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Novel clusters of multimorbidity in people with asthma and atopic eczema: a UK population-based study


A project comparing primary care records in people with and without common allergic conditions: eczema and asthma.

For more information please visit this website

For analysis only

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You will need to make an object in a script called mm-filepaths.R called datapath linked to wherever the data is. The you can run mm-master.R

Code and codelists

All code and codelists are available in this repository. The code in /dofile/dataMx was used to extract data, define exposed participants, match to unexposed participants by age, sex and GP practice, then define the Read chapter of each event. s Code in /dofile/analysis was used to run the models, define Jacard distances and model the networks.


Raw data are sensitive and therefore cannot be shared are not available to be shared.
Analysis datasets are available on request.