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HHH-17632 Add test for issue
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dreab8 authored and beikov committed Jan 12, 2024
1 parent b8d9552 commit 8f3cc24
Showing 1 changed file with 184 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
package org.hibernate.orm.test.bytecode.enhancement.update;

import java.util.List;

import org.hibernate.annotations.Formula;

import org.hibernate.testing.bytecode.enhancement.BytecodeEnhancerRunner;
import org.hibernate.testing.junit4.BaseNonConfigCoreFunctionalTestCase;
import org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit.JiraKey;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

import jakarta.persistence.Basic;
import jakarta.persistence.Column;
import jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn;
import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
import jakarta.persistence.Id;
import jakarta.persistence.Inheritance;
import jakarta.persistence.InheritanceType;
import jakarta.persistence.Table;

import static jakarta.persistence.FetchType.LAZY;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;

public class JoinedInheritanceTest extends BaseNonConfigCoreFunctionalTestCase {

protected Class[] getAnnotatedClasses() {
return new Class[] {
Plane.class, A320.class

public void setUp() {
session -> {
A320 a320 = new A320( 1l, "Airbus A320", 101, true, "1.0" );
session.persist( a320 );

public void tearDown() {
session -> {
session.createMutationQuery( "delete from A320" ).executeUpdate();

public void testUpdateField() {
session -> {
A320 referenceById = session.getReference( A320.class, 1L );

referenceById.setSoftwareVersion( "2.0" );


List<A320> airbusA320 = session.createQuery(
"select a from A320 a where a.description = 'Airbus A320'" ).getResultList();
assertFalse( airbusA320.isEmpty() );
assertEquals( 1, airbusA320.size() );
A320 a320 = airbusA320.get( 0 );
assertEquals( "2.0", a320.getSoftwareVersion() );
assertTrue( a320.getLarge() );

public void testUpdateTwoFields() {
session -> {
A320 referenceById = session.getReference( A320.class, 1L );

referenceById.setSoftwareVersion( "2.0" );
referenceById.setNbrOfSeats( 103 );


List<A320> airbusA320 = session.createQuery(
"select a from A320 a where a.description like 'Airbus A320'" ).getResultList();
assertFalse( airbusA320.isEmpty() );
assertEquals( 1, airbusA320.size() );
A320 a320 = airbusA320.get( 0 );
assertEquals( "2.0", a320.getSoftwareVersion() );
assertEquals( 103, a320.getNbrOfSeats() );
assertTrue( a320.getLarge() );

@Entity(name = "A320")
@Table(name = "a320")
public static class A320 extends Plane {

@Column(name = "software_version")
private String softwareVersion;

public A320() {

public A320(Long id, String description, int nbrOfSeats, Boolean large, String softwareVersion) {
super( id, description, nbrOfSeats, large );
this.softwareVersion = softwareVersion;

public String getSoftwareVersion() {
return softwareVersion;

public void setSoftwareVersion(String softwareVersion) {
this.softwareVersion = softwareVersion;

@Table(name = "plane_table")
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
@Entity(name = "Plane")
public static class Plane {

private Long id;

private String description;

@Column(name = "nbr_of_seats")
private int nbrOfSeats;

@Basic(fetch = LAZY)
private Boolean large = false;

public Plane() {

public Plane(Long id, String description, int nbrOfSeats, Boolean large) { = id;
this.description = description;
this.nbrOfSeats = nbrOfSeats;
this.large = large;

public String getDescription() {
return description;

public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;

public int getNbrOfSeats() {
return nbrOfSeats;

public void setNbrOfSeats(int nbrOfSeats) {
this.nbrOfSeats = nbrOfSeats;

public Boolean getLarge() {
return large;

public void setLarge(Boolean large) {
this.large = large;

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