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Chatterbox is a MERN stack chat application that utilizes SocketIO for real-time, bidirectional, event-based communication.

Chatterbox application screenshot

Within this project I was able to delve into numerous concepts surrounding REST API's, MongoDB, user sessions, user authentication, form validation, password hashing, cors and a few other things I'm sure I'm forgetting!

I decided to bootstrap the front-end with Create React App rather than using a traditional MVC design pattern because, frankly, I enjoy writing React. Though, I have worked with Pug previously to render view files.

Instructions to play

  • Go to Chatterbox
  • Sign up for an acccount or sign in using pseudo accounts listed below
  • Open up an incognito window and sign in with a separate account
  • Start chatting!


Clone this respository:

git clone

(If you're not a fan of splitting terminal windows, feel free to npm install concurrently and write your own npm script to run both servers simultaneously. Otherwise, split your terminal windows and proceed.)

(Server terminal) Install server project dependencies:

cd chatterbox
npm install

(Client terminal) Install client project dependencies:

cd chatterbox && cd client
npm install

Create a environment variables file in the root directory

touch variables.env

Create the following variables in your variables.env file:

  • NODE_ENV=development
  • DATABASE=replace-with-mlab-driver
  • SECRET= replace-with-unique-secret

Visit to create a free database and copy & paste your driver as the value for your DATABASE variable.

(Client terminal) Run development server:

npm start

(Server terminal) Run development express server:

npm run dev

And there you have it, your own MERN stack application to tinker with!

Happy hacking!


A place where people get their chat on






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