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@@ -1,41 +1,31 @@
## Asynchronous Web-Worker Model Using RabbitMQ in Java

As explained in the [Worker Dynos, Background Jobs and Queueing](background-jobs-queueing) article, web requests
should be completed as fast as possible. If an operation may take a long time, it is best to send it to a worker
dyno to be processed in the background. This article demostrates this with an example application using Spring
[MVC]( and
[AMPQ]( with the Heroku [CloudAMPQ add-on](,
which provides [RabbitMQ]( as a service.
It is a best practice to process long running web requests asynchronously through a worker process. For a more in-depth understanding of this architectural pattern read the [Worker Dynos, Background Jobs and Queueing]( article.

### Getting Started

This article walks through an example application pre-configured with the CloudAMPQ add-on.
Follow the steps below to clone the application into your Heroku account:
The article demonstrates this pattern using an sample Java application with [Spring MVC]( and [RabbitMQ]( It leverages [CloudAMPQ add-on]( which is one of the RabbitMQ addons in the Heroku add-ons catalog.

1. [Verify your Heroku account](
2. [Clone the example reference application](
3. Follow instructions in the cloned app to see a demostration and make changes.
### Getting Started

The [source code]( of the reference application is also available for browsing or cloning.
Follow the below steps below to clone this application into your Heroku account:

If you do not clone the reference app or wish to add CloudAMPQ to another app, use the `heroku addons:add cloudamqp` command:
1. [Clone]( this sample application into your Heroku account
2. Go to `` to try out the application
3. Following the instructions at `` to make changes using Eclipse or command line

$ heroku addons:add cloudamqp
Adding cloudamqp to furious-sunrise-1234... done, v14 (free)
cloudamqp documentation available at:
Sample code of [this application]( is available on GitHub.

### Application Overview

The application is comprised of two processes: `web` and `worker`.
The `web` process is a simple Spring MVC app that receives requests from users on the web and fowards them as messages to RabbitMQ for background processing.
The `worker` process is a simple Java app using Spring AMPQ that listens for new messages from RabbitMQ and processes them.
The `web` and `worker` processes can be scaled independently depending on application needs.

The application is structured as a Maven multi-module project with `web` and `worker` modules for each of the two
processes as well as a shared `common` module. The `common` module contains the common `BigOperation` model class and the
`RabbitConfiguration` class that reads the `CLOUDAMQP_URL` environment variable provided by the RabbitMQ add-on and
makes it available to the rest of the application:
* __`web`__ : A simple Spring MVC app that receives web requests and queues them in RabbitMQ for processing.
* __`worker`__ : A standalone Java application using Spring AMQP to read & processes messages from RabbitMQ.

Because these are separate processes, they can be scaled independently based on specific application needs. Read the [Process Model]( article for a more in-depth understanding of Heroku's process model.

### RabbitMQ Configuration

The RabbitMQ configuration is done through `` which reads the `CLOUDAMQP_URL` environment variable provided by the [CloudAMPQ]( add-on, and makes it available to the rest of the application.

Expand All @@ -57,56 +47,57 @@ makes it available to the rest of the application:
return factory;

#### Web Process
The `web` process has this configuration `@autowired` by Spring in `BigOperationWebController`:
### Web Process

``, a Spring MVC controller queues up the web requests into RabbitMQ. This class has the the Spring AMQP Template and queue configuration `@autowired`.

@Autowired private AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate;
@Autowired private Queue rabbitQueue;

When web requests are received by the controller, they are coverted to AMPQ messages and sent to RabbitMQ.
The `AmqpTemplate` makes this easy with the following one-liner:
When web requests are received by the controller, they are coverted to AMPQ messages and sent to RabbitMQ. The `AmqpTemplate` makes this easy by including the following line:

amqpTemplate.convertAndSend(rabbitQueue.getName(), bigOp);

The `web` process then immediately returns a confirmation page to the user.
The `web` process immediately returns a confirmation page to the user.

#### Worker Process
### Worker Process

Because the `worker` process is running in a sepatate dyno and is outside an application context,
the configuration must be manually wired from `RabbitConfiguration` in `BigOperationWorker`:
The `worker` process is running as a separate process outside of the Spring web application context. Hence the configuration must be explicitly wired from `RabbitConfiguration`. `BigOperationWorker` is the main Java class executed in the `worker` processes and loads the RabbitMQ configuration as below:

ApplicationContext rabbitConfig = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(RabbitConfiguration.class);
ConnectionFactory rabbitConnectionFactory = rabbitConfig.getBean(ConnectionFactory.class);
Queue rabbitQueue = rabbitConfig.getBean(Queue.class);
MessageConverter messageConverter = new SimpleMessageConverter();

To avoid polling for new messages the `worker` process sets up a `SimpleMessageListenerContainer`, which asynchronously
consumes messages by blocking until a message is delivered. First connection information must be provided:
Spring provides a convenience class `SimpleMessageListenerContainer` to receive messages from a queue and delegate it to the MessageListener that is injected into it. The RabbitMQ connection for `SimpleMessageListenerContainer` is setup as follows:

SimpleMessageListenerContainer listenerContainer = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer();

Next, the listener is defined by implementing the `MessageListener` interface. This is where the actual message processing happens:
The listener is defined by implementing the `MessageListener` interface. The long running `BigOperation` is invoked from the listener.

listenerContainer.setMessageListener(new MessageListener() {
public void onMessage(Message message) {
// message is converted back into model object
final BigOperation bigOp = (BigOperation) messageConverter.fromMessage(message);

// simply printing out the operation, but expensive computation could happen here
// simply printing out the operation, but expensive computation would happen here
System.out.println("Received from RabbitMQ: " + bigOp);

The example application also configures an error handler and shutdown hook for completeness.

Finally the listener container is started, which will stay alive until the JVM is shutdown:
To start listening for messages on the queue, the listener container needs to be started.


### Maven project setup

The application is structured as a Maven multi-module project with 3 modules: web, worker (for each of the two processes) and common module which contains the `` model class and the `` configuration class.