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The Ballad of Dependencies - cat files, kinds and litmus tests
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jalglave committed Jul 30, 2021
1 parent d191fca commit f80bd7c
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Showing 135 changed files with 2,587 additions and 0 deletions.
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions catalogue/dependencies/cats/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
AArch64 "ARMv8 AArch64"
catdep (* This option tells that the cat file computes dependencies *)

* Include the file shipped with herd.
* This builds the co relation as a total order over writes to the same
* location and then consequently defines the fr relation using co and
* rf.
include ""

* Include to define barriers.
include ""

* Include to define dependencies.
include ""

(* Show relations in generated diagrams *)
include ""

* As a restriction of the model, all observers are limited to the same
* inner-shareable domain. Consequently, the ISH, OSH and SY barrier
* options are all equivalent to each other.
let dsb.full = DSB.ISH | DSB.OSH | DSB.SY
let dsb.ld = DSB.ISHLD | DSB.OSHLD | DSB.LD

* A further restriction is that standard litmus tests are unable to
* distinguish between DMB and DSB instructions, so the model treats
* them as equivalent to each other.
let dmb.full = DMB.ISH | DMB.OSH | DMB.SY | dsb.full
let dmb.ld = DMB.ISHLD | DMB.OSHLD | DMB.LD | dsb.ld

(* Flag any use of shareability options, due to the restrictions above. *)
flag ~empty (dmb.full | dmb.ld | \
as Assuming-common-inner-shareable-domain

(* Intrinsic order *)
let intrinsic = (iico_data|iico_ctrl)+

(* Coherence-after *)
let ca = fr | co

(* Local read successor *)
let lrs = [W]; (po-loc \ (po-loc;[W];po-loc)) ; [R]

(* Local write successor *)
let lws = po-loc; [W]

(* Observed-by *)
let obs = rfe | fre | coe

(* Read-modify-write *)
let rmw = lxsx | amo

(* Dependency-ordered-before *)
let dob = addr | data | ctrl; [W]
| (ctrl | (addr; po)); [ISB]; po; [M]
| addr; po; [W]
| (addr | data); lrs
show ctrl;[M] as ctrl

(* Pick-ordered-before *)
let pob = pick-dep; [W]
| (pick-ctrl-dep | pick-addr-dep; po); [ISB]; po; [M]
| pick-addr-dep; [M]; po; [W]

(* Atomic-ordered-before *)
let aob = rmw
| rmw; lrs; [A | Q]

(* Barrier-ordered-before *)
let bob = po; [dmb.full]; po
| po; ([A];amo;[L]); po
| [L]; po; [A]
| [R\NoRet]; po; [dmb.ld]; po
| [A | Q]; po
| [W]; po; []; po; [W]
| po; [L]

(* Tag-ordered-before *)
let tob = [R & T]; iico_data; [BR]; iico_ctrl; [M \ T]

(* Locally-ordered-before *)
let rec lob = lws; si
| dob
| pob
| aob
| bob
| tob
| lob; lob
let pick-lob = pick-basic-dep; lob; [W]

(* Ordered-before *)
let rec ob = obs; si
| lob
| pick-lob
| ob; ob

(* Tag-location-ordered *)
let tlo = [R & T]; tob; loc; tob^-1; [R & T]

(* Internal visibility requirement *)
let po-loc =
let Exp = M\domain(tob) in
(po-loc & Exp*Exp) | (po & tlo)
acyclic po-loc | ca | rf as internal

(* External visibility requirement *)
irreflexive ob as external

(* Atomic: Basic LDXR/STXR constraint to forbid intervening writes. *)
empty rmw & (fre; coe) as atomic
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions catalogue/dependencies/cats/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
(* Intrinsic dependencies *)
let intrinsic = (iico_data|iico_ctrl)+

(* Dependency through register *)
let generated-by-stxr = udr(same-instr;[range(lxsx)])
let rf-reg-no-stxr =
let NW = ~generated-by-stxr in
let dd = (rf-reg-no-stxr | intrinsic)+

(* The relation to-PoD is a dependency through register
to a point of divergence*)
let to-PoD = [R]; dd; [PoD]

