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Expressive Parallel Analytics with Transducers (or Transducers from the bottom up)

Who am I?

Mission-critical analysis




  • 13 performance indicators
  • 10 quotient indicators
  • 4 weighted quotients across 6 subjects
  • 1,000+ institutions
  • 7 ranking tables

Annoying-sized data

Analytic sequence

  1. Load & join
  2. Apply rules
    1. Apply filters
    2. Normalise data
      1. Harmonise units
      2. Summary statistics
      3. Harmonise ranges
    3. Calculate score
  3. Output
  4. x 13 x 7


(defn mean [xs]
  (let [sum   (reduce + xs)
        count (count xs)]
    (when-not (zero? count)
      (/ sum count))))


(defn mean-reducer [accum x]
  (-> (update-in accum [:sum] + x)
      (update-in [:count] inc)))

(reduce mean-reducer (range 10))


1. Unhandled java.lang.NullPointerException
   (No message)

         1013  clojure.lang.Numbers/ops
          128  clojure.lang.Numbers/add
                      core.clj:  957  clojure.core/+
              156  clojure.lang.AFn/applyToHelper
           132  clojure.lang.RestFn/applyTo
                      core.clj:  632  clojure.core/apply
                      core.clj: 5923  clojure.core/update-in
           467  clojure.lang.RestFn/invoke
                          REPL:    2  example.core/mean-r
        222  clojure.lang.LongRange/reduce
                      core.clj: 6514  clojure.core/reduce
                          REPL:    1  example.core/eval100286


(defn mean-reducer [accum x]
  (-> (update-in accum [:sum] + x)
      (update-in [:count] inc)))

(reduce mean-reducer {:sum 0 :count 0} (range 10))

;; => {:sum 45, :count 10}

Reducing function lifecycle

  1. Init
  2. Step (0..n)
  3. Complete

Mean reducing function

(defn mean
    ([] {:sum 0 :count 0})
    ([{:keys [sum count]}]
      (/ sum count))
    ([accum x]
     (-> (update-in accum [:count] inc)
         (update-in [:sum] + x))))

   (transduce (comp xform (map :score)) mean-step))
  ;; 405.0


(->> (load-data "data.edn")
     (select-relevant)  ;; Apply filters
     (convert-currency) ;; Normalize 

Sequence functions

  • map
  • filter
  • remove
  • keep
  • take
  • partition

Threading II

(->> (load-data "data.edn")
     (filter relevant?)
     (map convert-currency)
     (map assign-score))

;;({:name "A", :fx 0.8, :a 112.5, :b 62.5, :score 175.0}
;; {:name "B", :fx 0.2, :a 400.0, :b 400.0, :score 800.0}
;; {:name "D", :fx 0.5, :a 100.0, :b 140.0, :score 240.0})


(Image of guitar and amp)


(defn process [data]
  (->> (filter relevant? data)
       (map convert-currency)
       (map assign-score)))

(process (load-data "data.edn"))

;;({:name "A", :fx 0.8, :a 112.5, :b 62.5, :score 175.0}
;; {:name "B", :fx 0.2, :a 400.0, :b 400.0, :score 800.0}
;; {:name "D", :fx 0.5, :a 100.0, :b 140.0, :score 240.0})

…Not really

(def v [1 2 3 4])
;; #'user/v

(type v)
;; clojure.lang.PersistentVector

(type (map inc v))
;; clojure.lang.LazySeq

(type (mapv inc v))
;; clojure.lang.PersistentVector

Enter Transducers


Effects pedals and speaker

(Image of effects pedals board)

No Seq in Sight

(def xform
  (comp (filter relevant?)
        (map convert-currency)
        (map assign-score)))

Add the sequence

(sequence xform (load-data "data.edn"))

;;({:name "A", :fx 0.8, :a 112.5, :b 62.5, :score 175.0}
;; {:name "B", :fx 0.2, :a 400.0, :b 400.0, :score 800.0}
;; {:name "D", :fx 0.5, :a 100.0, :b 140.0, :score 240.0})

It’s an open system

(->> (load-data "data.edn")
     (sequence (comp xform (take 2))))

;;({:name "A", :fx 0.8, :a 112.5, :b 62.5, :score 175.0}
;; {:name "B", :fx 0.2, :a 400.0, :b 400.0, :score 800.0})

(->> (load-data "data.edn")
     (sequence (comp xform (map :score))))

