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HSEARCH-4001 Document ReindexOnUpdate.SHALLOW/NO
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yrodiere committed Sep 28, 2020
1 parent 0558289 commit bb500fd
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Expand Up @@ -116,37 +116,148 @@ that whenever the list of authors changes, the result of `getMainAuthor()` may h

== Disabling reindexing with `@IndexingDependency`
== Limiting automatic reindexing with `@IndexingDependency`

In some cases, automatic reindexing is not realistically achievable:
In some cases, fully automatic reindexing is not realistically achievable:

* When a property mapped to the index is updated very frequently,
leading to a very frequent reindexing and unacceptable usage of disks or database.
* When an association is massive,
for example a single entity instance is <<mapper-orm-indexedembedded,indexed-embedded>>
in thousands of other entities.
* When a property mapped to the index is updated very frequently,
leading to a very frequent reindexing and unacceptable usage of disks or database.
* Etc.

When that happens, it is possible to tell Hibernate Search to ignore updates
to a particular property (and, in the case of `@IndexedEmbedded`, anything beyond that property).
The index will become slightly out-of-sync whenever the property is modified,
but this can be solved by <<mapper-orm-indexing-massindexer,reindexing>>,
for example every night.

.Disabling automatic reindexing with `@IndexingDependency.reindexOnUpdate`
Several options are available to control exactly how updates to a given property affect reindexing.
See the sections below for an explanation of each option.

=== `ReindexingOnUpdate.SHALLOW`: limiting automatic reindexing to same-entity updates only

`ReindexingOnUpdate.SHALLOW` is most useful when an association is highly asymmetric and therefore unidirectional.
Think associations to "reference" data such as categories, types, cities, countries, ...

It essentially tells Hibernate Search that changing an association
-- adding or removing associated elements, i.e. "shallow" updates -- should trigger automatic reindexing,
but changing properties of associated entities -- "deep" updates -- should not.

For example, let's consider the (incorrect) mapping below:

.A highly-asymmetric, unidirectional association
[source, JAVA, indent=0, subs="+callouts"]
[source, JAVA, indent=0, subs="+callouts"]
<1> Each book has an association to a `BookCategory` entity.
There are many, potentially thousands of books for each category.
<2> We want to index-embed the `BookCategory` into the `Book` ...
<3> ... but we really don't want to model the (huge) inverse association from `BookCategory` to `Book`.
Thus we use `@IndexingDependency.reindexOnUpdate` to tell Hibernate Search that `Book`
should not be reindexed when the content of a `BookCategory` changes.
If we rename a `BookCategory`, we will need to reindex the corresponding books manually.
<2> We want to <<mapper-orm-indexedembedded,index-embed>> the `BookCategory` into the `Book` ...
<3> ... but we really don't want to model the (huge) inverse association from `BookCategory` to `Book`:
There are potentially thousands of books for each category, so calling a `getBooks()` method
would lead to loading thousands of entities into the Hibernate ORM session at once,
and would perform badly.
Thus there isn't any `getBooks()` method to list all books in a category.

With this mapping, Hibernate Search will not be able to reindex all books when the category name changes:
the getter that would list all books for that category simply doesn't exist.
Since Hibernate Search tries to be safe by default,
it will reject this mapping and throw an exception at bootstrap,
saying it needs an inverse side to the `Book` -> `BookCategory` association.

However, in this case, we don't expect the name of a `BookCategory` to change.
That's really "reference" data, which changes so rarely that we can conceivably plan ahead such change
and <<mapper-orm-indexing-massindexer,reindex all books>> whenever that happens.
So we would really not mind if Hibernate Search just ignored changes to `BookCategory`...

That's what `@IndexingDependency(reindexOnUpdate = ReindexOnUpdate.SHALLOW)` is for:
it tells Hibernate Search to ignore the impact of updates to an associated entity.
See the modified mapping below:

.Limiting automatic reindexing to same-entity updates with `ReindexOnUpdate.SHALLOW`
[source, JAVA, indent=0, subs="+callouts"]
<1> We use `ReindexOnUpdate.SHALLOW` to tell Hibernate Search that `Book`
should be reindexed automatically when it's assigned a new category (`book.setCategory( newCategory )`),
but not when properties of its category change (`category.setName( newName )`).

Hibernate Search will accept the mapping above and boot successfully,
since the inverse side of the association from `Book` to `BookCategory` is no longer deemed necessary.

Only _shallow_ changes to a book's category will trigger automatic reindexing:

* When a book is assigned a new category (`book.setCategory( newCategory )`),
Hibernate Search will consider it a "shallow" change, since it only affects the `Book` entity.
Thus, Hibernate Search will reindex the book automatically.
* When a category itself changes (`category.setName( newName )`),
Hibernate Search will consider it a "deep" change, since it occurs beyond the boundaries of the `Book` entity.
Thus, Hibernate Search will *not* reindex books of that category automatically.
The index will become slightly out-of-sync,
but this can be solved by <<mapper-orm-indexing-massindexer,reindexing>> `Book` entities,
for example every night.

=== `ReindexingOnUpdate.NO`: disabling automatic reindexing for updates of a particular property

`ReindexingOnUpdate.NO` is most useful for properties that change very frequently
and don't need to be up-to-date in the index.

It essentially tells Hibernate Search that changes to that property should not trigger automatic reindexing,

For example, let's consider the mapping below:

.A frequently-changing property
[source, JAVA, indent=0, subs="+callouts"]
<1> The sensor name and status get updated very rarely.
<2> The sensor value gets updated every few milliseconds
<3> When the sensor value gets updated, we also update the rolling average over the last few seconds
(based on data not shown here).

