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2. How to use en US

xiaohengying edited this page Apr 2, 2021 · 4 revisions

Application instruction

0. Please read the disclaimer clearly

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1. Download BDS

The plugin is BDS based, so you will need to download BDS for it. Link: Download the correct version of BDS and unzip it into any folders

Having non-ascii charactors for folder names is not recommended

2. LoopBack setting

In the default setting of UWP, Loopback is disable which have to be enable to allow connection for local server(localhost). You can skip this step if you are working on a cloud server

Please seek help from Google for enabling it. Link for references:

3. Unziping folders

Unziptrapdoor-x.y.z-1.a.b.zipunder the BDS folder, check if there are files below:

  • trapdoor-x.y.z-1.a.b.dll
  • trapdoor-config.json
  • lang(only available in certain versions)

.json and langfiles are places under the BDS file under normal situation

If trapdoor are having a problem in reading files, it maybe because you are using another dll loader. Which can be solver by seacrh trapdoor.log in the exploerer ,and place files and language file into the folder wheretrapdoor.logis located.

4. Editing file "trapdoor-config"

EULAis added in the newest version. You have to edit EULAlocated at trapdoor-config intotrueto run the server.

It is not necessary to edit trapdoor-config , but if you want to switch on or off certain functions, please do it .Detailed description on page 4 of wiki.

5. Injecting dll to start BDS

Use any dll injector(64bits) to injecttrapdoor-x.y.z-1.a.b.dllintobedrock_server.exeand start. Link to an open sourced version:

If you are using xenos injecting, follow steps below:

Please check their wiki page if you are using another dll injecting software.

6. Activating texture pack

load the texture pack from client side (Not from the server side, it has to be loaded from the client side)

7. Connecting into the server

If you are hosting the server locally, the IP address would be Port is using the port stated at default: 19132