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Brick Destroyer

This is my Unity project for the tutorial "Submission: Data persistence in a new repo" from the mission "Manage scene flow and data" from the "Junior Programmer " pathway at "Unity Learn".

The goal for this tutorial is to to add saving of data between scenes and between sessions in a game.

Link to tutorial:

Link to game on Unity play:


Regards Henrik

Unity concepts

  • Persistence between sessions including C# List class (JSON)
  • Persistence between scenes (Singleton design pattern)
  • TMPro package (TextMeshPro)
  • Localization package
  • AudioSource and AudioClip
  • ParticleSystem
  • Multiple cameras (2D and 3D view)

The game

This is a simple retro breakout-style game in which you are getting points depending on how many bricks you destroy by a ball that you control by af paddle.

Use left and right arrows on keyboard to move paddle. Use up or down arrows on keyboard to toggle cameraview between 2D and 3D.


Development environment

Unity Editor v2020.3.32f1 running on Manjaro Linux.

I used "GitKraken" as Git client.

You need to open the"Menu" scene in order to run the game in the editor. You can however run the "Main" scene to run test the game functionality alone but it is not connected to the full game. The "Retry" button works. In the inspector for the "MainManager" you can manually change the level parameter to test at specific level.

I made a lot of comments in the code for anyone who wants to learn how the code works.


I made some game scenes:

  • Menu scene
  • Highscore scene
  • Settings scene
  • and a Main game scene


  • Contains Inputfield to enter the same og the player
  • The Inputfield is populated wirh the same og the last player
  • A "New game" button that strips the text in the Inputfield for whitespace and other unwanted characters
  • If the name is empty then a dialog is shown that asks for a valid name
  • If the name is validated as ok then the "Main" scene is loadet
  • The game remembers all player names and record scores
  • A "Highscore" button that loads the highscore scene
  • A "Settings" button that loads the settings scene
  • A "Quit" button If the game is running as a native Linux application


  • Shows a list of the best ten players sorted from the best to the tenth best player
  • If fewer than ten players have played the list show all the players records
  • A "Return button" to the "Menu" scene


  • Shows a "Reset highscore" button that deletes all players that have been playing except if a name is entered in the inputfield. That player gets its record reset
  • Pressing the "Reset highscore" button opens a "are you sure?" dialog
  • Shows a custom "Language picker" widget in which you can select between two languages: English and Danish
  • The selected Language is remembered between game sessions
  • A "Return button" to the "Menu" scene



  • I made some fancier materials for the bricks
  • I added the game mechanic "levels" to the game. When all bricks are destroyed a new set of bricks spawn. Depending on the level the paddle gets smaller and the ball runs faster to a certain point. New bricks with more points at higher levels and at even higher levels the bricks get randomized. The higher level the smaller paddle and faster ball to a certain limit
  • You can see the player name, the current points and the all time record for the player in the UI
  • You can see the name and record of the best player ever played this game (unless the highscore has been reset)
  • Use the left and right arrow to move the paddle
  • Use the up or down arrow on the keyboard to toggle cameraview between 2D and 3D

Image of level 4:

What could be enhanced?

  • The LanguagePicker could have a better implementation
  • Better UI graphics in the "Main" scene would be nice
  • Better resizing and positioning of UI elements depending on the game window size
  • The code can be optimized for speed and memory some places but since this is a small game it is not necessary
  • Some code can properly be optimized using better design but this version is based on my current knowledge of Unity and C# (.Net)
  • In very specific situations it seems as the ball is stuck at the walls. I have tried to better that situation but still needs better code than the provided


Data Persistence Demo from Unity Learn Junior Programmer






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