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HSEARCH-3958 Use as much shared code as possible to test the spatial-…
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…within-circle predicate
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yrodiere committed Jul 1, 2020
1 parent 307d03c commit 7737e2c
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,15 +88,15 @@ protected void initData() {

protected static class IndexBinding {
final IndexFieldReference<GeoPoint> geoPoint;
final IndexFieldReference<GeoPoint> geoPoint_1;
final IndexFieldReference<GeoPoint> geoPoint_2;
final IndexFieldReference<GeoPoint> geoPoint_with_longName;
final IndexFieldReference<GeoPoint> nonProjectableGeoPoint;
final IndexFieldReference<GeoPoint> unsortableGeoPoint;
final IndexFieldReference<GeoPoint> projectableUnsortableGeoPoint;
final IndexFieldReference<String> string;
public static class IndexBinding {
public final IndexFieldReference<GeoPoint> geoPoint;
public final IndexFieldReference<GeoPoint> geoPoint_1;
public final IndexFieldReference<GeoPoint> geoPoint_2;
public final IndexFieldReference<GeoPoint> geoPoint_with_longName;
public final IndexFieldReference<GeoPoint> nonProjectableGeoPoint;
public final IndexFieldReference<GeoPoint> unsortableGeoPoint;
public final IndexFieldReference<GeoPoint> projectableUnsortableGeoPoint;
public final IndexFieldReference<String> string;

IndexBinding(IndexSchemaElement root) {
geoPoint = root.field(
Expand Down
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
* Hibernate Search, full-text search for your domain model
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>.

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatThrownBy;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;


import org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.runners.Enclosed;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;

public class SpatialWithinCirclePredicateBaseIT {

private static final GeoPointFieldTypeDescriptor supportedFieldType;
private static final List<FieldTypeDescriptor<GeoPoint>> supportedFieldTypes = new ArrayList<>();
private static final List<FieldTypeDescriptor<?>> unsupportedFieldTypes = new ArrayList<>();
static {
supportedFieldType = GeoPointFieldTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE;
supportedFieldTypes.add( supportedFieldType );
for ( FieldTypeDescriptor<?> fieldType : FieldTypeDescriptor.getAll() ) {
if ( !supportedFieldType.equals( fieldType ) ) {
unsupportedFieldTypes.add( fieldType );

public static SearchSetupHelper setupHelper = new SearchSetupHelper();

public static void setup() {
SingleFieldIT.index, MultiFieldIT.index,
InvalidFieldIT.index, UnsupportedTypeIT.index,
SearchableIT.searchableYesIndex, SearchableIT.searchableNoIndex,

final BulkIndexer singleFieldIndexer = SingleFieldIT.index.bulkIndexer();
SingleFieldIT.dataSet.contribute( SingleFieldIT.index, singleFieldIndexer );

final BulkIndexer multiFieldIndexer = MultiFieldIT.index.bulkIndexer();
MultiFieldIT.dataSet.contribute( MultiFieldIT.index, multiFieldIndexer );

final BulkIndexer scoreIndexer = ScoreIT.index.bulkIndexer();
ScoreIT.dataSet.contribute( ScoreIT.index, scoreIndexer );


private static SpatialWithinCirclePredicateTestValues testValues() {
return new SpatialWithinCirclePredicateTestValues();

public void takariCpSuiteWorkaround() {
// Workaround to get Takari-CPSuite to run this test.

public static class SingleFieldIT extends AbstractPredicateSingleFieldIT<SpatialWithinCirclePredicateTestValues> {
private static final DataSet<GeoPoint, SpatialWithinCirclePredicateTestValues> dataSet = new DataSet<>( testValues() );

private static final SimpleMappedIndex<IndexBinding> index =
SimpleMappedIndex.of( root -> new IndexBinding( root, supportedFieldTypes ) )
.name( "singleField" );

public SingleFieldIT() {
super( index, dataSet );

protected PredicateFinalStep predicate(SearchPredicateFactory f, String fieldPath, int matchingDocOrdinal) {
return f.spatial().within().field( fieldPath )
.circle( dataSet.values.matchingCenter( matchingDocOrdinal ),
dataSet.values.matchingRadius( matchingDocOrdinal ) );

public static class MultiFieldIT extends AbstractPredicateMultiFieldIT<SpatialWithinCirclePredicateTestValues> {
private static final DataSet<GeoPoint, SpatialWithinCirclePredicateTestValues> dataSet = new DataSet<>( testValues() );

private static final SimpleMappedIndex<IndexBinding> index =
SimpleMappedIndex.of( root -> new IndexBinding( root, supportedFieldTypes ) )
.name( "multiField" );

public MultiFieldIT() {
super( index, dataSet );

