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HHH-17292 Add test for issue
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mbladel committed Nov 15, 2023
1 parent b455277 commit 7678996
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@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or
package org.hibernate.orm.test.inheritance;

import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;

import org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit.DomainModel;
import org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit.Jira;
import org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit.SessionFactoryScope;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn;
import jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorType;
import jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorValue;
import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
import jakarta.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import jakarta.persistence.Id;
import jakarta.persistence.MappedSuperclass;
import jakarta.persistence.Table;

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

* @author Marco Belladelli
@DomainModel( annotatedClasses = {
} )
@Jira( "" )
public class MultiLevelInheritanceQueryTest {
public void setUp(SessionFactoryScope scope) {
scope.inTransaction( session -> {
session.persist( new ChildTwoEntity( 1, "superclass_1", "child_one_1", "child_two_1" ) );
session.persist( new ChildTwoEntity( 2, "superclass_2", "child_one_2", "child_two_2" ) );
} );

public void tearDown(SessionFactoryScope scope) {
scope.inTransaction( session -> session.createMutationQuery( "delete from AbstractRootEntity" ).executeUpdate() );

public void testSelectionQuery(SessionFactoryScope scope) {
scope.inTransaction( session -> {
for ( PersistentClass pc : scope.getMetadataImplementor().getEntityBindings() ) {
// Run test for each class in the inheritance tree
final Class<?> entityClass = pc.getMappedClass();
executeSelectionQuery( session, entityClass, "baseProp = 1" );
executeSelectionQuery( session, entityClass, "mappedSuperclassProp = 'superclass_1'" );
executeSelectionQuery( session, entityClass, "childOneProp = 'child_one_1'" );
executeSelectionQuery( session, entityClass, "childTwoProp = 'child_two_1'" );
} );

private void executeSelectionQuery(SessionImplementor session, Class<?> entityClass, String whereClause) {
assertThat( session.createSelectionQuery(
String.format( "from %s where %s", entityClass.getName(), whereClause ),
).getResultList() ).hasSize( 1 );

public void testMutationQuery(SessionFactoryScope scope) {
scope.inTransaction( session -> {
for ( PersistentClass pc : scope.getMetadataImplementor().getEntityBindings() ) {
// Run test for each class in the inheritance tree
final Class<?> entityClass = pc.getMappedClass();
executeMutationQuery( session, entityClass, "baseProp = 2" );
executeMutationQuery( session, entityClass, "mappedSuperclassProp = 'superclass_2'" );
executeMutationQuery( session, entityClass, "childOneProp = 'child_one_2'" );
executeMutationQuery( session, entityClass, "childTwoProp = 'child_two_2'" );
} );

private void executeMutationQuery(SessionImplementor session, Class<?> entityClass, String whereClause) {
assertThat( session.createMutationQuery( String.format(
"update %s set baseProp = 2 where %s",
) ).executeUpdate() ).isEqualTo( 1 );

@Entity( name = "AbstractRootEntity" )
@Table( name = "entity" )
@DiscriminatorColumn( name = "disc_col", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.INTEGER )
public abstract static class AbstractRootEntity {
private Long id;

private Integer baseProp;

public AbstractRootEntity() {

public AbstractRootEntity(Integer baseProp) {
this.baseProp = baseProp;

public abstract static class AbstractSuperclass extends AbstractRootEntity {
private String mappedSuperclassProp;

public AbstractSuperclass() {

public AbstractSuperclass(Integer baseProp, String mappedSuperclassProp) {
super( baseProp );
this.mappedSuperclassProp = mappedSuperclassProp;

@Entity( name = "ChildOneEntity" )
@DiscriminatorValue( "1" )
public static class ChildOneEntity extends AbstractSuperclass {
private String childOneProp;

public ChildOneEntity() {

public ChildOneEntity(Integer baseProp, String mappedSuperclassProp, String childOneProp) {
super( baseProp, mappedSuperclassProp );
this.childOneProp = childOneProp;

@Entity( name = "ChildTwoEntity" )
@DiscriminatorValue( "2" )
public static class ChildTwoEntity extends ChildOneEntity {
private String childTwoProp;

public ChildTwoEntity() {

public ChildTwoEntity(Integer baseProp, String mappedSuperclassProp, String childOneProp, String childTwoProp) {
super( baseProp, mappedSuperclassProp, childOneProp );
this.childTwoProp = childTwoProp;

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