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This is a modified version of the circuit simulator gnucap where the simulator
is compiled as a shared library. This is needed for an experimental python
extension module of the simulator, see


Readme for development snapshot 2007-02-21

This is a development snapshot.  As such, there may be problems due to
new work.

The most important change here is enhanced plugin support, and the 3
new model packages, distributed separately.

Also, commands use the dispatcher, so they can be added as plugins.

Readme for development snapshot 2006-12-04

This is a development snapshot.  As such, there may be problems due to
new work.

New features: "attach" and "detach" commands, for attaching and
detaching compiled modules.

To use ....

Start with a .model file.

Compile it .....

>> gnucap-modelgen my-model.model

.. produces my-model.h amd

Compile that, with "-fPIC -shared" options

>> g++  -fPIC -shared

.. produces a.out  (you could name it with -o ..)

Now, run gnucap

>> gnucap

(signs on..)

then you can attach the model..

gnucap> attach ./a.out


.. now you can use your model!!

This snapshot includes some new verilog code, which is incomplete and
not ready for anyone but a developer.  You can safely ignore it for

It also changes the way models, devices, and functions are dispatched.
The new version uses a dispatcher object, that is built on start-up,
based on what modules are linked.  Models, devices, and functions can
be added simply by linking them in.  There is no need to change
anything else.  Likewise, if you don't need a model, device, or
function, and want a version with it missing, just remove it from
"Make1" and relink.

The latest "stable" version is 0.35.  If you want to help development,
use this snapshot and tell us what you find.  If you don't want to
live on the edge, use the stable version.

If you are making binary packages for distribution, please try this
version and let me know how it works, but continue to distribute 0.35.


Experimental gnucap modifications







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