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hibri edited this page Jun 17, 2012 · 1 revision
  • Observe only. Avoid the temptation to jump in.

  • On the rare occasion that the interviewer and candidate are stuck, offer help.

  • Record the candidates actions as they happen.

  • Note how the candidate writes code. For example

    “Wrote first test and named it Should_xxxxx”

    “Used the strategy patterns”

    “Good use of keyboard shortcuts” or “Did not know how to use refactoring tools”

    “Writes code before writing a failing test”

    "Did not listen to suggestions”

    “Learn't from mistake quickly”

    “Gets a green test”

    “Uses debugger heavily”

  • Keep observations and opinions as separate entries.

  • Save your notes for discussion after the interview.

  • In some companies the notes will be required by HR.

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