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HSEARCH-3349 Restore support for loading on out-of-date indexes when …
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…an entity was deleted then recreated with a different type
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yrodiere committed Jul 3, 2019
1 parent 9c77a60 commit 493283d
Showing 1 changed file with 53 additions and 18 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -95,11 +95,16 @@ private List<EntityReference> loadBlockingFromCache(List<EntityReference> refere
for ( EntityReference reference : references ) {
Object entityId = reference.getId();
E loadedEntity = cacheLookupStrategyImplementor.lookup( entityId );
if ( loadedEntity != null ) {
if ( loadedEntity == null ) {
missingFromCacheReferences.add( reference );
else if ( hasExpectedType( reference, loadedEntity ) ) {
entitiesByReference.put( reference, loadedEntity );
else {
missingFromCacheReferences.add( reference );
// The index is out of sync and the referenced entity does not exist anymore.
// Assume the entity we were attempting to load was deleted, and mark it as such.
entitiesByReference.put( reference, null );

Expand All @@ -112,7 +117,19 @@ private List<E> loadEntities(List<EntityReference> references) {
ids.add( (Serializable) reference.getId() );

return getMultiAccess().multiLoad( ids );
List<E> loadedEntities = getMultiAccess().multiLoad( ids );

for ( int i = 0; i < references.size(); i++ ) {
EntityReference reference = references.get( i );
E loadedEntity = loadedEntities.get( i );
if ( !hasExpectedType( reference, loadedEntity ) ) {
// The index is out of sync and the referenced entity does not exist anymore.
// Assume the entity we were attempting to load was deleted and mark it as such.
loadedEntities.set( i, null );

return loadedEntities;

private MultiIdentifierLoadAccess<E> getMultiAccess() {
Expand All @@ -123,6 +140,34 @@ private MultiIdentifierLoadAccess<E> getMultiAccess() {
return multiAccess;

* Under some circumstances, the multi-access or the cache lookups may return entities that extend E,
* but not the type expected by users.
* For example, let's consider entity types A, B, C, D, with B, C, and D extending A
* Let's imagine an instance of type B and with id 4 is deleted from the database
* and replaced with an instance of type D and id 4.
* If a search on entity types B and C is performed before the index is refreshed,
* we might be requested to load entity B with id 4,
* and since we're working with the common supertype A,
* loading will succeed but will yield an entity of type D with id 4.
* Now, the entity will still be an instance of A, but... the user doesn't care about A:
* the user asked for a search on entities B and C.
* Returning D might be a problem, especially if the user intends to call methods defined on an interface I,
* implemented by B and C, but not D.
* This will be a problem since that entity does not implement I.
* The easiest way to avoid this problem is to just check the type of every loaded entity,
* to be sure it's the same type that was originally requested.
* Then we will be safe, because callers are expected to only pass entity references
* to types that were originally targeted by the search,
* and these types are known to implement any interface that the user could possibly rely on.
private static boolean hasExpectedType(EntityReference reference, Object loadedEntity) {
return reference.getType().isInstance( loadedEntity );

private static Class<?> toRootEntityClass(SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory, Class<?> entityClass) {
* We need to rely on Hibernate ORM's SPIs: this is complex stuff.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,7 +221,7 @@ public <E> HibernateOrmComposableEntityLoader<E> create(Class<E> targetEntityTyp

public <E> HibernateOrmComposableEntityLoader<? extends E> create(List<Class<? extends E>> targetEntityTypes,
public <E2> HibernateOrmComposableEntityLoader<? extends E2> create(List<Class<? extends E2>> targetEntityTypes,
SessionImplementor session, EntityLoadingCacheLookupStrategy cacheLookupStrategy,
MutableEntityLoadingOptions loadingOptions) {
Class<?> commonSuperClass = toMostSpecificCommonEntitySuperClass( session.getSessionFactory(), targetEntityTypes );
Expand All @@ -192,24 +237,14 @@ public <E> HibernateOrmComposableEntityLoader<? extends E> create(List<Class<? e
* Theoretically, this cast is unsafe,
* since the loader could return entities of any type extending "commonSuperClass",
* which is either E or a common supertype of some child types of E.
* However, as long as both conditions below are met, the cast is safe:
* which is either E2 or a common supertype of some child types of E2.
* 1. The caller only passes entity references whose referenced type is among "entityTypes".
* 2. The entities loaded by Hibernate have the same type as, or a child type of,
* the type mentioned in the entity reference.
* However, we perform some runtime checks that make this cast safe.
* #1 is part of the contract of the entity loaders in general and should always be true.
* #2 will generally be true, though in some conditions it may not.
* For example, with entity types A, B, C, with B and C extending A,
* an instance of type B and with id 1 may be deleted and replaced with an instance of type C and id 1.
* In this case, attempting to load an entity of type B with id 1 with this loader
* will return an entity of type C with id 1.
* FIXME HSEARCH-3349: find a way to test and address this issue.
* See hasExpectedType() and its callers for more information.
HibernateOrmComposableEntityLoader<E> result = (HibernateOrmComposableEntityLoader<E>) doCreate(
HibernateOrmComposableEntityLoader<E2> result = (HibernateOrmComposableEntityLoader<E2>) doCreate(
commonSuperClass, session, cacheLookupStrategy, loadingOptions

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