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  1. Register application at
  2. Select the "네아로 (네이버 아이디로 로그인)" API
  3. Store the "Client ID"


$ npm install naver-id-login



import naver from 'naver-id-login'


A new popup window opens where the user is promted to type in their username and password

login(clientId: string, callbackUrl: string): Promise<Login>

const clientId = process.env.NAVER_CLIENT_ID
const callbackUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/callback/naver'
const auth = await naver.login(clientId, callbackUrl)

Login response object

  access_token: string
  expires_in: string // e.g. "3600"
  state: string
  token_type: string // "bearer"

Login window close error object

  code: string // "popup-closed"
  message: string // "The popup has been closed by the user before finalizing the operation"

Handling callback

In local route /callback/naver (the chosen callbackUrl during login())

handleTokenResponse(): void


Get Profile

getProfile(accessToken?: string): Promise<Profile>

If naver.login() has successfully been called, the accessToken is stored and the accessToken can be omitted.

const profile = await naver.getProfile()

However, if you want to get profiles from different logged in users you can override the stored accessToken.

const profile1 = await naver.getProfile(ACCESS_TOKEN1)
const profile2 = await naver.getProfile(ACCESS_TOKEN2)

Profile response object

  message: string // e.g. "success"
  response?: {
    age?: string // e.g. "30-39"
    birthday?: string // e.g. "12-24"
    email?: string
    id: string
    gender?: 'F' | 'M' | 'U'
    name?: string
    nickname?: string
    profile_image?: string
  resultcode: string // e.g. "00"