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A repo for setting up a test but scalable HPC cluster using Raspberry Pi.


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Raspberry-Pi HPC Cluster

In this repository, I document my endeavor to construct a scalable high-performance computing (HPC) cluster using Raspberry Pi, specifically tailored for data science applications. The knowledge gained from this tutorial aims to assist you in building your own functional HPC cluster, capable of accommodating hundreds of compute nodes, and supporting both web-based (e.g. jupyterhub) and command-line interfaces.


Implemented Features

  • Slurm workload manager for efficient job management.
  • Batch job submission capabilities to facilitate scheduling and execution.
  • Integration of JupyterHub service with Slurm, enabling interactive notebook usage.
  • Network file sharing through NFS (Network File System).
  • Disk quota management for users and groups.
  • Conda package management for Python/R environments.
  • Environment module management facilitated by Lmod.
  • Support for parallel MPI (Message Passing Interface) applications, integrated with Slurm.


The infrastructure consists of the following components:

  • Raspberry Pi 3+ 1GB board (rplogin01)
    • Functions as the login node and jupyter node.
  • Raspberry Pi 4 model B 2GB board (rpnode01)
    • Serves as the master node, NFS storage node, and compute node.
  • Raspberry Pi 4 model B 2GB board (rpnode02)
    • Operates as a compute node.
  • Ethernet switch
  • USB power hub

Operating system

Raspbian Buster 64 bit

Test Users


  • pi / testpass

Table of Contents



Instructions are pretty much as are stated in ubuntu-slurm except some changes which are required as follows:

  • some prerequisite packages are different on raspbian (e.g. libmariadbclient)
  • configure and install slurm for aarch64 architecture instead of x86_64
    Note 1: use --with-pmix if slurm integration with MPI is intended
    Note 2: make install pmi include/lib files in slurm/contribs before fpg command (therefore pmi files will be installed later in /usr)
    $ ./configure --prefix=/nfs/apps/slurm-build --sysconfdir=/etc/slurm --enable-pam --with-pam_dir=/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/security/ --without-shared-libslurm --with-pmix
    $ make
    $ make contrib
    $ make install
    $ cd ..
    $ fpm -s dir -t deb -v 1.0 -n slurm-20.02 --prefix=/usr -C /nfs/apps/slurm-build .
    $ dpkg -i slurm-20.02_1.0_arm64.deb
  • slurm.conf
  • slurmdbd.conf
  • enable cgroup memory (/boot/cmdline.txt)


  • set master and compute node hostnames in /etc/hosts
  • copy the munge.key of the master node to the compute nodes
  • enable and start slurmd on compute nodes
  • same slurm.conf between all nodes
  • export NFS from master to all compute nodes

Check nodes:

$ sinfo
$ srun hostname

Update the states of the node:

$ scontrol update nodename=rpnode02 state=idle

Login Node

Login node is required in order to limit, or even block, users access to master and compute nodes for security reasons. On the other side, users have to be able to test their codes and submit their jobs from the login node(s).

The login node is in fact a compute node that is not used in any of partitions. This allows users to remotely connect, through ssh, and submit jobs.

It can be configured by simply removing the login node's hostname from partition nodes of the slurm.conf file.


This is used to limit/prevent users direct access to the compute nodes. On each compute node you should copy to linux kernel security directory and add extra config to /etc/pamd.d/sshd file.

$ cp /nfs/slurm-20/contribs/pam/.libs/ /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/security/
$ vi /etc/pam.d/sshd
$ account    required     /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/security/

Above settings allows ssh access only to those users who have an active job on the compute node.

A better solution is to block all (unprivileged) users except a list of allowed users (e.g. admin) who can directly access compute nodes either having active jobs or not. To do so create an allowed users list in ssh directory

$ nano /etc/ssh/allowed_users

$ chmod 600 /etc/ssh/allowed_users

check file /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/security/ Then add following line before config:

account    sufficient item=user sense=allow file=/etc/ssh/allowed_users onerr=fail

How to check users access (let's say rpnode02 has limited access):

$ ssh user2@rpnode02
Access denied!

$ ssh user2@rpnode01
$ salloc -N 1 --mem=100mb -w rpnode02
$ srun hostname

But admin users have access no rpnode02.
See here for more details



/home and /nfs have to be mounted from the master node (rpnode01).

On the master, append bellow to /etc/exports:

/nfs *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
/home *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)

on all compute nodes, append bellow to /etc/fstab

rpnode01:/nfs /nfs nfs auto 0 0
rpnode01:/home /home nfs auto 0 0

If automatic mounting in fastb doesn't work try:

$ sudo raspi-config

and selecting wait for the network at boot/Yes.

Modules and python environments can be built on master nodes and shared through NFS to other compute nodes, such as /nfs/envs. So, other compute nodes execute them without the need to install them on each node separately.

Disk Quota

First install quota using apt and add usrquoata and grpquota for /etc/fstab.
see here and here for more details.

if you confronted the Cannot stat() mounted device /dev/root then linked the partition as

$ lsblk
$ ln -s /dev/mmcblk0p2 /dev/root
$ quotacheck -cum /
$ quotacheck -cgm /
$ quotaon -v /
$ repquota -a

How to set soft and hard limit for a user:

$ edquota user1
$ repquota -a

each blocksize in linux system by default is 1KB. even NFS exported dirs respect quota if UIDs and GIDs remain consistent across nodes. But a better solution is to configure NFS-server to take into account exported dirs for clients.


Conda or Miniconda, at this moment, does not support jupyterhub installation on raspberry pi. Therefore, it requires to directly install it from apt-get python3-pip and pip3 commands.

It is recommended to install jupyterhub as a separate environment. For simplicity reason, we install it directly on /use/local/ and call it without activating any environment. Nevertheless, jupyterhub loads different kernels, which are shared between all nodes, in order to manage different python environments.

