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Script for installing and configuring a development environment with Arch Linux


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Arch Linux GNU Bash

Script for installing and configuring a development environment with Arch Linux

Main configured tools and packages:

python poetry pycharm vscode git docker postman jupyter dbeaver nodejs npm arduino webstorm spyder

How to use

Make the file executable:

chmod +x

Run script as root:

sudo ./

Table of contents

All tools and settings made

Packages installed


Package Description
base-devel Group of packages necessary for compiling and building software
dosfstools Utilities for FAT file system
net-tools Configuration tools for Linux networking
traceroute Tracks the route taken by packets over an IP network


Package Description
audacity Audio editor
awesome-terminal-fonts Fonts for terminal
bat Cat clone with syntax highlighting
bitwarden Password manager
bind A complete, highly portable implementation of the DNS protocol
blanket Background noise app
btop Resource monitor
dbeaver Database manager
discord Chat for gamers
docker Container runtime
docker-compose Container orchestration
eza A modern replacement for ls (community fork of exa)
filezilla FTP client
firefox Web browser
firefox-adblock-plus Adblock Plus extension for Firefox
firefox-dark-reader Dark Reader extension for Firefox
flameshot Screenshot tool
fwupd Firmware update daemon
git Version control system
github-cli GitHub command-line tool
gnome-browser-connector GNOME Shell extension for browser integration
gnome-shell-extension-caffeine GNOME Shell extension to disable the screensaver and auto suspend
gnome-terminal Terminal emulator
gparted Partition editor
htop Interactive process viewer
inkscape Vector graphics editor
ipython Interactive Python shell
jq Command-line JSON processor
jupyter-notebook Web-based interactive computing
keepassxc Password manager
knockd Port-knock server
libreoffice-still Office suite
mesa-demos Mesa demos and tools
mesa-utils Mesa utilities
ncdu Disk usage analyzer
neofetch System information tool
network-manager-applet Network connection manager
nodejs JavaScript runtime
noto-fonts Google Noto fonts
noto-fonts-extra Google Noto fonts
npm Node.js package manager
obs-studio Video recording and live-streaming
onionshare Secure and anonymous file sharing
pacman-contrib Contributed scripts and tools for pacman systems
p7zip Command-line file archiver
pyenv Python version manager
python-devtools Python development tools
python-pipx Install and run Python applications in isolated environments
python-poetry Python dependency management and packaging
qbittorrent BitTorrent client
reflector Retrieve and filter the latest Pacman mirror list
rust Systems programming language
spyder Scientific Python development environment
shfmt Shell script formatter
signal-desktop Encrypted messaging and calling
speedtest-cli Command-line interface for
spotify-launcher Spotify launcher
syncthing Continuous file synchronization
thunderbird Email client
tk Graphical toolkit for Tcl
tldr Command line client for tldr, a collection of simplified and community-driven man pages
tmux Terminal multiplexer
tor Anonymizing overlay network
torbrowser-launcher Download, update, and run the Tor Browser
ttf-fira-code Monospaced font with programming ligatures
ttf-jetbrains-mono Monospaced font for developers
ttf-liberation Fonts from the Liberation family
virtualbox-host-modules-arch VirtualBox host kernel modules for Arch Linux
virtualbox Virtualization
vlc Media player
wget Network downloader
wireshark-qt Network protocol analyzer
xorg-xkill Kill a client by its X resource
yarn JavaScript package manager
zsh Shell


Package Description
lib32-vulkan-intel Intel's Vulkan mesa driver (32-bit)
steam Valve's digital software delivery system
wine Compatibility layer for running Windows applications

AUR packages installed

Package Description
anki-bin Flashcards
arduino-ide-bin Arduino IDE
chromedriver WebDriver for Chrome
flyctl-bin Fly CLI
github-desktop GitHub Desktop
gnome-shell-extension-installer GNOME Shell extension installer
google-chrome Web browser
google-earth-pro Earth visualization
localsend-bin LocalSend
postman-bin API client
proton-vpn-gtk-app ProtonVPN
pycharm-professional Python IDE
stellarium-bin Stellarium
sublime-text-4 Sublime Text
torcheck Check if Tor is working
visual-studio-code-bin Code editor
webstorm JavaScript IDE
winbox MikroTik Winbox
zoom Video conferencing

PIPX packages installed

Package Description
blue Code formatter for Python
ignr Create .ignores files
isort Sort Python imports
ruff Code linter


Dual monitor setups and their arrangements:

Path: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier  "HDMI-1"
    Option      "Primary" "true"
    Modeline "2560x1080_30.00"  106.75  2560 2640 2896 3232  1080 1083 1093 1102 -hsync +vsync
    Option "PreferredMode" "2560x1080_30.00"

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier  "eDP-1"
    Option "LeftOf" "HDMI-1"

Change pacman configurations:

Path: /etc/pacman.conf

  • Enable color in pacman output
  • Enable ParallelDownloads = 15

Installing YAY:

pacman -S --needed git base-devel --noconfirm
git clone
cd yay || exit
makepkg -si --noconfirm

yay -Y --gendb # Atualizando o banco de dados do Yay
if yay -Syu --noconfirm; then
	echo -e "${VERDE}[INFO] - Yay atualizado.${SEM_COR}"
	log "[INFO] - Atualização completa com yay OK."
	echo -e "${VERMELHO}[ERRO] - Falha na atualização com Yay.${SEM_COR}"
	exit 1

Shell configurations:

  • Install ZSH
  • Install Oh My Zsh with Spaceship Prompt theme
  • Install ZSH plugins: zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-syntax-highlighting

Configure spaceships prompt theme:

Path: ~/.config/spaceship.zsh

# Display username always

# Docker

# Git

# Venvs

# Package

Configure aliases:

  • Path: ~/.aliases
echo "source ~/.aliases" >> ~/.zshrc
# ----------------------------- PIP ----------------------------- #

alias pip-rm-all="pip freeze | xargs pip uninstall -y"
alias activate="source venv/bin/activate"

# ---------------------------- POETRY -------------------------- #

alias pshell="poetry shell"
alias pexport="poetry export --with dev --without-hashes --without-urls --output requirements.txt"
alias pexport-production="poetry export -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt --without-hashes --without dev"

# ---------------------------- UTILS ---------------------------- #

alias cl="clear"
alias ls="exa -a"
alias lt="exa tree"
alias bar="bat --style=auto"

# ---------------------------- DOCKER --------------------------- #
# remove all images
alias dk-rmai="docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)"

# --------------------------- ESPRESSIF ------------------------- #

alias get_idf='. $HOME/esp/esp-idf/'

# ------------------------- PORTAS SERIAIS ---------------------- #

# Permitir todos os usuários acessarem as portas seriais
alias serial='sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0'

# Listas as portas seriais existentes
alias lss='ls /dev/ttyA*'

# ---------------------------- SHARED --------------------------- #

# Shred for file
alias rmm='shred -n 10 -z -u -v'
# Shred for disk
alias rmmd='shred -n 2 -z -v'

# -------------------------- IFCONFIG.ME ------------------------ #
alias ipp='curl'

# ---------------------------- PACMAN --------------------------- #
alias pclean='sudo pacman -Rs $(pacman -Qdtq)'

# -------------------------- REFLECTOR -------------------------- #
alias reflector-setup='sudo reflector --verbose --latest 10 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist'

Configure ASDF:

  • python
    • 3.11.9
    • 3.12.3
  • nodejs
    • latest

Configure GIT:

Configure Cloudflare DNS:

Path: /etc/resolv.conf


Make directories needed:

mkdir -p ~/git
mkdir -p ~/.temp