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CHIP-8 Manual

Instruction Table

OP      Description
----    -----------
0NNN    Execute machine language subroutine at address NNN
00E0    Clear the screen
00EE    Return from a subroutine
1NNN    Jump to address NNN
2NNN    Execute subroutine starting at address NNN
3XNN    Skip the following instruction if the value of register VX
        equals NN
4XNN    Skip the following instruction if the value of register VX
        is not equal to NN
5XY0    Skip the following instruction if the value of register VX
        is equal to the value of register VY
6XNN    Store number NN in register VX
7XNN    Add the value NN to register VX
8XY0    Store the value of register VY in register VX
8XY1    Set VX to VX OR VY
8XY2    Set VX to VX AND VY
8XY3    Set VX to VX XOR VY
8XY4    Add the value of register VY to register VX
        Set VF to 01 if a carry occurs
        Set VF to 00 if a carry does not occur
8XY5    Subtract the value of register VY from register VX
        Set VF to 00 if a borrow occurs
        Set VF to 01 if a borrow does not occur
8XY6    Store the value of register VY shifted right one bit in  VX
        Set VF to the least significant bit prior to the shift
8XY7    Set register VX to the value of VY minus VX
        Set VF to 00 if a borrow occurs
        Set VF to 01 if a borrow does not occur
8XYE    Store the value of register VY shifted left one bit in VX
        Set VF to the most significant bit prior to the shift
9XY0    Skip the following instruction if the value of register VX
        is not equal to the value of register VY
ANNN    Store memory address NNN in register I
BNNN    Jump to address NNN + V0
CXNN    Set VX to a random number with a mask of NN
DXYN    Draw a sprite at position VX, VY with N bytes of sprite data
        starting at the address stored in I
        Set VF to 01 if any set pixels are changed to unset, and 00
EX9E    Skip the following instruction if the key corresponding to
        the hex value currently stored in register VX is pressed
EXA1    Skip the following instruction if the key corresponding to
        the hex value currently stored in register VX is not pressed
FX07    Store the current value of the delay timer in register VX
FX0A    Wait for a keypress and store the result in register VX
FX15    Set the delay timer to the value of register VX
FX18    Set the sound timer to the value of register VX
FX1E    Add the value stored in register VX to register I
FX29    Set I to the memory address of the sprite data corresponding
         to the hexadecimal digit stored in register VX
FX33    Store the binary-coded decimal equivalent of the value
        stored in register VX at addresses I, I+1, and I+2
FX55    Store the values of registers V0 to VX inclusive in memory
        starting at address I
        I is set to I + X + 1 after operation
FX65    Fill registers V0 to VX inclusive with the values stored in
        memory starting at address I
        I is set to I + X + 1 after operation

Assembly Syntax

OP      Ex       NEMONIC
----    ----     ------------------------
0NNN    0030     RCA
00E0    00E0     CLS
00EE    00EE     RTS
1NNN    1200     JUMP         $200
2NNN    2200     CALL         $200
3XNN    3A00     SKIP.EQ      VA, #$00
4XNN    4800     SKIP.NE      V8, #$00
5XY0    5A70     SKIP.EQ      VA, V7
6XNN    6A70     MOV          VA, $70
7XNN    7B69     ADD          VB, $69
8XY0    83A0     MOV          V3, VA
8XY1    83A1     OR           V3, VA
8XY2    83A2     AND          V3, VA
8XY3    83A3     XOR          V3, VA
8XY4    83B4     ADD.         V3, VB
8XY5    83B5     SUB.         V3, VB
8XY6    83x6     SHR.         V3
8XY7    83B7     SUBB.        V3, VB
8XYE    83xE     SHL.         V3
9XY0    93B0     SKIP.NE      V3, VB
ANNN    A200     MOV          I, $200
BNNN    B404     JUMP         $404+V0
CXNN    CAFF     RAND         VA, $FF
DXYN    DXYN     SPRITE       VX, VY, #$N
EX9E    EX9E     SKIP.KEY     VX
FX07    FX07     MOV          VX, DELAY
FX0A    FX0A     WAITKEY      VX
FX15    FX15     MOV          DELAY, VX
FX18    FX18     MOV          SOUND, VX
FX1E    FX1E     ADD          I, VX
FX29    FX29     SPRITECHAR   VX
FX33    FX33     MOVBCD       VX
FX55    FX55     MOVM         (I), V0-VX
FX65    FX65     MOVM         V0-VX, (I)