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select reoccurring transactions

select account_name_owner, description, category, count(description) from t_transaction where transaction_date > '2020-01-01' and transaction_date < '2020-12-31' and reoccurring=true group by account_name_owner, description,category order by description;

select by month for bill_pay

select * from t_transaction where category ='bill_pay' and transaction_date > '2020-08-01' and transaction_date < '2020-08-31' and account_name_owner = 'bcu-checking_brian';

clone a row

insert into t_transaction(account_id, account_type, account_name_owner, guid, transaction_date, description, category, amount, cleared, reoccurring, notes) SELECT account_id, account_type, account_name_owner, uuid_generate_v4(), '2020-08-31', description, category, 0.00, -1, reoccurring, notes FROM t_transaction where guid='9a88f2a8-5c99-49a3-9c9a-348cd770579a';

lower case constraints

UPDATE t_transaction SET category = LOWER(category) WHERE category != LOWER(category); UPDATE t_transaction SET description = LOWER(description) WHERE description != LOWER(description); UPDATE t_transaction SET notes = LOWER(notes) WHERE notes != LOWER(notes); UPDATE t_account SET account_name_owner = LOWER(account_name_owner) WHERE account_name_owner != LOWER(account_name_owner);

ALTER TABLE t_transaction ADD CONSTRAINT t_transaction_description_lowercase_ck CHECK (description = lower(description)); ALTER TABLE t_transaction ADD CONSTRAINT t_transaction_category_lowercase_ck CHECK (category = lower(category)); ALTER TABLE t_transaction ADD CONSTRAINT t_transaction_notes_lowercase_ck CHECK (notes = lower(notes)); ALTER TABLE t_account ADD CONSTRAINT t_account_account_name_owner_lowercase_ck CHECK (account_name_owner = lower(account_name_owner)); ALTER TABLE t_account ADD CONSTRAINT t_account_account_type_lowercase_ck CHECK (account_type = lower(account_type));