.25 Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI (py...
urllib3              2.2.1     HTTP library with thread-safe connection poo...
virtualenv           20.25.1   Virtual Python Environment builder
poetry self show plugins

  - poetry-plugin-export (1.7.1) Poetry plugin to export the dependencies to various formats
      1 application plugin

        - poetry (>=1.8.0,<2.0.0)
        - poetry-core (>=1.7.0,<2.0.0)

  - poetry-plugin-sort (0.2.1) Poetry plugin to sort the dependencies alphabetically
      1 application plugin

        - poetry (>=1.2.0,<2.0.0)