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A "better" boolean, which can be negative. If you wanted that for some reason.

Creating a BetterBoolean

var bool = new BetterBoolean([init]); where init is the optional initial value.

BetterBooleans can be initialized with booleans, strings, numbers, and other BetterBooleans. Regular booleans will not set a sign other than positive.

Reading the value

You can use your BetterBoolean anywhere in your code as you wish, and it will automatically be converted into a number that you can compare.

true becomes 1, false becomes 0, -true becomes -1, and -false becomes -0.

Converting to a string

bool.toString(); will return a string along the lines of true, false, -true, or -false depending on the state of the BetterBoolean.

Converting to an integer manually

Should you need to convert your BetterBoolean into an integer similiar to that described above, you can use bool.toInt(); to get it in integer form.

Comparing the value

bool.equals(value) where value is a boolean, string, number, or BetterBoolean. It simply checks if the BetterBoolean and value are equal.

Updating the value

bool.set(value); where value is the required updated value.

BetterBooleans can be updated with booleans, strings, numbers, and other BetterBooleans in a similar fashion as creating a new one. Regular booleans will not set a sign other than positive.

Changing the sign

bool.setSign(value); where value is the required updated sign.

The sign may be set using booleans, strings, numbers, and other BetterBooleans. -true will be treated as false, and -false will be treated as true.


bool.setSign(true); will set the sign to be negative, and bool.setSign(false); will set it to be positive.


value may be "true", "negative", "false", and "positive".

"true" and "negative" will set the sign to be negative, and "false" and "positive" will set the sign to be positive.


value may be 1 or -1, with 1 setting the sign to be positive and -1 setting the sign to be negative.


value will be treated like a boolean, with -true being false and -false being true.

Changing the state

bool.setState(value); where value is the required updated sign.

The sign may be set using booleans, strings, numbers, and other BetterBooleans. -true will be treated as false, and -false will be treated as true.


bool.setState(true); will set the state to be true, and bool.setState(false); will set it to be false.


value may be "true" or "false" and will be treated like booleans.


value may be 0 or 1, with 1 setting the state to be true and 0 setting the state to be false.


value will be treated like a boolean, with -true being false and -false being true.


A "better" boolean, which can be negative







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