;; (175.0 800.0 240.0)

Sum up a sequence

(->> (load-data "data.edn")
     (sequence (comp xform (map :score)))
     (reduce +))

;; 1215.0

Image of mic’d amp


(->> (load-data "data.edn")
     (transduce (comp xform (map :score)) +))

;; 1215.0

Reducing functions

;; 0

(+ 42)
;; 42

(+ 21 21)
;; 42
;; []

(conj [42])
;; [42]

(conj [21] 21)
;; [21 21]

Interquartile range

(defn hist-iqr
  ;; Zero arity init
  ([] (DoubleHistogram. 1e8 3))
  ;; Two arity step
  ([hist x]
   (doto hist
     (.recordValue x)))

  ;; Single arity complete
   (vector (.getValueAtPercentile hist 25)
           (.getValueAtPercentile hist 75))))

Using the custom step

(->> (load-data "data.edn")
     (transduce (comp xform (map :score)) hist-iqr))

;; [175.0 240.0]


(defn in-range [f from to]
  (filter #(<= from (f %) to))

(defn iqr-sequence [xform data]
  (let [[from to] (->> data
                       (transduce (comp xform (map :score)) hist-iqr))]
    (->> data
         (sequence (comp xform (in-range :score from to)))))

Variance step function

(defn variance
  ([] [0 0 0])
  ([[count mean sum-of-squares]]
   (/ sum-of-squares (max 1 (dec count))))
  ([[count mean sum-of-squares] x]
   (let [count' (inc count)
         mean'  (+ mean (/ (- x mean) count'))]
     [count' mean'
      (+ sum-of-squares (* (- x mean') (- x mean)))])))

(->> (load-data "data.edn")
     (transduce (comp xform (map :score)) variance))

Standard deviation

Is the square root of the variance.


(def standard-deviation
  (completing variance #(Math/sqrt (variance %))))

Mean of the IQR

(defn in-range f from to)

(defn iqr-mean [xform data]
  (let [[from to] (->> data
                       (transduce (comp xform (map :score)) hist-iqr))]
    (->> data
         (transduce (comp xform
                     (in-range :score from to)
                     (map :score))

;; 207.5

Concurrent calculation

What if we want to calculate the mean and the standard deviation?


(juxt :a :b)


(juxt mean-step sd-step)


1. Unhandled java.lang.NullPointerException
   (No message)

         1013  clojure.lang.Numbers/ops
          112  clojure.lang.Numbers/inc
                      core.clj:  892  clojure.core/inc
              154  clojure.lang.AFn/applyToHelper
              144  clojure.lang.AFn/applyTo
                      core.clj:  632  clojure.core/apply
                      core.clj: 5923  clojure.core/update-in
           445  clojure.lang.RestFn/invoke
                     sweet.clj:   73  example.sweet/mean
                      core.clj: 2464  clojure.core/juxt/fn
                      core.clj: 2611  clojure.core/map/fn/fn
                 protocols.clj:  167  clojure.core.protocols/fn
                 protocols.clj:   19  clojure.core.protocols/fn/G
                 protocols.clj:   31  clojure.core.protocols/seq-reduce
                 protocols.clj:  101  clojure.core.protocols/fn
                 protocols.clj:   13  clojure.core.protocols/fn/G
                      core.clj: 6590  clojure.core/transduce
                      core.clj: 6585  clojure.core/transduce
                          REPL:    2  example.sweet/eval36934


(defn simple-juxt [& rfns]
    ([]      (mapv (fn [f]   (f))     rfns))
    ([acc]   (mapv (fn [f a] (f a))   rfns acc))
    ([acc x] (mapv (fn [f a] (f a x)) rfns acc))))

(def rf
  (simple-juxt + conj))

(transduce (map identity) rf (range 10))

;; => [45 [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]]

Early termination

(def rf
  (simple-juxt + ((take 3) conj)))

(transduce (map identity) rf (range 10))

;; => [45 #object[clojure.lang.Reduced 0x643ea00c {:status :ready, :val [0 1 2]}]]


(defn juxt [& rfns]
    ([]    (mapv (fn [f] (f)) rfns))
    ([acc] (mapv (fn [f a] (f (unreduced a))) rfns acc))
    ([acc x]
     (let [all-reduced? (volatile! true)
           results (mapv (fn [f a]
                           (if (reduced? a) a
                               (do (vreset! all-reduced? false)
                                   (f a x))))
                         rfns acc)]
       (if @all-reduced? (reduced results) results)))))


(defn facet [rf fns]
  (->> (map (fn [f] ((map f) rf)) fns)
       (apply juxt)))

(transduce (map identity) (facet conj [inc dec]) (range 10))
;; examples

Weighted mean

Completing allows us to override or extend default.