(** Data and Address dependencies *)
let data = [R]; dd; [DATA]; intrinsic; [W]
let addrW = [R]; dd; [NDATA]; intrinsic; [W]
let addrR =
let dd-no-interv-PoD = dd \ (to-PoD;dd) in
[R]; dd-no-interv-PoD; [NDATA]; intrinsic; [R]
let addr = addrW | addrR

(** Control dependency *)
(* Pre-control dependency *)
let pre-ctrl = to-PoD; po

(* Equivalent writes *)
let antecedent =
let immediate-lws = singlestep([W];po-loc;[W]) in

let pre-equiv-evts =
let rdw-ext =
let wwloc = ((W * W) & loc) \ id in
in same-static\rdw-ext
show pre-equiv-evts \ id as pre-equiv-evts

let equivalent-writes = (W*W) & bisimulation(antecedent,pre-equiv-evts)
show equivalent-writes \ id as equivalent-writes

(* Control dependency *)
let ctrl = pre-ctrl \ (always-executed(to-PoD,equivalent-writes))
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions catalogue/dependencies/cats/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
(* Intrinsic dependencies *)
let intrinsic = (iico_data|iico_ctrl)+

(* Dependency through register *)
let rf-reg-no-stxr =
rf-reg \ ([W & range(lxsx)];rf-reg)

let dd =
let r = (rf-reg-no-stxr | intrinsic)* in

(* The relation to-BR is a dependency through register
to a Branching effect *)
let to-BR = [R]; dd; [BR]

(** Data and Address dependencies *)
let data = ([R]; dd; [DATA]; intrinsic; [W]) \ same-instance
let addrW = [R]; dd; [NDATA]; intrinsic; [W]
let addrR =
let dd-no-interv-BR = dd \ (to-BR;dd) in
[R]; dd-no-interv-BR; [NDATA]; intrinsic; [R]
let addr = (addrW | addrR) \ same-instance

(** Control dependencies *)
let ctrl = to-BR; po
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions catalogue/dependencies/cats/
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
(* Dependency through registers and memory *)
let rec dtrm =
rf-reg \ ([W & range(lxsx)];rf-reg)
| rfi
| iico_data
| dtrm; dtrm

let Reg=~M | ~BR
(** Data, Address and Control dependencies *)
let basic-dep =
[R|Rreg]; dtrm?
let data = basic-dep; [DATA]; iico_data; [W]
let addr = basic-dep; [ADDR]; iico_data; [M]
let ctrl = basic-dep; [BR]; po

(** Pick dependencies *)
let pick-basic-dep =
[R|Rreg]; dtrm?; [Reg]; iico_ctrl; [Reg]; dtrm?
let pick-addr-dep =
pick-basic-dep; [ADDR]; iico_data; [M]
let pick-data-dep =
pick-basic-dep; [DATA]; iico_data; [W]
let pick-ctrl-dep =
pick-basic-dep; [BR]; po
let pick-dep =
pick-basic-dep |
pick-addr-dep |
pick-data-dep |
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions catalogue/dependencies/cats/
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@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
(* Cat file to compute always executed write effects *)

(* Utilities *)

let roots(r) = domain(r) \ range(r)
let succs (e,r) = range ([e];r)

let mapset2rel f =
let rec map_rec xs = match xs with
|| {} -> 0
|| x ++ xs ->
f x | map_rec xs
end in

let mapset2set f =
let rec map_rec xs = match xs with
|| {} -> {}
|| x ++ xs ->
f x | map_rec xs
end in

(* Basic definitions *)
let poDorW = [PoD|W];po;[PoD|W]
let nextDorW = poDorW \ (poDorW;poDorW)

let sibling =
let inv = nextDorW^-1 in
fun s -> ([s];inv;nextDorW;[s])\(id|inv|nextDorW)

let DpoDorW = [PoD];poDorW

(* Add pair dw for w in ws
More precisely:
addD d (ws,dw) = dw U {(d,w) | w in ws}

let addD d =
let rec do_rec ws = match ws with
|| {} -> fun k -> k
|| w ++ ws ->
let kws = do_rec ws in
fun k -> (d,w) ++ kws k
end in do_rec

