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This website aims to keep a comprehensive, up-to-date list of anomalies in high energy physics. If you notice some anomalies/proposed solutions/references are missing or any incorrect information, please don't hesitate to create a pull request to propose changes. The step-by-step guide below will show you how to edit the table of anomalies and the pages for proposed explanations. Also, please feel free to utilize GitHub Discussions to ask a questions or share your opinions about the anomalies and the website design.

How to edit ?

This guide assumes the readers know how to create pull requests. If you do not have any experience, please read this tutorial (or any similar tutorial) before you proceed.

The table of anomalies

  1. Go to the /_includes directory. Download the ListofAnomalies.html file.
  2. Open the ListofAnomalies.html with a word processor (Google Docs is recommended) and make any desired changes.
  3. Save the edited document as ListofAnomalies.html and upload it to the /_includes directory.

Possible solutions

Method 1
  1. Go to the /solutions directory. Edit the [anomaly].md file (e.g., etc.).
Method 2: upload pdf

Use this method if you prefer to upload a pdf document

  1. Go to the /solutions directory.
  2. Create a folder with appropriate file name (e.g.muon-g-2). Upload your [anomaly].pdf to this folder. (If you generate your pdf document by using LaTeX codes, please upload the whole folder that contains all the .tex, .bib, .pdf files. E.g. see /solutions/muon-g-2/.)
  3. Modify the corresponding hyperlink in the ListofAnomalies.html file.

The False Alarms page

  1. Go to the /_includes directory. Download the Lessons-past.html file.
  2. Open the Lessons-past.html with a word processor (Google Docs is recommended) and make any desired changes.
  3. Save the edited document as Lessons-past.html and upload it to the /_includes directory.

Add a news post

  1. Go to the /_posts directory. Create your news post with a filename in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD-[news-title].md.
  2. The post should be written in a format similar to file.


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