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Motion Planning Python API

In this tutorial we cover the basics of the motion planning API for moveit_py. This tutorial is broken down into the following sections:

  • Getting Started: An outline of the tutorial setup requirements.
  • Understanding Planning Parameters: An outline of setting parameters for supported planners.
  • Single Pipeline Planning (Default Configurations): Planning using prespecified robot configurations.
  • Single Pipeline Planning (Robot State): Planning using a robot state instance.
  • Single Pipeline Planning (Pose Goal): Planning using a pose goal.
  • Single Pipeline Planning (Custom Constraints): Planning using custom constraints.
  • Multi Pipeline Planning: Running multiple planning pipelines in parallel.
  • Using a Planning Scene: Adding and removing collision objects and collision checking.

/doc/examples/moveit_cpp/moveitcpp_tutorial and /doc/examples/move_group_interface/move_group_interface_tutorial

The code for this tutorial can be found here in the moveit2_tutorials GitHub project<examples/motion_planning_python_api>.

Getting Started

To complete this tutorial, you must have set up a workspace that includes MoveIt 2 and its corresponding tutorials. An outline on how to set up such a workspace is provided in the Getting Started Guide </doc/tutorials/getting_started/getting_started>, please consult this guide for further information.

Once you have set up your workspace, you can execute the code for this tutorial by running the following command: :

ros2 launch moveit2_tutorials

Understanding Planning Parameters

MoveIt supports the use of multiple planning libraries out of the box and it is important that we provide settings/parameters for the planners we wish to use.

To accomplish this we specify a yaml configuration file that defines the parameters associated with our moveit_py node.

An example of such a configuration file is given below: :

        name: "planning_scene_monitor"
        robot_description: "robot_description"
        joint_state_topic: "/joint_states"
        attached_collision_object_topic: "/moveit_cpp/planning_scene_monitor"
        publish_planning_scene_topic: "/moveit_cpp/publish_planning_scene"
        monitored_planning_scene_topic: "/moveit_cpp/monitored_planning_scene"
        wait_for_initial_state_timeout: 10.0

        pipeline_names: ["ompl", "pilz_industrial_motion_planner", "chomp", "ompl_rrt_star"]

        planning_attempts: 1
        planning_pipeline: ompl
        max_velocity_scaling_factor: 1.0
        max_acceleration_scaling_factor: 1.0

                planning_attempts: 1
                planning_pipeline: ompl
                planner_id: "RRTConnectkConfigDefault"
                max_velocity_scaling_factor: 1.0
                max_acceleration_scaling_factor: 1.0
                planning_time: 1.0

                planning_attempts: 1
                planning_pipeline: ompl_rrt_star # Different OMPL pipeline name!
                planner_id: "RRTstarkConfigDefault"
                max_velocity_scaling_factor: 1.0
                max_acceleration_scaling_factor: 1.0
                planning_time: 1.5

                planning_attempts: 1
                planning_pipeline: pilz_industrial_motion_planner
                planner_id: "PTP"
                max_velocity_scaling_factor: 1.0
                max_acceleration_scaling_factor: 1.0
                planning_time: 0.8

                planning_attempts: 1
                planning_pipeline: chomp
                max_velocity_scaling_factor: 1.0
                max_acceleration_scaling_factor: 1.0
                planning_time: 1.5

The first block of the configuration file sets the planning scene monitor options such as the topics that it subsribes to (Note: if you aren't familiar with the planning scene monitor, you should consider reviewing ... ): :

        name: "planning_scene_monitor"
        robot_description: "robot_description"
        joint_state_topic: "/joint_states"
        attached_collision_object_topic: "/moveit_cpp/planning_scene_monitor"
        publish_planning_scene_topic: "/moveit_cpp/publish_planning_scene"
        monitored_planning_scene_topic: "/moveit_cpp/monitored_planning_scene"
        wait_for_initial_state_timeout: 10.0

The second block of the configuration file sets the planning pipelines that we wish to use. MoveIt supports multiple motion planning libraries including OMPL, PILZ industrial motion planner, Stochastic Trajectory Optimization for Motion Planning (STOMP), Search-Based Planning Library (SBPL) and Covariant Hamiltonian Optimization for Motion Planning (CHOMP) to name a few. When configuring our moveit_py node, we need to specify the configuration for planning pipelines we wish to use: :

        pipeline_names: ["ompl", "pilz_industrial_motion_planner", "chomp", "ompl_rrt_star"]