Updates to the name and status, which are rarely updated, can perfectly well trigger automatic reindexing.
But considering there are thousands of sensors,
updates to the sensor value cannot reasonably trigger automatic reindexing:
reindexing thousands of sensors every few milliseconds probably won't perform well.

In this scenario, however, search on sensor value is not considered critical and indexes don't need to be as fresh.
We can accept indexes to lag behind a few minutes when it comes to sensor value.
We can consider setting up a batch process that runs every few seconds
to reindex all sensors, either through a <<mapper-orm-indexing-massindexer,mass indexer>>
or <<mapper-orm-indexing-manual,other means>>.
So we would really not mind if Hibernate Search just ignored changes to sensor values...

That's what `@IndexingDependency(reindexOnUpdate = ReindexOnUpdate.NO)` is for:
it tells Hibernate Search to ignore the impact of updates to the `rollingAverage` property.
See the modified mapping below:

.Disabling automatic reindexing for a particular property with `ReindexOnUpdate.NO`
[source, JAVA, indent=0, subs="+callouts"]
<1> We use `ReindexOnUpdate.NO` to tell Hibernate Search that updates to `rollingAverage`
should not trigger automatic reindexing.

With this mapping:

* When a sensor is assigned a new name (`sensor.setName( newName )`) or status (`sensor.setStatus( newStatus )`),
Hibernate Search will reindex the sensor automatically.
* When a sensor is assigned a new rolling average (`sensor.setRollingAverage( newName )`),
Hibernate Search will *not* reindex the sensor automatically.

== Programmatic mapping
Expand All @@ -170,10 +281,10 @@ include::{sourcedir}/org/hibernate/search/documentation/mapper/orm/reindexing/de

.Disabling automatic reindexing with `.indexingDependency().reindexOnUpdate(...)`
.Limiting automatic reindexing with `.indexingDependency().reindexOnUpdate(...)`
[source, JAVA, indent=0, subs="+callouts"]
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
* Hibernate Search, full-text search for your domain model
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>.

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;


import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;

public class ReindexOnUpdateNoIT {

@Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{0}")
public static List<?> params() {
return DocumentationSetupHelper.testParamsForBothAnnotationsAndProgrammatic(
mapping -> {
TypeMappingStep sensorMapping = mapping.type( Sensor.class );
sensorMapping.indexed(); "name" )
.fullTextField(); "status" )
.keywordField(); "rollingAverage" )
.indexingDependency().reindexOnUpdate( ReindexOnUpdate.NO );
} );

public DocumentationSetupHelper setupHelper;

private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;

public void setup() {
entityManagerFactory = setupHelper.start().setup( Sensor.class );

public void reindexOnUpdateNo() {
OrmUtils.withinJPATransaction( entityManagerFactory, entityManager -> {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 2000 ; ++i ) {
Sensor sensor = new Sensor();
sensor.setId( i );
sensor.setName( "Sensor " + i );
sensor.setStatus( SensorStatus.ONLINE );
sensor.setValue( 1.0 );
sensor.setRollingAverage( 1.0 );
entityManager.persist( sensor );
} );

OrmUtils.withinJPATransaction( entityManagerFactory, entityManager -> {
assertThat( countSensorsWithinOperatingParameters( entityManager ) )
.isEqualTo( 2000L );
} );

OrmUtils.withinJPATransaction( entityManagerFactory, entityManager -> {
Sensor sensor = entityManager.getReference( Sensor.class, 50 );
sensor.setStatus( SensorStatus.OFFLINE );
} );

OrmUtils.withinJPATransaction( entityManagerFactory, entityManager -> {
// The sensor was reindexed, as expected.
assertThat( countSensorsWithinOperatingParameters( entityManager ) )
.isEqualTo( 1999L );
} );

OrmUtils.withinJPATransaction( entityManagerFactory, entityManager -> {
Sensor sensor = entityManager.getReference( Sensor.class, 70 );
sensor.setRollingAverage( 0.5 );
} );

OrmUtils.withinJPATransaction( entityManagerFactory, entityManager -> {
// The sensor was *not* been reindexed, as expected.
assertThat( countSensorsWithinOperatingParameters( entityManager ) )
.isEqualTo( 1999L );
} );

OrmUtils.withinJPATransaction( entityManagerFactory, entityManager -> {
Sensor sensor = entityManager.getReference( Sensor.class, 70 );
Search.session( entityManager ).indexingPlan().addOrUpdate( sensor );
} );

OrmUtils.withinJPATransaction( entityManagerFactory, entityManager -> {
// The sensor was reindexed, as expected.
assertThat( countSensorsWithinOperatingParameters( entityManager ) )
.isEqualTo( 1998L );
} );

private long countSensorsWithinOperatingParameters(EntityManager entityManager) {
return Search.session( entityManager ).search( Sensor.class )
.where( f -> f.bool()
.must( f.match().field( "status" ).matching( SensorStatus.ONLINE ) )
.must( f.range().field( "rollingAverage" ).between( 0.9, 1.1 ) ) )

@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
* Hibernate Search, full-text search for your domain model
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later
* See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>.

import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;


public class Sensor {

private Integer id;

private String name;

private SensorStatus status;

private double value;

@IndexingDependency(reindexOnUpdate = ReindexOnUpdate.NO) // <1>
private double rollingAverage;

public Sensor() {

// Getters and setters
// ...

public Integer getId() {
return id;

public void setId(Integer id) { = id;

public String getName() {
return name;

public void setName(String name) { = name;

public SensorStatus getStatus() {
return status;

public void setStatus(SensorStatus status) {
this.status = status;

public double getValue() {
return value;

public void setValue(double value) {
this.value = value;

public double getRollingAverage() {
return rollingAverage;

public void setRollingAverage(double rollingAverage) {
this.rollingAverage = rollingAverage;

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