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Time-based Data Compression

This library provides functionality for compressing and storing time-based data points.


  • Compresses data points by mapping them to a stream of bytes
  • Supports reading and writing data to and from disk
  • Allows for pluggable compression strategies through the LRWStrategyFactory interface
  • Supports multiple data types through the Datapoint and StreamMapper interfaces

StreamMapper Interface

The StreamMapper interface defines a common way to map data objects to and from a stream of bytes. To implement the interface, you need to provide two functions:

  • toOutput(t: T, dataOutputStream: NativeDataReceiver): writes an object of type T to a data output stream.
  • toElement(byteBuffer: NativeDataGetter): T: reads an object of type T from a byte buffer.

WriteData Class

The WriteData class provides methods for reading and writing data to disk. It takes a StreamerFactory and a Datapoint object as input, and outputs a compressed representation of the data. The class also includes a readDataPoints function for reading data from disk.


Creating a new WriteData instance

To create a new WriteData instance, you need to provide it with a few dependencies:

  • An LRWStrategyFactory instance, which determines the compression strategy used when writing data
  • A FileRefFactory instance, which creates FileRef instances used to represent files and directories
  • A CurrentDateGetter instance, which provides the current date for use in directory names when writing data
  • A FileRef instance representing the main directory where data is stored
val writeData = WriteData(
    lRWStrategy = SomeLRWStrategyFactory(),
    fFactory = SomeFileRefFactory(),
    currentDateGetter = SomeCurrentDateGetter(),
    mainDir = FileRef("/path/to/main/dir")

Writing data points

To write a new data point, use the write method, which takes a StreamerFactory instance and a Datapoint instance:

val datapoint = Datapoint(header = SomeHeader(...), data = SomeData(...))
writeData.write(streamerFactory = SomeStreamerFactory(), datapoint = datapoint)

Reading data points

To read data points from disk, use the readDataPoints method, which takes a list of StreamerFactory instances:

val streamMapperList = listOf(SomeStreamerFactory1(), SomeStreamerFactory2(), ...)
val logDataList = writeData.readDataPoints(streamMapperList)

Defining new data types

To define a new data type, implement the Datapoint and StreamMapper interfaces:

data class MyData(val value: Int)

class MyDataMapper : StreamMapper<MyData> {
    override val size: Int = 4

    override fun toOutput(t: MyData, dataOutputStream: NativeDataReceiver) {

    override fun toElement(byteBuffer: NativeDataGetter): MyData {
        return MyData(

data class MyDatapoint(
    val header: Header,
    val data: List<MyData>
) : Datapoint<List<MyData>> {
    override val streamMapper: StreamMapper<List<MyData>> = ListStreamMapper(MyDataMapper())

License This library is licensed under the Apache license. See LICENSE.txt for more details.


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