For each of these named pipelines we must provide a configuration that identifies the planner to use via the planner_id and other settings such as the number of planning attempts: :

                planning_attempts: 1
                planning_pipeline: ompl
                planner_id: "RRTConnectkConfigDefault"
                max_velocity_scaling_factor: 1.0
                max_acceleration_scaling_factor: 1.0
                planning_time: 0.5

                planning_attempts: 1
                planning_pipeline: ompl_rrt_star
                planner_id: "RRTstarkConfigDefault"
                max_velocity_scaling_factor: 1.0
                max_acceleration_scaling_factor: 1.0
                planning_time: 1.5

                planning_attempts: 1
                planning_pipeline: pilz_industrial_motion_planner
                planner_id: "PTP"
                max_velocity_scaling_factor: 1.0
                max_acceleration_scaling_factor: 1.0
                planning_time: 0.8

                planning_attempts: 1
                planning_pipeline: chomp
                max_velocity_scaling_factor: 1.0
                max_acceleration_scaling_factor: 1.0
                planning_time: 1.5

These specified parameters will be made available as moveit_py node parameters and will be leveraged at runtime when performing planning. This is what we will investigate next.

Instantiating moveit_py and planning component

Before we can plan motions we need to instantiate a moveit_py node and its derived planning component. We will also instantiate a rclpy logger object: :

logger = rclpy.logging.get_logger("moveit_py.pose_goal")

# instantiate MoveItPy instance and get planning component
panda = MoveItPy(node_name="moveit_py")
panda_arm = panda.get_planning_component("panda_arm")"MoveItPy instance created")

Using the planning component represented by the panda_arm variable we can begin to perform motion planning. We also define a helper function for planning and executing motions: :

def plan_and_execute(
        """A helper function to plan and execute a motion."""
        # plan to goal"Planning trajectory")
        if multi_plan_parameters is not None:
                plan_result = planning_component.plan(
        elif single_plan_parameters is not None:
                plan_result = planning_component.plan(
                plan_result = planning_component.plan()

        # execute the plan
        if plan_result:
      "Executing plan")
                robot_trajectory = plan_result.trajectory
                robot.execute(robot_trajectory, controllers=[])
                logger.error("Planning failed")

Single Pipeline Planning - Default Configurations

We start exploring the moveit_py motion planning API through executing a single planning pipeline which will plan to a predefined robot configuration (defined in the srdf file): :

# set plan start state using predefined state

# set pose goal using predefined state

# plan to goal
plan_and_execute(panda, panda_arm, logger)

Single Pipeline Planning - Robot State

Next we will plan to a robot state. Such a method is quite flexible as we can alter the robot state configuration as we wish (e.g. through setting joint values), here we will just set the robot state to a random configuration for simplicity. We will use the set_start_state_to_current_state method to set the start state of the robot to its current state and the set_goal_state method to set the goal state of the robot. We will then plan to the goal state and execute the plan: :

# instantiate a RobotState instance using the current robot model
robot_model = panda.get_robot_model()
robot_state = RobotState(robot_model)

# randomize the robot state

# set plan start state to current state

# set goal state to the initialized robot state"Set goal state to the initialized robot state")

# plan to goal
plan_and_execute(panda, panda_arm, logger)

Single Pipeline Planning - Pose Goal

Another common way to specify a goal state is via a ROS message representing the pose goal. Here we demonstrate how to set a pose goal for the end effector of the robot: :

# set plan start state to current state

# set pose goal with PoseStamped message
pose_goal = PoseStamped()
pose_goal.header.frame_id = "panda_link0"
pose_goal.pose.orientation.w = 1.0
pose_goal.pose.position.x = 0.28
pose_goal.pose.position.y = -0.2
pose_goal.pose.position.z = 0.5
panda_arm.set_goal_state(pose_stamped_msg=pose_goal, pose_link="panda_link8")

# plan to goal
plan_and_execute(panda, panda_arm, logger)

Single Pipeline Planning - Custom Constraints

You can also control the output of motion planning via custom constraints. Here we demonstrate planning to a configuration that satisfies a set of joint constraints: :