Set combination: union of equiv-related sets

let addifequiv (equiv,ws0) = mapset2set (fun w -> succs (w,equiv) & ws0)

let combine (equiv,ws1,ws2) =
addifequiv (equiv,ws1) ws2 | addifequiv (equiv,ws2) ws1

(* Tree scan: returns ws,dw, where ws is the set of writes always performed at
this level and dw is the relation from PoD to writes always performed *)

let rec case_disjunction (equiv,e) = match { e } & PoD with
|| {} -> (* e is not a PoD, hence is a write *)
let (ws,dw) = write_acc (equiv, (succs (e,nextDorW))) in
(e ++ ws,dw)
|| d ++ es -> (* e is a PoD *)
let nexts = (succs (d,nextDorW)) in
match sibling(nexts) with
|| {} -> (* Only one branch, nothing equivalent *)
|| _e ++ _es ->
let (ws,dw) = keep_equiv_writes (equiv,nexts) in
(ws,addD d ws dw)

and write_acc (equiv,es) = match es with
|| {} -> ({},0)
|| e ++ es ->
let (ws_e,dw_e) = case_disjunction (equiv, e)
and (ws_es,dw_es) = write_acc (equiv, es) in
(ws_e|ws_es, dw_e|dw_es)

(* Warning, base case is on singleton *)
and keep_equiv_writes (equiv,es) = match es with
|| {} -> ({},0) (* No successors, ie no W po-after, special case *)
|| e ++ es ->
match es with
|| {} -> case_disjunction(equiv,e) (* Singleton = base case *)
|| f ++ fs ->
let (ws_e,dw_e) = case_disjunction(equiv,e)
and (ws_es,dw_es) = keep_equiv_writes(equiv,es) in
(combine (equiv,ws_e,ws_es), dw_e|dw_es)

(* Final call *)
let zyva equiv =
(fun r -> let (ws,dw) = case_disjunction(equiv,r) in dw)

let Dmins = roots(DpoDorW)
let always-executed (to-PoD,equiv) =
let DW = zyva equiv Dmins in
to-PoD; DW
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions catalogue/dependencies/tests/desired-kinds.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
MP+rel+CAS-addr Allow
MP+rel+CSEL-addr Allow
MP+rel+CSEL-addr2 Allow
LB+rel+CAS Forbid
LB+CSEL-rfi-data+DMB Forbid
S+rel+CSEL-data Forbid
S+rel+CSEL-data2 Forbid
MP+CSEL-rfi-addr-rfi-addr Allow
LB+CSEL-addr-po+DMB Forbid
LB+CSEL-data-po+DMB Allow
MP+rel+CSEL-rfi-data-rfi-addr Allow
S+rel+CSEL-rfi-data-rfi-addr Forbid
S+rel+CSEL-rfi-ctrl Forbid
T3 Forbid
T3-bis Forbid
S+DMB.ST+CSEL-ctrl Forbid
LB+rel+data Forbid
MP+rel+CSEL Allow
MP+rel+CSEL-rf-reg Forbid
WILL-7 Forbid
WILL-7dep Forbid
WILL-8 Allow
WILL-8+BIS Forbid
WILL-9 Allow
WILL-9B Forbid
WILL-9C Allow
WILL-10B Forbid
WILL-10C Forbid
WILL-11 Allow
WILL-12 Allow
WILL-12B Allow
WILL-13 Forbid
WILL-13B Allow
WILL-13-mod2 Allow
WILL-13-mod3 Forbid
WILL-13-mod4 Allow
WILL-14 Allow
WILL-14B Forbid
WILL-14B-corrected Forbid
WILL-14-controldep Allow
WILL-14B-controldep Forbid
WILL-newest Forbid
WILL-newest-mod Forbid
WILL-99 Forbid
WILL-99-excls Forbid
WILL-99-excls-RZR Forbid
WILL-99-STADD Forbid
WILL-21-01-29 Allow
2021-01-29-Richard Allow
2021-01-29-WILL-newest Forbid
2021-01-29-WILL-newest-noWZR Forbid
WILL-15-corrected Forbid
WILL-15-datadep-corrected Forbid

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