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liqr is a web application similar to Flickr that allows users to upload their own photos, create albums, and explore photos by other users. Users also have the ability to add / edit comments on each photo.


Technologies Used

  • PostgreSQL
  • Ruby on Rails
  • React / Redux
  • jQuery
  • Cloudinary
  • Masonry


  • Secure frontend to backend user authentication using BCrypt
  • Users can create albums and organize photos into albums
  • Users can comment on photos and see which albums the photo belongs to
  • Users can upload photos directly to a cloud image server
  • Photos will dynamically calculate the images when displaying to create a seamless and modern grid
  • Users can use drag and drop to upload photos


Users can view all photos available and comment across other user's pictures The photos will be calculated automatically to ensure that both sides of the container will be filled. The number of columns will adjust according to the webpage width and re-render for the best complete fit.


The Masonry only handles the image distribution, all CSS styles are handled in the stylesheets folder. This dynamic render is process by using the Masonry package like so:

{ (photo, idx) =>
  <PhotoIndexItem  key={idx} photo={photo} />

Uploading Photos

Users can upload a photo to Cloudinary and add title and description to their photo. Users also have the ability to edit / delete the photo. The drag and drop ability is done through this:

  <p className="drop-text">Drop an image or click to select a file to upload.</p>


Adding to albums

Users can create / delete albums and add photos to albums.


Adding comments to photos

Users can add, update, delete comments on photos.


Project Design

liqr was designed with simplicity and an modern elegance as its primary objective. This was a project that span across two-weeks with gathering resources from documentation.


I used Rails for the back-end database as its out-of-the-box support for relational databases and RESTful architecture. For the front-end, I used React / Redux.

Additional Resources

Possible future features

  • Photo tags
  • User profile pages
  • Search