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HPNetwork is a protocol-based networking stack written in pure Swift


Starting with v4 HPNetwork is only available via Swift Package Manager.

Add a new dependency for to your Xcode project or .package(url: "", from: "4.0.0") to your Package.swift

Scheduling Requests

Scheduling a request is as easy as this:

let response = try await request.response()

The response is a NetworkResponse<Output> containing the output and statisticsof the request.

You can also get an async result:

let result = await request.result() // Result<NetworkResponse<Output>, Error>

Or schedule requests callback-based:

let task = request.schedule { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let response):
        // handle response
    case .failure(let error):
        // handle error

Creating Requests


HPNetwork is following a rather protocol based approach, so any type that conforms to NetworkRequest can be scheduled as a request. In the most simple terms, that means you supply a URL and a request method.

Example 1:

struct BasicDataRequest: DataRequest {

    typealias Output = Data

    var requestMethod: HTTPRequest.Method {

    func makeURL() throws -> URL {
		// construct your URL here


Example 2:

struct BasicDataRequest: DataRequest {

    typealias Output = Data

    let url: URL?
    let requestMethod: HTTPRequest.Method

    func makeURL() throws -> URL {
		// construct your URL here


let basicRequest = BasicDataRequest(
    url: URL(string: ""),
    requestMethod: .get


If you're working with JSON, you can also use DecodableRequest which requires a JSONDecoder to be supplied. The request will use that decoder to automatically convert the received data to the specified output type

Example 3:

struct BasicDecodableRequest<Output: Decodable>: DecodableRequest {

    let requestMethod: HTTPRequest.Method

    var decoder: JSONDecoder {
        JSONDecoder() // use default or custom decoder

    func makeURL() throws -> URL {
		// construct your URL here



URLBuilder has been broken out into a separate package HPURLBuilder that can be found here

Request Authorization

To add authorization to a request, simply supply a authorization: Authorization? instance to your request. You can either use BasicAuthorization for basic authentication with a username and password, or BearerAuthorization for bearer token authorization or implement you own custom Authorization type.