How to install jupyterhub:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
$ sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pip

$ sudo apt-get install npm
$ sudo npm install -g configurable-http-proxy

$ sudo install libffi-dev
$ sudo -H pip3 install notebook jupyterhub

master node: it requires jupyterhub and its config file (see batchspawner and wrapspawner have to installed, from their git repos, in order to allocate resource, using Slurm, to the spawned notebooks.

Master node is the place where jupyterhub service runs and then users access the service through the preset jupyterhub ip and port in the config file (secure it with ssl certificate).

compute node: only notebook and batchspawner are required.

Add Kernels

To have a list of different python kernels, we need to create separate environments using virtualenv and share them between all nodes using NFS directory (/nfs/envs directory for example). There is also need to share jupyterhub kernels directory (/usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/) to let the jupyterhub knows how to load the kernel (see kernel.json file). Now, we can simply modify or create new python environments on the master node and have it loaded on compute nodes as well.

If you face a problem in runninf the loaded kernel, try install pip install ipykernel inside the environment.

How to make and add new kernel:

$ cd /nfs/envs
$ python3 -m venv newenv

$ source newenvs/bin/activate
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install ipykernel
$ pip install [packages]
$ deactivate

$ python3 -m ipykernel install --name newenv --display-name "New Env"

Modify the argv key in /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/newenv/kernel.json and set the python path to the just created environment which is /nfs/envs/newenv/bin/python. New kernel is now visible in the list of notebooks for all nodes without any need to restart the jupyterhub service.

Software Stack

Environment Module

Environment Module (Lmod) is a Lua based environment module system that reads TCL modulefiles.

First install lua from source

$ wget
$ tar xf lua-
$ ./configure --prefix=/nfs/apps/lua/
$ make; make install
$ cd /nfs/apps/lua; ln -s lua; ln -s luac
$ ln -s /nfs/apps/lua/lua/bin/lua /usr/local/bin  # or add lua to PATH
$ ln -s /nfs/apps/lua/lua/bin/luac /usr/local/bin

Then install Lmod

$ wget
$ tar xf Lmod-8.4.tar.bz2

$ apt install tclsh lua-posix lua-term
$ ./configure --prefix=/nfs/apps --with-fastTCLInterp=no
$ make install

Lmod initialization script for the bash and zsh shells

$ ln -s /nfs/apps/lmod/lmod/init/profile        /etc/profile.d/
$ ln -s /nfs/apps/lmod/lmod/init/cshrc          /etc/profile.d/z00_lmod.csh

Note: for other nodes, simply making above links at /etc/profile.d/ would be sufficient.

consider adding the following to /etc/bash.bashrc:

if ! shopt -q login_shell; then
  if [ -d /etc/profile.d ]; then
    for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh; do
      if [ -r $i ]; then
        . $i

This is useful because non-login interactive shells only source /etc/bash.bashrc and this file doesn’t normally source the files in /etc/profile.d/*.sh.
See here for more details


Sample lua module file 7.4.0.lua

This is the module file for the GCC compiler.

local version = "7.4.0"

whatis("Name: GCC compiler (system default)")
whatis("Version: " .. version)
whatis("Keywords: System, Compiler")
whatis("Description: GNU compiler family")


local prefix = "/usr/bin"

setenv("CC",  pathJoin(prefix, "gcc-7"))
setenv("CXX", pathJoin(prefix, "g++-7"))
setenv("FC",  pathJoin(prefix, "fc"))
setenv("C77", pathJoin(prefix, "fc"))

local mroot = os.getenv("MODULEPATH_ROOT")
local mdir = pathJoin(mroot, "GCC", version)
prepend_path("MODULEPATH", mdir)

Note: It is better to install modules in separate directories (using --prefix) in order to avoid module conflicts.
Example can be seen here

an example of module file structure:

└── Linux
    └── GCC
        ├── 7.4.0.lua
        └── 8.3.0.lua


First Slurm has to be built --with-pmix then MPI implementation will use PMI files generated by Slurm in contribs directories (see here and here) .

Let's first list available MPI types in your current slurm installation

$ srun --mpi=list
MPI types are...

There should be pmi and/or pmi2.
Note: It seems Slurm generate pmi include/lib files by default (it can be checked in contribs directories). If so the only step is to link the MPI implementation library with the generated PMI files (next section).

Open MPI

You should build Open MPI with --with-slurm option (see here). This allows Slurm managing reservations of communication ports for use by the Open MPI.

But first you need to make install pmi in slurm/contribs/pmi and slurm/contribs/pmi2. Then, the required include and lib files are available in slurm-build directories.

Build OpenMPI with slurm and pmi using:

$ wget
$ tar xf openmpi-4.1.0.tar.bz2
$  ./configure --prefix=/nfs/apps/OpenMPI/4.1.0 --with-slurm=/usr --with-pmi=/nfs/apps/slurm-build
$ make install all

How to test MPI integration

$ module load OpenMPI
$ srun -n 4 --mpi=pmi2 mpi_example.x
Hello world from processor rpnode01, rank 0 out of 4 processors
Hello world from processor rpnode01, rank 1 out of 4 processors
Hello world from processor rpnode01, rank 2 out of 4 processors
Hello world from processor rpnode01, rank 3 out of 4 processors

Or set MPIDefault=pmi2 in slurm.conf to use srun without --mpi=pmi2 flag.

For sbatch file --tasks flag determines number of MPI processes and cpus-per-task number of cores for each process

#SBATCH --tasks=4
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1

module load OpenMPI

srun mpi_example.x
mpirun mpi_example.x  # mpirun works as well







A repo for setting up a test but scalable HPC cluster using Raspberry Pi.







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