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Hernan Chavez Thielemann edited this page Mar 19, 2019 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the GRO2LAM wiki!


GRO2LAM is a Gromacs to Lammps simulation converter, is an open source script with an user friendly GUI.

Features and Functionality

  • GUI based, no extra scripting abilities are needed.
  • Converts geometry and force field, so the user must provide both as gro and top-ipt bundle.
  • Has a basic Lammps scripting helper, in which is possible to choose NVE-NVT-NPT-M(MM) and restrain pre-detected groups or user created.
  • For fast trying, also allows to launch Lammps (if it is installed) to try the generated files

System prerequisites

  • Linux session, preferably with "sudo" rights.
  • Screen resolution 1024x768 or higher.
  • At least 30 MB of free disk space, 9 MB once installed.
  • 1.1 GHz CPU or faster.
  • 500 MB of free ram.


  • First create or pick a folder (lets say Untitled Folder in your desktop "Desktop/Untitled Folder")

  • Inside that folder open a terminal ( in Ubuntu: right click inside the folder-space to open a context menu, then > Open in Terminal )

  • In that terminal copy&paste the "quantum start" command:

  • For last beta version:
wget && bash G2L_iBeta
  • For last stable version:
wget && bash G2L_install
  • Then hit intro key to start the setup (If it is needed, the setup will ask you to install required packages)

  • If you have no errors, at this point a folder called GRO2LAM-20mar19 should exist in a path like:

    /home/YourUser/Desktop/Untitled Folder/GRO2LAM-20mar19

  • Now, inside that folder it is possible to find the "run" file, that was generated during the setup.

  • To run this file, open a terminal in that folder, and execute ./run or python run




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