protected PredicateFinalStep predicateOnFieldAndField(SearchPredicateFactory f, String fieldPath,
String otherFieldPath, int matchingDocOrdinal) {
return f.spatial().within().field( fieldPath ).field( otherFieldPath )
.circle( dataSet.values.matchingCenter( matchingDocOrdinal ),
dataSet.values.matchingRadius( matchingDocOrdinal ) );

protected PredicateFinalStep predicateOnFields(SearchPredicateFactory f, String[] fieldPaths, int matchingDocOrdinal) {
return f.spatial().within().fields( fieldPaths )
.circle( dataSet.values.matchingCenter( matchingDocOrdinal ),
dataSet.values.matchingRadius( matchingDocOrdinal ) );

protected PredicateFinalStep predicateOnFieldAndFields(SearchPredicateFactory f, String fieldPath,
String[] fieldPaths, int matchingDocOrdinal) {
return f.spatial().within().field( fieldPath ).fields( fieldPaths )
.circle( dataSet.values.matchingCenter( matchingDocOrdinal ),
dataSet.values.matchingRadius( matchingDocOrdinal ) );

public static class ScoreIT extends AbstractPredicateFieldScoreIT<SpatialWithinCirclePredicateTestValues> {
private static final DataSet<GeoPoint, SpatialWithinCirclePredicateTestValues> dataSet = new DataSet<>( testValues() );

private static final SimpleMappedIndex<IndexBinding> index =
SimpleMappedIndex.of( root -> new IndexBinding( root, supportedFieldTypes ) )
.name( "score" );

public ScoreIT() {
super( index, dataSet );

protected PredicateFinalStep predicate(SearchPredicateFactory f, String fieldPath, int matchingDocOrdinal) {
return f.spatial().within().field( fieldPath )
.circle( dataSet.values.matchingCenter( matchingDocOrdinal ),
dataSet.values.matchingRadius( matchingDocOrdinal ) );

protected PredicateFinalStep predicateWithConstantScore(SearchPredicateFactory f, String[] fieldPaths,
int matchingDocOrdinal) {
throw scoreIsAlwaysConstant();

protected PredicateFinalStep predicateWithPredicateLevelBoost(SearchPredicateFactory f, String[] fieldPaths,
int matchingDocOrdinal, float predicateBoost) {
return f.spatial().within().fields( fieldPaths )
.circle( dataSet.values.matchingCenter( matchingDocOrdinal ),
dataSet.values.matchingRadius( matchingDocOrdinal ) )
.boost( predicateBoost );

protected PredicateFinalStep predicateWithConstantScoreAndPredicateLevelBoost(SearchPredicateFactory f,
String[] fieldPaths, int matchingDocOrdinal, float predicateBoost) {
throw scoreIsAlwaysConstant();

protected PredicateFinalStep predicateWithFieldLevelBoost(SearchPredicateFactory f, String fieldPath,
float fieldBoost, int matchingDocOrdinal) {
return f.spatial().within().field( fieldPath ).boost( fieldBoost )
.circle( dataSet.values.matchingCenter( matchingDocOrdinal ),
dataSet.values.matchingRadius( matchingDocOrdinal ) );

protected PredicateFinalStep predicateWithFieldLevelBoostAndConstantScore(SearchPredicateFactory f,
String fieldPath, float fieldBoost, int matchingDocOrdinal) {
throw scoreIsAlwaysConstant();

protected PredicateFinalStep predicateWithFieldLevelBoostAndPredicateLevelBoost(SearchPredicateFactory f,
String fieldPath, float fieldBoost, int matchingDocOrdinal, float predicateBoost) {
return f.spatial().within().field( fieldPath ).boost( fieldBoost )
.circle( dataSet.values.matchingCenter( matchingDocOrdinal ),
dataSet.values.matchingRadius( matchingDocOrdinal ) )
.boost( predicateBoost );

protected void assumeConstantScoreSupported() {
throw scoreIsAlwaysConstant();

private AssumptionViolatedException scoreIsAlwaysConstant() {
throw new AssumptionViolatedException( "Score is always constant for geo-point fields" );

public static class InvalidFieldIT extends AbstractPredicateInvalidFieldIT {
private static final SimpleMappedIndex<IndexBinding> index = SimpleMappedIndex.of( IndexBinding::new )
.name( "invalidField" );

public InvalidFieldIT() {
super( index );

protected void tryPredicate(SearchPredicateFactory f, String fieldPath) {
f.spatial().within().field( fieldPath )
// We need this because the backend is not involved before the call to circle()
.circle( GeoPoint.of( 0, 0 ), 1 );

public static class UnsupportedTypeIT extends AbstractPredicateUnsupportedTypeIT {
private static final List<Object[]> parameters = new ArrayList<>();
static {
for ( FieldTypeDescriptor<?> fieldType : unsupportedFieldTypes ) {
parameters.add( new Object[] { fieldType } );

private static final SimpleMappedIndex<IndexBinding> index =
SimpleMappedIndex.of( root -> new IndexBinding( root, unsupportedFieldTypes ) )
.name( "unsupportedType" );

@Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{0}")
public static List<Object[]> parameters() {
return parameters;

public UnsupportedTypeIT(FieldTypeDescriptor<?> fieldType) {
super( index, fieldType );

protected void tryPredicate(SearchPredicateFactory f, String fieldPath) {
f.spatial().within().field( fieldPath )
// We need this because the backend is not involved before the call to circle()
.circle( GeoPoint.of( 0, 0 ), 1 );

protected String predicateNameInErrorMessage() {
return "Spatial predicates";

public static class SearchableIT extends AbstractPredicateSearchableIT {
private static final SimpleMappedIndex<SearchableYesIndexBinding> searchableYesIndex =
SimpleMappedIndex.of( root -> new SearchableYesIndexBinding( root, supportedFieldTypes ) )
.name( "searchableYes" );

private static final SimpleMappedIndex<SearchableNoIndexBinding> searchableNoIndex =
SimpleMappedIndex.of( root -> new SearchableNoIndexBinding( root, supportedFieldTypes ) )
.name( "searchableNo" );

public SearchableIT() {
super( searchableYesIndex, searchableNoIndex, supportedFieldType );

protected void tryPredicate(SearchPredicateFactory f, String fieldPath) {
f.spatial().within().field( fieldPath )
// We need this because the backend is not involved before the call to circle()
.circle( GeoPoint.of( 0, 0 ), 1 );

public static class ArgumentCheckingIT extends AbstractPredicateArgumentCheckingIT {
private static final SimpleMappedIndex<IndexBinding> index =
SimpleMappedIndex.of( root -> new IndexBinding( root, supportedFieldTypes ) )
.name( "argumentChecking" );

public ArgumentCheckingIT() {
super( index, supportedFieldType );

public void nullUnit() {
SearchPredicateFactory f = index.createScope().predicate();

assertThatThrownBy( () -> f.spatial().within().field( fieldPath() ).circle( 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, null ) )
.isInstanceOf( IllegalArgumentException.class )
.hasMessageContainingAll( "must not be null" );

protected void tryPredicateWithNullMatchingParam(SearchPredicateFactory f, String fieldPath) {
f.spatial().within().field( fieldPath ).circle( null, 10.0 );
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
* Hibernate Search, full-text search for your domain model
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>.

import static;


import org.junit.Test;

public class SpatialWithinCirclePredicateSpecificsIT extends AbstractSpatialWithinSearchPredicateIT {

private static final GeoPoint METRO_HOTEL_DE_VILLE = GeoPoint.of( 45.7673396, 4.833743 );
private static final GeoPoint METRO_GARIBALDI = GeoPoint.of( 45.7515926, 4.8514779 );

public void matchMultipleDocuments() {
assertThatQuery( mainIndex.query()
.where( f -> f.spatial().within()
.field( "geoPoint" )
.circle( METRO_GARIBALDI, 1_500 ) ) )
.hasDocRefHitsAnyOrder( mainIndex.typeName(), CHEZ_MARGOTTE_ID, IMOUTO_ID );

assertThatQuery( mainIndex.query()
.where( f -> f.spatial().within()
.field( "geoPoint" )
.circle( METRO_HOTEL_DE_VILLE, 500 ) ) )
.hasDocRefHitsAnyOrder( mainIndex.typeName(), OURSON_QUI_BOIT_ID );

assertThatQuery( mainIndex.query()
.where( f -> f.spatial().within()
.field( "geoPoint" )
.circle( METRO_GARIBALDI.latitude(), METRO_GARIBALDI.longitude(), 1_500 ) ) )
.hasDocRefHitsAnyOrder( mainIndex.typeName(), CHEZ_MARGOTTE_ID, IMOUTO_ID );

assertThatQuery( mainIndex.query()
.where( f -> f.spatial().within()
.field( "geoPoint" )
.circle( METRO_GARIBALDI.latitude(), METRO_GARIBALDI.longitude(), 1.5, DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS ) ) )
.hasDocRefHitsAnyOrder( mainIndex.typeName(), CHEZ_MARGOTTE_ID, IMOUTO_ID );

assertThatQuery( mainIndex.query()
.where( f -> f.spatial().within()
.field( "geoPoint" )
.circle( METRO_GARIBALDI, 1.5, DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS ) ) )
.hasDocRefHitsAnyOrder( mainIndex.typeName(), CHEZ_MARGOTTE_ID, IMOUTO_ID );


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