# set plan start state to current state

# set constraints message
joint_values = {
        "panda_joint1": -1.0,
        "panda_joint2": 0.7,
        "panda_joint3": 0.7,
        "panda_joint4": -1.5,
        "panda_joint5": -0.7,
        "panda_joint6": 2.0,
        "panda_joint7": 0.0,
robot_state.joint_positions = joint_values
joint_constraint = construct_joint_constraint(

# plan to goal
plan_and_execute(panda, panda_arm, logger)

Multi Pipeline Planning

A recent addition to moveit_cpp and moveit_py is the ability to execute multiple planning pipelines in parallel and select the resulting motion plan amongst all generated motion plans that best satisfies your task requirements. In previous sections, we defined a set of planning pipelines. Here we will see how to plan in parallel with several of these pipelines: :

# set plan start state to current state

# set pose goal with PoseStamped message

# initialise multi-pipeline plan request parameters
multi_pipeline_plan_request_params = MultiPipelinePlanRequestParameters(
        panda, ["ompl_rrtc", "pilz_lin", "chomp", "ompl_rrt_star"]

# plan to goal

# execute the plan
if plan_result:"Executing plan")

Using a Planning Scene

The code for this section requires you to run a different Python file, which you can specify as follows :

ros2 launch moveit2_tutorials

Interacting with a planning scene requires you to create a planning scene monitor :

panda = MoveItPy(node_name="moveit_py_planning_scene")
panda_arm = panda.get_planning_component("panda_arm")
planning_scene_monitor = panda.get_planning_scene_monitor()

You can then add collision objects to a planning scene using the planning scene monitor's read_write context :

with planning_scene_monitor.read_write() as scene:
        collision_object = CollisionObject()
        collision_object.header.frame_id = "panda_link0" = "boxes"

        box_pose = Pose()
        box_pose.position.x = 0.15
        box_pose.position.y = 0.1
        box_pose.position.z = 0.6

        box = SolidPrimitive()
        box.type = SolidPrimitive.BOX
        box.dimensions = dimensions

        collision_object.operation = CollisionObject.ADD

        scene.current_state.update()  # Important to ensure the scene is updated

Removing objects can be achieved similarly using the CollisionObject.REMOVE operation, or by removing all objects from the scene :

with planning_scene_monitor.read_write() as scene:

You can also use the read_only context of a planning scene monitor for tasks that do not require modifying the scene, such as collision checking. For example :

with planning_scene_monitor.read_only() as scene:
        robot_state = scene.current_state
        original_joint_positions = robot_state.get_joint_group_positions("panda_arm")

        # Set the pose goal
        pose_goal = Pose()
        pose_goal.position.x = 0.25
        pose_goal.position.y = 0.25
        pose_goal.position.z = 0.5
        pose_goal.orientation.w = 1.0

        # Set the robot state and check collisions
        robot_state.set_from_ik("panda_arm", pose_goal, "panda_hand")
        robot_state.update()  # required to update transforms
        robot_collision_status = scene.is_state_colliding(
                robot_state=robot_state, joint_model_group_name="panda_arm", verbose=True
        )"\nRobot is in collision: {robot_collision_status}\n")

        # Restore the original state
        robot_state.update()  # required to update transforms 

Running the Tutorial in a Gazebo Simulation

The tutorial includes a Docker Compose setup for running the Panda robot in a Gazebo Simulation without having to install any further dependencies on the Host system.


  1. Perform a shallow clone of the MoveIt 2 Tutorials repo.
git clone -b panda_gz --depth 1 --single-branch
  1. Switch to the following directory inside the Python Tutorials.
cd moveit2_tutorials/doc/examples/motion_planning_python_api/docker-gazebo/
  1. Build the Docker image.
docker compose build base

Run MoveIt

The Docker image provides multiple service targets for trying out MoveIt and this Python tutorial with and without Gazebo simulation.

  • python_gazebo: Runs this tutorial with RViz and a Gazebo simulation
  • python_mock_components: Runs this tutorial with RViz and mock hardware
  • demo_gazebo: Runs a Panda MoveGroup with RViz and a Gazebo simulation
  • demo_mock_components: Runs a Panda MoveGroup with RViz and mock hardware

You can run these service targets like this:

docker compose up python_gazebo

All targets are available with the optional postfix *_gpu which might be required depending on the installed System, GPU Vendor and drivers.