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Update May 28th


We've listed the first batch of confirmed cheaters in the following files

The files include the probe job request and response of each address. Use to replace s3://validator-history/ to download the file.

Inactive: Heurist Sybil Reporting

Over 10k GPUs have interacted with Heurist testnet mining since its initial launch two months ago. As we are going to distribute 5% token supply as airdrop to testnet miners, a critical point is identifying the cheaters in the network. We have already found hundreds of wallet addresses demonstrating cheating behaviors, including:

  • Submit incorrect or low-quality inference results
  • Tamper with downloaded model files
  • Misreport device or model metadata

Our rules have made it clear that cheating is strictly prohibited and points/tokens earned will be slashed. However, inspired by LayerZero Sybil Reporting Campaign, we decide to give sybil users a second chance to self-report your address for a return of 10% of intended testnet rewards.


  1. Generating images with fewer inference steps to achieve faster response time. For example:


  1. Submitting text generation responses that are not generated by the requested LLM but are selected from a random set of pre-generated data.

Question: Generate a story about the football player Beckham

Answer: In the year 2145, the world was a vastly different place. Technology had advanced to an unimaginable level, and every aspect of life was fully automated. People had no need to leave their homes anymore, as everything was available at the touch of a button.\n\n The story revolves around a young girl named Sarah, who had never experienced the outside world. She had always been fascinated by the idea of exploring, but her parents had always warned her of the dangers that lay beyond their safe, technologically-advanced society.\n\n One day, Sarah stumbled upon an old book in her attic, detailing the wonders of nature and the beauty of the world outside. She became determined to see these sights for herself, despite her parents' protests. With the help of an old man, who had known the world before its technological takeover, Sarah embarked on a journey beyond the confines of her home.\n\n What she discovered was a breathtaking world, full of life and color. She realized that the true beauty of humanity lay in the exploration of the unknown, and the connections we make with others along the way. Sarah's journey marked a turning point in her life, as she vowed to help others experience the wonders of the world, just as she had. . "


If you are a sybil and want to self-report, create an issue within this repository including the following

Sybil Addresses

Provide a list of addresses that you used to join testnet mining. Avoid using external files.


Explain the method used to cheat

Reward Address

Provide an Ethereum address that will receive any potential rewards earned from this submission. To avoid impersonation, the address must be one of your sybil addresses. Note: this cannot be claimed until TGE. All allocation eligibility will be subject to any legal or geographic requirements.

To be clear, miner addresses that fail to self-report and are later found to have engaged in sybil activities will have 100% points slashed.


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