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Installation and Startup

hibikikuze4dan edited this page Jun 20, 2024 · 7 revisions

Unless you're git and node savvy, the only way to run the app right now is through Docker. You can get the Docker image for the app here and create a new container with it.

When accessing the app for the first time you will see two fields

Only the server address is always required. The api key may be required based on your own Lanraragi configuration. After clicking "Set Address", if everything was set and configured correctly, you should be brought to the "Random" page and presented with archives to browse.

For optimal viewing on mobile phones and tablets, it is recommended to use your mobile browser's "Add to Home screen"/"Install" option to add the web page for this app as an app optimized for your mobile or tablet device.


You may need to enable CORS in your Lanraragi settings for this app to be able to make successful requests to the Lanraragi api. Once you update that setting and save the change you will have to restart your Lanraragi instance for the change to take effect.

If you have No-Fun Mode enabled, you won't be able to view any images due to how the app currently makes requests to the Lanraragi API for images unless you change the "Is No-Fun Mode Enabled on Lanraragi" setting on the settings page.

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