(defn weighted-mean [nf df]
  (let [rf (facet mean-step [nf df])]
    (completing rf (fn [x]
                     (let [[n d] (rf x)]
                       (if (zero? d) 0
                           (/ n d)))))))

(transduce (map identity) (weighted-mean :a :b) (load-data "data.edn"))


(defn fuse [kvs]
  (let [rfns (vals kvs)
        rf   (apply juxt rfns)]
    (completing rf #(zipmap (keys kvs) (rf %)))))

(let [rf (facet (fuse {:mean mean-step
                       :sd   standard-deviation})
                [:a :b])]
  (transduce (map identity) rf (load-data "data.edn")))


(def summary-stats
  (fuse {:mean mean-step
         :sd   standard-deviation}))

(transduce (map identity) summary-stats (range 100))

Why not just use reduce?

(let [rf (facet (fuse {:mean mean-step
                       :sd   standard-deviation})
                [:a :b])]
  (rf (reduce rf (rf) (load-data "data.edn"))))

xform composition

We’re used to transforming a sequence with a function.

Why not transform a function with a sequence?

xform composition

(def fields [:a :b])

(def summary-stats
  (-> (fuse {:mean mean-step
             :sd   standard-deviation})
      (facet fields)))

(defn normalise
  (let [stats (zipmap fields stats)
        f (fn [x [field {:keys [mean sd]}]]
            (update-in x [field] cdf-normal :mean mean :sd sd))]
    (map #(reduce f % stats))))

(defn transform [xform f g xs]
  (comp xform (g (transduce xform f xs))))

(let [data (load-data "data.edn")]
  (-> (filter relevant?)
      (transform summary-stats normalise data)))


(defn juxt [& rfns]
    ([]    (mapv (fn [f] (f)) rfns))
    ([acc] (mapv (fn [f a] (f (unreduced a))) rfns acc))
    ([acc x]
     (let [all-reduced? (volatile! true)
           results (mapv (fn [f a]
                           (if (reduced? a) a
                               (do (vreset! all-reduced? false)
                                   (f a x))))
                         rfns acc)]
       (if @all-reduced? (reduced results) results)))))

(def rf
  (juxt + ((take 3) conj)))

(transduce (map identity) rf (range 10))

;; => [45 [0 1 2]]


(defn facet [rf fns]
  (->> (map (fn [f] ((map f) rf)) fns)
       (apply juxt)))

(def rf
  (facet conj [inc dec]))

(transduce (map identity) rf (range 10))

;; => [[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] [-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]]

Weighted average

(defn weighted-mean [nf df]
  (let [rf (facet mean-step [nf df])]
    (completing rf (fn [x]
                     (let [[n d] (rf x)]
                       (if (zero? d) 0
                           (/ n d)))))))

(def rf
  (weighted-mean :a :b))

(transduce (map identity) rf (load-data "data.edn"))

;; => 7/6


(defn fuse [kvs]
  (let [rfns (vals kvs)
        rf   (apply juxt rfns)]
    (completing rf #(zipmap (keys kvs) (rf %)))))

(def rf
  (fuse {:one + :two conj}))

(transduce (map identity) rf (range 10))

;; => {:one 45, :two [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]}

Standard deviation

(defn variance
  ([] [0 0 0])
  ([[count mean sum-of-squares]]
   (/ sum-of-squares (max 1 (dec count))))
  ([[count mean sum-of-squares] x]
   (let [count' (inc count)
         mean'  (+ mean (/ (- x mean) count'))]
     [count' mean'
      (+ sum-of-squares (* (- x mean') (- x mean)))])))

(def standard-deviation
  (completing variance #(Math/sqrt (variance %))))

Harmonise ranges

(def rf
  (facet (fuse {:mean mean-step
                :sd   standard-deviation})
         [:a :b]))

(transduce (map identity) rf (load-data "data.edn"))

;; => [{:mean 70, :sd 18.257418583505537} {:mean 60, :sd 18.257418583505537}]

Just use reduce?

