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Tox results:

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Effortless and extendable data change capture (CDC) with Python.


Change data capture (CDC) refers to the process of capturing changes made to the data in a database and then delivering those changes in real-time to a downstream system.

In case you missed it

Why a new CDC system?

Existing CDC options can be overly complex and resource-intensive, hindering adoption by smaller systems.

Popyka is a simpler CDC solution that gets you started in minutes.

  • Built for agility and ease of use.
  • Simplifies CDC operations.
  • Works with PostgreSql (12, 13, 14, 15, 16) and wal2json.
  • Works with Python 3.10, 3.11, 3.12.
  • Built in Filters and Processor
  • Tailor it to your needs: easily extensible through custom Filters and Processors, letting you adapt it to your specific workflows.

Streamline Data Delivery with Custom Filters and Processors

Popyka empowers you to write custom filters and processors in Python to tailor data messages for downstream Kafka consumers. This functionality seamlessly integrates your own business logic, giving you complete control over the data transformation process.

Unleash Data Delivery Flexibility

Popyka's custom processors empower you to write data to various destinations, including Redis, S3, Snowflake, Cassandra, and more. Go beyond Kafka and tailor your data pipeline to your specific needs.



Popyka leverages PostgreSQL's logical replication protocol to capture all data changes (BEGIN, COMMIT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE) efficiently.

Filters allows you to focus on specific messages based on your requirements.

Processors are the workhorses of Popyka. They take the captured data, transform it as needed (think of it as data wrangling), and then send it to other systems to keep everyone in sync.


Popyka ensures you only process the data you care about. It achieves this by letting you configure filters that act like smart sieves, allowing only relevant changes to proceed.


Popyka filters offer three actions:

  • IGNORE discards the change (any remaining filter is ignored),
  • PROCESS accepts it (any remaining filter is ignored),
  • CONTINUE sends it to subsequent filters for evaluation.

Popyka provides built filters: IgnoreTxFilter and TableNameIgnoreFilter.

Extending Popyka

Extend Popyka's filtering capabilities by inheriting from the Filter class and implementing the filter() method. This method should return a value from the Result enum, indicating whether to IGNORE, PROCESS, or CONTINUE filtering the data change.

class MyCustomFilter(Filter):
    def filter(self, change) -> Result:

The base Filter class is defined in


Processors take the filtered changes and manipulate them according to your needs, then export the transformed data to external systems.

Popyka simplifies sending data changes to Kafka. It includes a built-in processor ProduceToKafkaProcessor that lets you easily export the database changes to your Kafka cluster, keeping your other systems in sync.

Extending Popyka

You can extend Popyka's processing capabilities by inheriting from the Processor class and implementing the process_change() method.

class MyCustomProcessor(Processor):
    def process_change(self, change):

The base Processor class is defined in

Error handling

Popyka provides built-in error handlers for common scenarios within the popyka.builtin.error_handlers module. These handlers offer a convenient way to manage errors without writing custom logic.

  • Abort: This handler terminates execution and causes Popyka to exit with an error. This is the default behavior.
  • ContinueNextProcessor: This handler gracefully ignores the error and allows the next processor in the pipeline to process the change.
  • ContinueNextMessage: This handler skips any remaining processors configured in the pipeline and continues processing the next message.
  • RetryProcessor: This handler attempts to re-process the failed change using the same processor that encountered the error.

By using these built-in handlers, you can implement basic error handling strategies without writing complex custom code.

For example:

    - class: popyka.builtin.processors.ProduceToKafkaProcessor
        - class: popyka.builtin.error_handlers.RetryProcessor
        - class: popyka.builtin.error_handlers.Abort

If ProduceToKafkaProcessor fails, Popyka will automatically retry processing the message according to the number of retries configured by the POPYKA_DEFAULT_RETRIES environment variable. However, if the processor keeps failing after exceeding the configured retries, Popyka will stop retrying and delegate the error to the next configured error handler.

To configure Popyka to retry a failing processor like ProduceToKafkaProcessor before continuing with the next processor in the pipeline, you can use the following configuration:

    - class: popyka.builtin.processors.ProduceToKafkaProcessor
        - class: popyka.builtin.error_handlers.RetryProcessor
          config: {}
        - class: popyka.builtin.error_handlers.ContinueNextProcessor
          config: {}
    - class: some.module.SendMessageToDLQ

Unlike the behavior mentioned earlier (where Popyka aborts after exceeding the retry limit), if retries are exhausted the error will be handled by the next configured error handler: SendMessageToDLQ.

The base ErrorHandler class is defined in


The basic configuration is done using environment variables:

  • POPYKA_CONFIG: Path to configuration file. If unset, uses default configuration: popyka-default.yaml.
    • Example: /etc/popyka/config.yaml
  • POPYKA_PYTHONPATH: Directories to add to the python path.

Default configuration file

The default configuration file is popyka-default.yaml. It uses bash-style environment variables interpolation, and requires to set:

  • POPYKA_DB_DSN: libpq-compatible connection URI.
  • POPYKA_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS: Kafka bootstrap servers, comma separated.

Other environment variables that you can use with the default configuration file:

  • POPYKA_DB_SLOT_NAME: A unique, cluster-wide identifier for the PostgreSql logical replication slot.
  • POPYKA_KAFKA_TOPIC: Kafka topic name where the changes should be published to.

Reference & sample projects

Django Admin

To launch the Django Admin demo:

$ cd samples/django-admin  # cd into sample project

$ docker compose up -d  # bring all the services up: PostgreSql, Kafka, popyka.
                        # You might need to repeat this command.

$ docker compose logs -f demo-popyka  # to see the CDC working

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Popyka leverages PostgreSQL logical replication for data streaming. This approach is powerful, but if you're unfamiliar with streaming replication, consider setting up robust monitoring. Managing new replication slots can introduce complexities, and monitoring helps ensure smooth operation.

If Popyka is no longer in use, remember to remove these replication slots to avoid unnecessary resource consumption.

Required configuration

To enable logical replication for Popyka to function, you might need to adjust your PostgreSQL configuration parameter wal_level to logical. This setting ensures the write-ahead log (WAL) captures the necessary information for Popyka to track changes in your database.

Under development

The v1 is under development on the main branch.

  1. create mechanism to allow inclusion of user's Python code (docker)
  2. dev experience: generate documentation of public API
  3. create mechanism to allow inclusion of user's Python code (docker compose) DONE
  4. document usage DONE
  5. ci/cd: run system tests DONE
  6. ci/cd: publish docker image to public repository DONE
  7. ci/cd: add coverage & badge
  8. ci/cd: build image from release tag DONE
  9. ci/cd: run unittests DONE
  10. add mechanism to overwrite path to configuration file DONE
  11. implement e2e test DONE
  12. improve configuration mechanism to support real world scenarios DONE
  13. dev experience: create sample projects using popyka DONE*
  14. fix issues on MacOS (for local development, it requires --network=host) DONE
  15. improve automated testing DONE
  16. define supported Python versions and run tests on all supported versions DONE
  17. implement semantic versioning DONE

Features for future versions

Copy pre-existing data

At the moment, Popyka stream changes, but doesn't handle pre-existing data. Probably there are simple ways to implement this. Some ideas:

Add heart beat
