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henchan edited this page Apr 11, 2014 · 32 revisions

Below, is documented the questions asked by Yeoman when running the Drywall Generator. Some of these questions have dependencies, so you may not see all of them.

####Do you want me to make a new Drywall app or to add CRUD to an existing Drywall app? There are three options:

Choose 1 if you want to install just a basic Drywall App.
Choose 2 if you want to install a basic Drywall App and also install a crud app.
Choose 3 if you want to upgrade a basic Drywall App with crud features.

####Tell me the name of your Drywall project Text that will be displayed at the top left of each of your app's pages.

####Tell me which version of jedireza/drywall to clone It is recommended to select latest, though this is not guaranteed to work. If you suspect the latest Drywall version is breaking this generator, please send an issue to this project. Meanwhile, select an earlier, tested, version.

jedireza/drywall (Github) is currently hard-coded in the generator. Let me know if you want to use it against your clone of Drywall.

####Tell me the name of your custom app This affects navigation in your app.

e.g. if you choose myapp then you'll navigate to your custom app through a route such as http://hostname:3000/myapp

####Tell me entity key word: singular (s), plural (p) and one attribute (a) for each of the CRUD pages you wish to create: This is a json object containing one or more entities having the following structure

"appName" : "crud",
"keyWords" :
  {"s" : "wine", "p" : "wines", "a" : 
		{"name": "grape", "type": "string"}, 
		{"name": "bouquets", "type": "array"}, 
		{"name": "retailers", "type": "array"}
  {"s" : "spirit", "p" : "spirits", "a" : 
		{"name": "grain", "type": "string"}, 
		{"name": "bottle_sizes", "type": "array"} 

####Do you want me to help you configure your Drywall App? Select Yes if you want the generator to do configuration automatically.

For now, it only does the Database and SMTP setup. Please let me know if you want more configuration added.

Whether you select Yes or No here, you can always manually adjust config.js later.

####Tell me about your NoSQL Database. Is it MongoDB or CouchDB? Hobson's choice. Hopefully, we'll get a CouchDB alternative later.

####Do you want to enter the full Mongo Connection string? If not, I will help you produce it. Select Yes if you know the full connection string and want to avoid some questions.

####Type or paste your full Mongo DB Connection string e.g. mongodb://

####Tell me about your Mongo DB. First, where is it hosted? Local assumes a DB on localhost using the default port (27017). It also assumes there is no DB password protection.

Please let me know if your Mongo cloud host is not listed.

####What is the name of your DB? A pre-existing empty DB on the MongoDB service.

####Tell me which server to use to connect to the DB The subnet of the cloud service that you connect to.

e.g. mongodb:// The server is myserver.

####Tell me which port to use to connect to the DB e.g. 27227 in the previous example

####Tell me the Mongo Admin user name for this DB A user name that allows you to login to your Mongo DB and has administrative rights.

####Tell me the password for this Admin user Password for above DB user. Note, all configurations will be stored in your app's config.js in plain text.

####Tell me the host name of your SMTP (outgoing) mail server This third-party SMTP server will be used for sending "forgot password" messages from your app.

####Tell me your SMTP account name Your SMTP server will require authentication to use. If using Google's SMTP server, enter your gmail address here.

####Tell me your SMTP account password Password for above SMTP account. Note, all configurations will be stored in your app's config.js in plain text.

####Do you want me to set up a Drywall administrator automatically? This is an administrator account in your new Drywall app. If you select Yes, the generator will configure the administrator account automatically.

####What is the user name for your Drywall administrator account Any valid user name.

####What is the email address of your Drywall administrator This does not need to be the same email as was used for the SMTP server.

When you first log in to your new app, you'll use "forgot password" and receive an email here.

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