(def rf
  (facet (fuse {:mean mean
                :sd   standard-deviation
                :iqr  interquartile-range})
         [:a :b]))

(rf (reduce rf (rf) (load-data "data.edn")))

;; => [{:mean 70, :sd 18.257418583505537} {:mean 60, :sd 18.257418583505537}]

xform composition

We’re used to transforming a sequence with a function.

Why not adjust a transform function with a sequence?

xform composition

(defn transform [xform f g xs]
  (comp xform (g (transduce xform f xs))))

(def fields [:a :b])

(def summary-stats
  (-> (fuse {:mean mean-step
             :sd   standard-deviation})
      (facet fields)))

(defn normalise [stats]
  (let [stats (zipmap fields stats)
        f (fn [x [field {:keys [mean sd]}]]
            (update-in x [field] cdf-normal :mean mean :sd sd))]
    (map #(reduce f % stats))))

(let [data (load-data "data.edn")]
  (-> (filter relevant?)
      (transform summary-stats normalise data)))

Enter Reducers

  • Prior to transducers
  • Avoid intermediate collections
  • Bring parallelism through Java’s fork/join

Fork / Join

    if problem is small enough:
        solve problem directly (sequential algorithm)
        for part in subdivide(problem)
            fork subtask to solve part
        join all subtasks spawned in previous loop
        combine results from subtasks

Parallel reduce / combine




Mean reducers

(require ['clojure.core.reducers :as r])

(defn mean-step
  ([] {:sum 0 :count 0})
  ([accum x]
   (-> (update-in accum [:count] inc)
       (update-in [:sum] + x)))
  ([{:keys [sum count]}]
   (/ sum count)))

(defn mean-combiner
  ;; Combiner is used for init value
  ([] {:sum 0 :count 0})
  ([a b]
   (merge-with + a b)))

(->> (load-data "data.edn")
     (into [] (comp xform (map :score)))
     (r/fold mean-combiner mean-step))

;; {:sum 1215.0, :count 3}

Intermediate collections revisited

(def scorer
  (comp xform (map :score)))

(->> (load-data "data.edn")
     (into [] scorer)
     (r/fold mean-combiner mean-step))

;; {:sum 1215.0, :count 3}

(->> (load-data "data.edn")
     (r/fold mean-combiner (scorer mean-step)))

;; {:sum 1215.0, :count 3}

Get a reducing function back out

(let [f (weighted-avg :a :b)]
 (reduce f (f) [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 4 :b 8}]))

;; [[#object[example.core$wrapping$fn__80296 0x3f478522 "example.core$wrapping$fn__80296@3f478522"] #object[clojure.lang.Volatile 0x573499fb {:status :ready, :val {:sum 5, :count 2}}]] [#object[example.core$wrapping$fn__80296 0x414f525c "example.core$wrapping$fn__80296@414f525c"] #object[clojure.lang.Volatile 0x179ba0e5 {:status :ready, :val {:sum 10, :count 2}}]]]

But is it parallel?

Enter core.async

Core async has a reduce, but no combine.

Combine is just another reduce over the intermediate steps.

(defn pipeline-r [n f g xs]
  (let [in (async/chan n)]
    (async/onto-chan in xs)
    (->> (for [_ (range n)]
           (async/reduce f (f) in))
         (async/reduce g (g))
         (async/< !!)

Simple Regression

(defn calculate-coefficients [{:keys [covariance variance-x
                                      mean-x mean-y]}]
  (let [slope (/ covariance variance-x)]
    {:intercept (- mean-y (* mean-x slope))
     :slope     slope}))

(defn linear-regression [fx fy fold]
  (->> fold
       (t/fuse {:covariance (m/covariance fx fy)
                :variance-x (m/variance (t/map fx))
                :mean-x (m/mean (t/map fx))
                :mean-y (m/mean (t/map fx))})
       (t/post-combine calculate-coefficients)))

(def linear-regression-fold
  (->> (t/filter relevant?)
       (t/map convert-currency)
       (linear-regression :a :b)))

(-> (t/chunk 1024 (load-data "data.edn"))
    (t/tesser linear-regression-fold))

;; {:intercept 68.05555555555557, :slope 0.6666666666666666}

Reducing function Rules

  • Always call completion
  • Respect reduced


  • Separate process from substrate
  • Transducers, step functions and transducible processes
  • Reducing and combining functions
  • Create composable, extensible units of computation
  • Defer decisions about context
  • Benefit



Henry Garner


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